Arcane Lord

Chapter 2809 Visual Exchange Interface

However, it was useless for Xia Duo to think about it on his own. The person involved, Ai Burke, had to be willing. Xia Duo kept this matter in mind and planned to discuss with Niya that evening how to find a partner for Ai Bike.

"By the way, Niya, let's get down to business. What do you want from me?"

"I have some ideas about the new function of Communication Mystery Lock, but I always feel that it is still lacking. I would like to hear your opinion."

With that said, Niya told Sha Duo, and of course Ai Burke, her ideas about the new functions of the Communication Mystery Lock to be updated this time. If Ai Burke can also put forward constructive suggestions, Niya is willing to accept them.

However, Aibok didn't know much about this mysterious field. Even the communication tools distributed by the Tower of Time were rarely used, so he didn't continue to speak at this time.

On the other hand, Xia Duo almost understood Niya's confusion after listening to it. He told Niya, "In fact, there is only one thing you feel is missing, an interactive interface that can fully demonstrate the new functions of My Lock!"

The communication tools of the Tower of Time include various communication tools on the market in Netheril in the past, and even the communication tools of the elves have no interactive interface.

This is a bit similar to the various electrical appliances in Xia Duo's hometown in the early days of industrial development. Basically, they just have a core function and a switch.

In Xia Duo's era, even rice cookers could be connected to the Internet and had a separate screen to display their status. These functions were not necessarily necessary, but they were definitely easier to use for first-time users. .

Of course, the "first time" here has a premise, that is, he was born in the era of Xia Duo, and he has been exposed to and understood electronic products, so that it will be easier to get started when he comes into contact with other types of products.

If not, there is a learning threshold, but the learning threshold is not high. Ordinary people can learn it as long as they are willing to learn. Xia Duo alone knows several old people who can't read a few characters and can play with mobile phones better than young people. .

Good human-computer interaction design will greatly lower the learning threshold. In fact, it is not necessarily more difficult for old people to learn to use mobile phones than it is for young people to learn to use first-generation electrical appliances.

Human-computer interaction belongs to the field of industrial design. There was certainly no mature industrial design at the beginning of industrial development. This field gradually developed during the process of industrial development.

The mass production design of magic items such as the Tower of Time is a type of industrial design, but industrial design is more combined with aesthetics, considering how to make the product more beautiful, more ergonomic, easier to use, etc.

Therefore, for the same type of industrial products, most of the time, the more developed they are, the more convenient they are to use.

In fact, not only communication instruments, but also almost any magical creation on the main plane has no interactive interface. This is partly because the main plane has not yet developed to the point where it needs to be considered.

On the other hand, of course, it is because of magic. Most magic items can be synchronized with the caster, achieving a state of "integration of man and machine" that is almost impossible to achieve on earth.

In this case, the so-called "interactive interface" is not necessarily necessary.

In addition, another reason is that the general core function of magic items is only one, or there are only a few more, and there is no need to use an interactive interface to integrate the various functional states.

But Mystery Locks are different. Most Mystery Locks have many functions. Not to mention other things, the permission management alone is almost more complicated than any ordinary magic item, let alone other functions.

Elf's Mystery has a "human-computer interaction design", but it may not be a visual "interaction interface". The two are completely different concepts.

In fact, the design of mislock permissions is part of the human-computer interaction design, and the combination of other functions and permissions also needs to be considered clearly in advance, and it cannot be messed up.

Nowadays, this idea is just applied to personal communication instruments, and in addition, a visual interactive interface is added.

This is enough to widen the gap with any communication instrument in the past.

In the laboratory.

Niya's eyes suddenly lit up after receiving Sha Duo's reminder. She didn't need Sha Duo's further explanation. She already figured out what to do next:

"I can add a projection function to the Mystery Lock. The user can summon the projection. This projection will obtain specific status information based on the communication weapon it holds in the Mystery Lock, just like the management of the Tower of Time. Panel like that!”

"Yes, it not only includes the status of existing functions, but also adds new functions that will be released soon, so as to maintain users' expectations for the subsequent new functions of the new communication device."

The interactive interface that Sha Duo mentioned is actually slightly different from the management panel of the Tower of Time. The management panel of the Tower of Time is a gadget he made before in order to more intuitively obtain the status of various aspects of the Tower of Time.

Mainly to display the charging status of the elemental pool of the Tower of Time and the energy consumption status of various magic facilities.

After all, there was no Mythra at that time, and with the continuous expansion, the energy balance was very tight, and every bit of energy had to be carefully considered and planned.

Only in this way can the Tower of Time be maintained before Mythra is built, otherwise it would have gone bankrupt long ago, either due to energy bankruptcy or reform bankruptcy, whichever you choose.

But the interactive interface of the communication instrument is actually closer to the mobile phone system in Xia Duo's hometown, except that this system only has communication software for the time being.

After all, the new communication instrument is not a mobile phone. For users, it is essentially just a medium used to connect to the Mystery Lock and then use the Mystery Lock function. It does not have any communication functions in itself.

It is completely different from the previous second-generation communication instruments.

Next, Xia Duo told Niya his main design ideas for the interactive interface of the communication instrument. After all, he had really used various mature communication software and had rich experience in this area. It would be a waste not to use it.

Niya also kept putting forward her own opinions. The two even made a prototype of the projection interface on the spot. In the process, Aibo couldn't help but participate.

Because he found that these things that Sha Duo and Niya discussed were novel things that he had never considered before. He used communication tools almost every day, but he had never thought about these!

As they discussed, discussed, Aibo's face suddenly became serious, "Niya, Shado, I found that if the future communication magic weapon develops as you said, will it still be a communication magic weapon? "

In the discussion just now, Shaduo and Niya talked about empty warehouses, personal storage spaces, online shopping malls, remote shopping delivery, and even online games, domestic and foreign consultations, etc.

Although Netheril has a shorter history, it has experienced the baptism of elven culture, and it is precisely because of the baptism of elven culture that it makes it more understandable that a person's energy is limited.

Communication instruments have so many functions, and they are very attractive functions. If they are frequently exposed to these functions, how much time will that person have left for study and research?

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