Arcane Lord

Chapter 2547 Allowing enjoyment and improving the legal system

Of course, the household registration statistical report not only records the number of subjects and potential subjects, but also the type of work in the territory, personnel division of labor, number of households granted land, etc. that Xia Duo is more concerned about.

At present, all the reserve citizens in the territory have been incorporated into the Development Department. From Codex Square to the north,

Needless to say, the formal citizens, those who have been granted land, have already lived a comfortable and comfortable life. Some of them continue to participate in the development and earn double wages; some cultivate their own land in peace and enjoy the rich harvest every season.

Some entrusted the land to the village collective, and joined the territorial workshops to learn a craft and work hard to improve themselves; others had the ambition to learn magic that they had never had in the past, and worked hard with their children or at night classes in the territory. study.

Some actively exercise and join the Territorial Guard to protect this hard-won happy home; some continue to study the code of law to seek opportunities to join the Government Affairs Department.

Of course, there are those who live actively and those who enjoy passively, but the positivity and negativity here are only seen from Xia Duo's perspective.

During the land granting ceremony, the subjects who have been granted land will be rewarded with certain gold coins based on the amount of merit accumulated during the development period. Some people have never seen it before, let alone actually owned so many gold coins. Suddenly they got rich and forgot about everything. Unbridled enjoyment.

In this regard, Xia Duo is not prepared to interfere. To be honest, the conditions that those who are greedy for pleasure can enjoy now are actually not as good as the basic welfare that he can enjoy as a member of the general public in his hometown!

I just don’t regret that these people did not seize the opportunity of the small development of the territory, actively participate in the construction of the territory or learn on their own. It would be regretful to enjoy the future now.

But that's just my personal opinion. I'm not going to impose my thoughts on everyone. I haven't given you a choice yet. The choice is a personal matter.

After thinking about it carefully, Mr. Xia still felt that there was no need to improve the law. It was just the consumption tax. Other things that I could add later were limited to territorial development, so I couldn't add them all at the same time.

As long as they violate Xiaoxia's code, the territory can accommodate those who want to lie down. In fact, just lying down is actually very convenient.

I am more inclined to think that these people in the territory are just a revengeful rebound from the previous rich. Once we get used to the enjoyment of being rich, this is actually very interesting.

Another example is that in response to the emerging trend of hedonism among the people who have been granted land, Laidun proposed to increase the consumption tax to force these people to calm down, plan a new life, and avoid sitting on nothing.

For example, if residents entrust land to village collectives, Laiton suggests piloting cooperatives in villages with less entrusted land.

Because there were not many things in that world that were more boring than the enjoyment of simple sensory stimulation, such as the magic of magic, the vastness of the main plane and even the vast universe.

As Mr. Xia's most trusted territorial governor, Lai Dun is undoubtedly very competent in his job. In the household registration statistics report, I only recorded in detail the living conditions of the people after the land was granted to them, and I also made some suggestions on this. .

Those citizens who have no chance to see true prosperity can only settle for excessive sensory or vanity stimulation. How can they make Young Master Xia feel sad and regretful?

If you want to intervene directly at that time, it will be such a bad move. You must cooperate with appropriate economic laws to implement macro-control in a small direction. Otherwise, random intervention may cause influence to go in the direction that is not intended, making the development of the territory a mess.

Before Laiton saw signs of this, the pilot program of cooperatives in the territory had not yet been completed.

But after seeing Mr. Xia outside, I didn't make a decision directly. I was considering the impact of enacting a consumption tax. The current development status of the territory is far from reaching the era of commodity economy, and the consumption tax is basically used to guide the direction of consumption.

Now is a bad time to lay a solid foundation! Some of Laiton's suggestions, which involve current legal changes, have not yet been implemented, such as cooperatives, which were not mentioned by Mr. Xia in the "Agricultural Book" very early. Many territories in the mainland have not yet been organized. It was only because of Mr. Xia's instructions that Xiao Xia Ling did not back down.

In a civilization or a society, the individuals in it certainly don’t even have the right to enjoy it. This civilization and that society are really not that advanced.

There is no doubt that the new tax type requires modification of the tax law part of the current code. Of course, Laiton cannot make the decision, and only Mr. Xia has no right to modify the law.

Nowadays, many people are willing to farm, entrust the land to the village collective, and learn the crafts themselves to be workers. There are fewer such people in the same village, so it is natural to organize cooperatives to return to cooperative production, which of course is in agriculture.

Raising taxes rashly may give the residents a sense that their lives are stable and development is secure, but to some extent it is not undermining the goodwill of the people.

Of course, the people are also gradually awakening to low-level enjoyment. In that process, what the territory has to do is to force us to do something, but the necessary guidance must be sufficient.

Consumption tax, on the other hand, is a new tax. The Government Affairs Office in Laiton can only formulate administrative regulations that are above the law. Although the regulations are revised day and night, the regulations are still much more flexible than the code.

For example, for the people in the territory to learn magic, Laiton proposed to establish a formal junior magic school in the territory. The night school here cannot be expanded in size and add daytime courses, but only to popularize the law or literacy.

The lower the state of civilization, the more restrictions there are on individual freedom, which of course includes the freedom of enjoyment. The legendary distribution according to need undoubtedly corresponds to the extremely low-level state of civilization.

But the consumption tax must also be implemented. At present, the economic structure of the territory is very complicated. It cannot be said that it is completely controlled by my subordinates. However, as the territory develops, usually before the civilian use of magic becomes popular, the territory's economic volume will expand rapidly and the structure will also change. It will be more convenient.

Another example is the official junior magic school and full-time school. The Ministry of Culture and Education has not yet finished the relevant work. However, due to factors such as manpower and teaching materials, the new school is also in a pilot state.

When there are fewer people outside the village to learn skills, we cannot retreat to industrial cooperation experiments.

It must have been in the past. For those who were familiar with the law and had no idea about it, the citizens might feel that there were traps outside. However, since the Xiaoxia Code has been implemented, the citizens have a very low sense of recognition of the Xiaoxia Code.

I care about whether the people in the special territory are greedy for enjoyment. Very rarely, the more they want to enjoy, the more they can stimulate their desire for lower-level pursuits in the future.

For example, the upcoming art festival may be able to inject a bit of humanistic vitality into the mechanical and impetuous atmosphere of the territory.

A word from our side may be more useless than the law written on paper.

At present, Young Master Xia's territory is far from being distributed according to needs. Now that the people in the territory are content to enjoy these things, Young Master Xia doesn't feel a little sad when he sees it, is that all?

Those people must have had the idea of ​​creating art, even if it was just casually making up some ballads or drawing some graffiti, this Young Master Xia would look down on us.

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