Arcane Lord

Chapter 2762 Human Dancer Makes Public Statement

"At this time last year, I talked with Istria about the current situation in the North at Dawn Garden. At that time, I was very optimistic and mentioned that the problem of the demons was not to be feared. I didn't expect that less than a year later, I paid the price for my contempt!

"Metril - the trading city, the city of mages, and the city of poetry in the south of Yeerlan, was almost destroyed by the demons two months ago. Fortunately, the timely and decisive action of the Alliance investigators prevented the tragedy.

"Here, on behalf of Yeerlan, I would like to express my most sincere thanks to all the investigators!"

Helion said this in a deep tone, and his tone was rarely modified, just like a non-elf who was just learning the Elven language and said it meticulously.

This may seem a bit amateurish at ordinary times, but it unexpectedly seems particularly solemn in such a grand banquet.

Then Helien continued to talk about the history of Metril and the traditions of Yeerlan, and then changed the subject and began to recall the history of Yeerlan's exchanges with the northern countries.

The focus was on the honeymoon period with Netheril, and during the story told by the Crown King Hellion, the empty space in the center of the temple was not really empty.

Excellent dance artists from all over Yeerlan improvised dances of different styles, but overall very harmonious dances according to the Crown King's story.

What surprised Shado the most was that Yeerlan also found one or two human dancers to perform the sorrow and lingering in the relationship between humans and elves.

Even Shado, an outsider who didn't know much about dance, could appreciate the indescribable diversity of expressions from their movements, expressions, and demeanor.

He asked Fimae if he knew about the two human dancers, and Fimae said--"Many humans yearn for the Elven Kingdom. Even the Seven Towers cannot know the whereabouts of all the Nether people. Judging from the skilled skills of these two dancers, they should have settled in the Elven world for a long time." "Alas!" Shado sighed in his heart. If he had doubts about the talent and potential of humans in the past, then today, seeing the dancing postures of these two human dancers, they have attainments that are not inferior to the elves even in the art field that the elves are most proud of, let alone other fields. It's a pity that these two talents were not cultivated by human society! Of course, the current Netheril cannot cultivate such outstanding dancers, and this fact makes Shado sigh even more. The road ahead is long, and we need to work harder! …

“This year is the third year since the establishment of the Northern Alliance. Of course, before the establishment of the Northern Alliance, a basic international exchange system had already been established between the countries in the North.

“But it was not until the establishment of the Northern Alliance that this new international system based on the alliance covenant was truly alive. From then on, countries can abandon prejudice and seek common development.”

Today is not the first time that Xia Duo has met King Helian, but it is indeed the first time to hear him speak so seriously.

However, such a public statement in such a public occasion also represents the true thoughts of the ruling group of Yeerlan to a certain extent. In other words, seeking common development with other countries within the framework of the alliance has become a consensus in Yeerlan.

Although this does not mean that Yeerlan has given up its attempt to dominate, it will put more competition and conflict within the framework of the alliance, showing great respect for the order of the Northern Alliance.

In the past, apart from Everiska, there were few heads of state who made such a clear statement in public. Openly express support for the Northern Alliance at the opening.

I believe that after today, other countries will also express similar views, so that the order of the Northern Alliance will be completely stabilized.

Apart from other things, just this point, King Helian Crown has won a historical status beyond the heads of other countries, and people in later generations will inevitably praise him for his noble character.

Even Xia Duo changed his opinion of Yeerlan because of King Helian Crown's statement.

After that, Helian didn't say much, but acted as the guide of the banquet, sometimes introducing the performers in the center of his hall, and sometimes introducing Yeerlan's special food to envoys from various countries.

1 Everything was going to go on like a normal banquet. Just when Shado was wondering why Hellion hadn't taken action yet, the performance on the field had already reached the sword duel stage.

In this stage, guests can also perform on stage. Shado had been challenged by the elven sword master when he attended a dinner in Everiska before.

At that time, his reputation was not prominent, but even so, there were still elves challenging him. On the one hand, this was indeed provocative, but on the other hand, it also somewhat showed the elves' hobby of sword duels.

Now he has both the title of sword master and the title of Metriel Savior. If he can defeat him, any elf may be defeated. Become famous through fighting.

Therefore, Xia Duo was really worried about the appearance of challengers, but not because he was afraid of losing, but because he found it troublesome. With his current understanding of swordsmanship, it was impossible for anyone to surpass him without using magic.

Elves were no exception.

The ultimate of swordsmanship is strength and skill. Strength is power, and skill is technique. However, strength and technique have limits, which means that in the end, the competition is still equivalent to a physical competition.

Or to put it another way, there are too few variables in a swordsmanship duel. Basically, from the moment the opponent raises his hand, Xia Duo can predict all the subsequent duels.

Just imagine what is the point of such a competition?

Some people may say that it is better to perform on the spot. If Sha Duo comes in his original form, there is indeed a possibility that he will not perform well, but now that he has come as an incarnation, it is almost impossible to make mistakes.

Not to mention the intelligent brain-assisted calculations, and the avatar itself exceeds the output limits of the normal human body (strength, angle, etc.).

Xia Duo can say without hesitation that there are probably not one or two elves in the entire Yeerlan country who can defeat him in pure swordsmanship.

Of course, if someone really challenges him, he will not refuse. Elves are extremely proud in many fields such as magic, art, swordsmanship, etc. The best way to talk to elves is to surpass them in the areas they are proud of.

Otherwise, be prepared to talk into their nostrils at all times!

Although Xia Duo has gained the respect of the elves to a large extent now, if he can gain further respect, he will definitely not refuse.

Therefore, although he did not want to perform an overly boring sword duel, he was ready to accept the challenge, but he may have overthought it, as no elf at the scene wanted to use him as a stepping stone.

Think about it, the elves in the Starry Temple are either already the de facto rulers of this country, or they are quasi-rulers, and there is no need to flaunt themselves with so-called swordsmanship achievements.

If they really come on stage, it will be more for livening up the atmosphere and pure exchange of swordsmanship, and not for any other purpose - right?

It was impossible to say for sure. Xia Duo had always wondered when Ye Erlan would take action to arrest the demon elements. At the same time, he was also curious about why Philipa had so much confidence that he would not accidentally hurt other guests.

A sword duel challenge might be a good opportunity to create a reasonably isolated situation.

Because generally no one would refuse a challenge, and in order to prevent accidental injury to others during sword duels, it is a habit to set up protective barriers.

So is the action about to begin?

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