Arcane Lord

Chapter 2536 Legal construction, remote conference plan

————A little late, about 20 minutes~~


So Xia Duo concluded: "Therefore, we can assume that unless it is a society that is still struggling on the edge of survival, maintaining slavery will always do more harm than good."

"I understand!" Nia suddenly exclaimed.

"What do you understand?"

Under Xia Duo's expectant eyes, Nia gave a somewhat surprising answer, "I understand why you chose this path from the perspective of the development of the times, because you think that the superiority of this path is better than any other path that can be found in the past or in the future!"

"Continue--" Xia Duo motioned Nia to continue.

Encouraged by Xia Duo, Nia continued the thought experiment just now and continued:

"Slaves have no freedom, let alone respect, so give them freedom, give them respect, and guarantee all their rights, so that they are no lower than anyone else in the same society!

"In this case, they have only one purpose in life-to live better for themselves, and this is just the minimum, he can do whatever he wants.

After all, think about it from another angle. If the study of magic is profitable, which slave owner is willing to free the slaves who were originally completely under his control?

Hearing Xia Shao's first answer, Niya suddenly felt that it was not real. It turned out that Xia Shao was absolutely confident about such a future!

The reason why he said that was mainly because Xia Shao was worried that Niya would be tempted by short-term (relative to the ultimate goal) personal interests and go astray.

And that goal was not completely based on belief. To a certain extent, it was also a choice based on rationality. After thinking about that problem, Niya's heart was suddenly less nervous.

But in the magic world, this may not be the case. At most, Xia Shao himself thought of a way to completely control life from the body to the soul. Although I am still sure where the lower limit of that kind of means can be controlled, there is always no more sophisticated means.

"Of course it's difficult, but you doubt that it's impossible to achieve. And as an ideal, or a long-term goal, it must be easy to achieve. Can it still be considered an ideal or a long-term goal?"

Even on Earth, there are no similar means, and the cost may not be low. It is difficult to achieve just based on the technical level when Xia Shao left, but it is impossible to achieve in theory. As long as you learn, the cost is actually a problem.

After all, the ultimate goal seems so far away and reachable, even Xia Shao himself can't help being tempted, so what I want is to use a little visible setback in the current practice to let Niya learn about the ultimate goal.

For Xia Shao's answer, Niya thought for a moment, nodded, but raised doubts again: "But is such a society really impossible to achieve? Is there any oppression? Everyone is equal?"

But my selfishness is to follow morality and go against the trend of the times. I don't think there is anything wrong with not having such selfishness.

At that moment, Niya even felt that children were so important, of course they had to be gone, so at most there would not be one less future companion.

"This kind of action driven by the heart is undoubtedly the most efficient."

But there is definitely no one who is not sure whether Xia Shao can achieve a goal that is small enough and long enough. The two of them have a so-called previous goal. Facing such a goal, the two will always retreat hand in hand side by side.

At that moment, you understand the truest thoughts in your heart-Xia Shao has been regressing rapidly, which makes you feel that it is difficult to keep up with the idea of ​​gains and losses.

Of course, the specific implementation of the two principles is not so difficult, involving the most fundamental institutional design of a society and the subsequent maintenance and improvement.

Of course, insulting me is not equal to completely interfering and influencing me. Bad ideas need to be shared. It must be completely managing and caring for me, or deliberately keeping oneself "invisible". Is there any difference between this world and the person with me?

But I don't have a long enough life, which makes me hesitate to want to see the lower-level scenery! That is actually the selfishness of my explanation to Niya just now.

Whether to give me the power of choice.

There is a saying in Xia Shao's hometown that "it is difficult to start a business and it is difficult to keep a business." It can hardly describe the process. In fact, starting a business itself is difficult, and keeping a business is even more difficult.

To some extent, that is also the most complicated way to distinguish between orthodox religions and cults. It depends on whether they are forced to join the religion. As long as they are forced to join the religion, no matter how bad the doctrine sounds, they are all cults. In the future, as long as there are too outrageous changes, my students will hesitate to move to that path.

Of course, this path is not just about treating the people well. It is too narrow to think so. In essence, it is a more inefficient way of organization and resource utilization. As for good and evil, or based on the cognition of the earth, the cost of using good is higher.

Xia Shao saw that Niya seemed to have no understanding, so he didn't say anything. In fact, I didn't say anything. This is not-definitely heading for the ultimate goal. So just liberating slaves and even improving the treatment of the people does not mean that oppression will increase, but it may be worse.

"What you are worried about is actually a decision-making problem. In your opinion, it is not a problem. In summary, it is not two principles-whoever listens to whoever is not listening, and the majority obeys the minority."

Of course, I am the same. I may encounter something in the future that will lead to a complete Taoist heart, but at most, I still doubt that this goal is superior and impossible to achieve.

But in the end, Niya hesitated a little, "But in such a society where everyone is equal and everyone can do whatever they want, in what direction should it develop? Everyone has their own ideas, How do you reconcile those different ideas?”

To be honest, Mr. Xia Xia has a lifespan of only a hundred years. I will definitely choose the path of almost going against the whole world. In the magical world where individuals are weak and strong, it is extremely difficult to open up a very small gap. That kind of Road is almost possible.

Whether it affects or interferes is the key. As long as I exist in that world, I will always affect the other world. The key is——

Using the theory of my hometown to explain Xiao Dian’s studies, as long as there is communism, exploitation still exists, and the more developed the productive forces are, the more thorough the exploitation will be.

It's just that Mr. Guo Xia is not a person with overwhelming desires, and I also agree with morality and know how to restrain myself, so I chose the good side and chose to insult everyone's ego, but to respect everyone's ego. Since you, give me your weak will.

The so-called "more thorough" means that the ratio of personal income to output will become higher and higher as productivity increases!

You originally wanted to say something, but suddenly you have nothing to say anymore. The road ahead is not very long yet, and you want to understand and experience it quickly.

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