Arcane Lord

Chapter 2708 Magic Glue Production Capacity

"I see."

After listening to Leiden's story, Chateau also roughly understood the reason why the other party used the porcelain solution, mainly due to cost issues.

Not only the cost of the plan itself, but also the hidden costs behind the plan. For example, the restraint array is actually not that useless, but there is no restraint array specifically designed to target the characteristics of the magic glue monster.

But if you want to design a special magic circle, you obviously need to invest more research costs, not only on the magic circle, but also on the research of magic glue monsters.

However, Xia Duo does not necessarily have to fill the Magic Glue Monster Farm with magical elements. Although the Tower of Time is currently facing increasing employment pressure for new mages, it is not necessarily necessary to forcefully add magical elements and create magic out of thin air. magic position, that would be too formalistic.

Magic positions should still be based on reality and can be innovated, but cannot be fabricated out of thin air. Of course, the positions in the Magic Glue Monster Farm are not fabricated out of thin air. It is just that when there is a more suitable plan, there is no need to deliberately increase the cost of increasing magic positions.

Now, the Tower of Time already has a middle school education plan for the new mage. Classes will only start after the winter solstice. There is actually not that much demand for new positions.

In other words, continuing to study is a new position created by Xia Duo.

At this moment, Xia Duo finally understood why the universities in his hometown were always expanding their enrollment. To a large extent, it was to relieve employment pressure.

Whether it is high school, university or graduate school, so many talents have been trained. If they cannot be given employment, it will inevitably become a factor of social instability.

In this case, by bringing these people back to school through enrollment expansion, the employability can be greatly alleviated and more time will be provided for the development of new industries and new fields.

Once new fields and industries are opened up, they will be able to accommodate many graduates at once, and there may even be a shortage of talents. This is the correct way to fundamentally solve the employment problem.

Expanding enrollment and further education is just a relief. If we don’t think about opening up new fields and new industries, expanding enrollment and further education will become a poison to quench thirst. The more we expand enrollment, the greater the pressure, and the more we expand enrollment, the more talents are wasted.

When this situation reaches a level that society and the people cannot bear, bottom-up changes may occur.

Therefore, from the day the Tower of Time restructured, expanded its enrollment, and popularized magic education, Sha Duo has always been concerned about the employment of new mages.

Fortunately, everything is in its infancy now, and with our hometown and the Heart of Heart Alliance as reference, at least within ten years, there will be no major problems that shake the foundations of Daxia Territory and the Tower of Time.

"Spell constraints must also be taken into consideration. Inuvich can pay attention to this aspect." Sha Duo left instructions casually and continued to visit.

Just after taking a glance from the outside, the next step is to enter the inside of the breeding farm. Of course, this is more of a formality. It is a bit redundant for Sha Duo himself, but it is not redundant at all for Leiden and others.

Entering the farm, Xia Duo saw the slowly surging water in the square pool in the center that occupied most of the area. At first glance, there was only one pool of water in it, but in fact there were four transparent magic glue monsters entwined with each other. .

"If you raise four of them one by one, won't they eat each other?" Xia Duo asked curiously.

"Normally, not. Although they all originate from the same individual, they have now become independent individuals, and there is no tendency to devour each other before."

"You said it wouldn't happen under normal circumstances, but under what circumstances would they eat each other?"

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