Arcane Lord

Chapter 2592 Plane Attraction, Exploring New Paths

Returning to the floating city, Sha Duo immediately checked the demiplane anchoring device in the laboratory and made sure that the demiplane trajectory was still stable, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he continued to check the demiplane detection equipment, and observed the demiplane from the perspective of the etheric layer. Sure enough, it was different from inside the plane, and the difference was not small.

Just now, Xia Duo was in the demiplane and personally experienced the process of changing the gravity of the plane. In the absence of external interference, if this situation occurs in the plane, it can basically be determined to be the source of the plane or the basic foundation of the plane. The architecture, elemental material cycle, has changed dramatically in a short period of time.

And now this demiplane is receiving repulsive force between planes. Sha Duo is not sure whether this repulsive force changes the state inside the plane permanently or temporarily.

But the space-time state of this demiplane itself in the etheric layer is still the same as before, without any changes. At most, the position has changed, and its own attributes are still the same as before.

"Is it a delayed feedback? Or is this just a temporary change in plane contact?"

Xia Duo couldn't tell for the time being, but if nothing unexpected happened, there would be results soon. He silently counted the delay time of the spell left in the demiplane in his mind, and stared at the readings of the two devices with anticipation.

He preferred that the readings reflected the latter, so that he could complete this series of experiments in one demiplane.

Although the [World Incubator] can mass-produce demi-planes, time costs are also costs, and maintenance costs cannot be ignored. It would be great if the experiment could be completed with one demi-plane.

However, Xia Duo's idea soon came to nothing. The demiplane anchoring equipment suddenly sounded an alarm, and the action trajectory of demiplane No. 1 used for plane contact experiments suddenly deviated from the preset path with great changes.

At the same time, in response to the monitoring of the state of the demiplane in the etheric layer, the space-time state of demiplane No. 1 in the etheric layer became as if it were nothing. Sha Duo had an idea almost instantly -

The plane barrier has disappeared!

Only when the boundary between existence and non-existence, such as the plane barrier, disappears, will such a change in time and space state occur in the etheric layer.

Xia Duo then adjusted the detection direction and detection level of the detection array and tried to search for specific traces of the disappearance of the demiplane. This view surprised Xia Duo even more.

It was almost a scene of plane collapse visible to the naked eye. Various elements and material images were completely dissolved by the invisible power of the etheric layer. The speed was so fast that even though Xia Duo did not delay anything, he could only see the end——

Everything faded into nothingness, leaving only a small object that also had a weak impact on the etheric layer!

"So lucky? This produced a plane crystal?"

Xia Duo could hardly believe his eyes. This was completely different from the plane crystal obtained by the crystallization method. This was the real plane crystal born from the natural destruction of the plane!

The properties of the former are determined by the "crystal seeds" planted in advance, while the latter are related to the properties of the plane of destruction, but the properties of the plane can create different demi-planes and change them at will.

It's just that Xia Duo's purpose of obtaining crystals of planes with different attributes was to create demiplanes with different attributes. Now it's the other way around, which is a bit funny.

However, the plane crystals of these new attributes can be obtained by destroying some small sub-planes, and then using these plane crystals to create demiplanes.

But this is also like taking off your pants and farting, and the gain outweighs the loss.

And the most important thing is that he is still not sure whether the appearance of this plane crystal is luck? Or will plane crystallization occur as long as it breaks through the repulsion limit and collapses?

If it is the former, everything is in vain, and even if it is the latter, it is just one more way to obtain plane crystals that is not practical at all.

"It's a pity that I can't get this plane crystal!"

Plane crystals exist in the etheric layer. Of course, more specifically, they exist in the area where the plane barrier of the main plane is close to the etheric layer. The proportion of "nothing" is much greater than "there", so that demiplane is so easy. die.

But there is still a restricted area that Sha Duo can access. He can interfere with the plane barrier that is essentially boundless, but he cannot interfere with the plane crystals that are already considered "existent" in essence.

In other words, it can also interfere, but the intensity of interference is extremely small. After all, plane crystals can also affect the space-time state of the etheric layer, but this impact is far less than its predecessor with a plane barrier.

Xia Duo tried to "fish" it, but found that the surface crystal had only moved slightly in the direction of the main plane itself, and was not even as attractive as the main plane itself.

Yes, Chateau once again discovered a phenomenon that may have never been discovered or published before, which is the attraction of the main plane to existing things.

In other words, if you want to take the plane barrier from the main plane to the etheric plane, and then explore the alien plane, you not only need to have the ability to survive in the near-empty base state space and time of the etheric plane, but you also need to be able to resist the attraction of the main plane. Ability.

The former can use demiplane vehicles, as long as they find a way to move autonomously in the demiplane, or if they only explore "near ground", Shado can do it now.

But if you start directly from the main plane and pass through the plane barrier into the etheric layer, it is not feasible to use a demiplane vehicle, because at such a close distance, you may be compressed and collapse the moment you enter the plane barrier. .

Unless this plane barrier can be opened and closed at will, even then it must be able to overcome the attraction of the main plane to existing things.

"No wonder when I tried to enter the plane barrier at the edge of the plane before, I could only stick to its surface and not go deep!"

Xia Duo suddenly realized that maybe it was due to the attraction of the main body to the existing thing!

Future exploration of the ethereal layer may involve building a demiplane base near the main plane, similar to the way a space base is built on Earth, and then other demiplane vehicles will start from that base and continue to explore outwards.

If a demiplane vehicle is not used, the exploration device must at least have the characteristics of a plane barrier to resist the ubiquitous ground-state void force in the etheric layer.

Previously, Xia Duo had dreamed of driving the floating city directly to explore an alien plane. Now after this experiment, he realized how naive that idea was.

However, this may not be regarded as a long-term goal, and it does not necessarily have to be a floating city, it can also be various detectors.

There is only one reason. The efficiency of discovering alien planes through plane exploration arrays within the plane is really too low. Of course, these two methods can be combined.

On the one hand, we are exploring the etheric layer and studying the properties of the etheric layer, in order to try to improve the new exploration array; on the other hand, we need to increase the construction of the exploration array. One is not enough, we need to build more and use them more.

Exploring the array to discover new planes can also become an important reference for studying the etheric layer. Sha Duo instinctively felt that these two methods or paths should complement each other!

“As expected, true knowledge comes from practice!”

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