Arcane Lord

Chapter 2823 Increase investment and detection begins

The advancement of arcane magic is a big topic. Although Sha Duo is very much looking forward to the results of the lunar exploration project, he will not put all his hopes on it.

This is just a sub-topic, a sub-project.

What Xia Duo hopes more for is the new discovery of equation magic. Perhaps he can use this to explore the deeper nature of magic and magic nets, perhaps the realm of God.

It's just that the discovery of new theorems and new laws cannot necessarily be deduced from those previously discovered, but more are things outside the previously discovered system.

At least for now, Xia Duo has not discovered that there is any meta-theorem in this magical world that can "go from one to ten thousand". Instead, it consists of a number of unrelated laws that together constitute the truth system of this world.

Therefore, in this magical world, there is no end to exploration.

Of course, in the future, Chateau's understanding may change with some new discoveries, but at least for now he still insists on his verified world view.

In this sense, pursuing the advancement of arcane magic does not actually have any special significance. It is just a node that must be passed through in the development process of arcane magic.

As long as we keep exploring and researching, maybe one day this node will be completed naturally.

Tower of Time, Plane Exploration Center.

Savile, Shaduo and others only talked for a moment, and then went back to stare at the preparations of others in the operation room. Shaduo, Niya and others also stopped communicating when they saw this.

The operation room was quiet for a while, and only the sound of Savile's footsteps walking back and forth could be heard.

After a while, a researcher suddenly spoke, breaking the silence in the operation room: "Master Polly (the pseudonym of Savile, the real name of Niya's grandfather), it's almost time, the sun has gone to rest."


Savile turned sideways and responded, but did not move immediately. Instead, he continued to stare at a set of data fed back by the plane exploration array in the operation room.

After five or six seconds, he took his eyes away from the set of data, then walked up to Xia Duo and said solemnly: "It's about to start. Are you really ready?"

"Of course, I have been looking forward to this day for a long time!"

Shado knew what Savile meant, and perhaps he was worried about involving Niya in such an incident that might be judged as blasphemy, but with the whole family here, how could Niya really stay out of it!

Furthermore, according to Xia Duo's understanding of the Lord of Glory and the Moon God, this behavior is far from being blasphemous. At most, it is just a side effect.

If you don't even dare to do indirect detection now, then on the day of the moon landing, wouldn't you have to commit suicide to apologize?

At this time, Niya seemed to realize something. She hugged Sha Duo's arm tightly and gave her firmest answer: "I'm ready too."

"Now that everything is ready, let's get started."

Saville did not ask Albock again, but directly gave instructions to the researchers in the operation room, "Determine the target's trajectory and determine the target's location."

"Confirmed!" Three voices replied at the same time.

"Determine the detection area——"

"The detection area has been determined."

"Calculate the projection trajectory——"

"Calculation completed."

"Starting position set to three, first cast!"


There are three starting positions for perceptual field projection. One is starting from the ground and then going up step by step until reaching the predetermined detection position. The second is starting from the very high altitude of the main plane. The third is starting from the edge of the plane.

Savile directly chose three, which is somewhat of a bayonet, because the next step will be to project the detection field to the [with or without intermediate zone] between the main plane and the ethereal layer, which is commonly known as Within the plane barrier.

"Record parameters." Savile gave the order again.

After getting an affirmative answer, Savile did not stop to check the detection data, but continued with the next projection. After all, the detection plane exploration center in the plane barrier has done it many times and collected enough data. .

On the contrary, it is the detection of "between existence and non-existence", because it requires the use of plane exploration arrays, which actually consumes important strategic resources such as plane crystals, and the number of times is very limited.

Xia Duo is indeed able to create plane crystals now, but the cost is also very high.

First, we need to create a demiplane, which requires a large amount of arcane crystals and a considerable amount of time. Secondly, the annihilation of a demiplane "between existence and non-existence" does not guarantee 100% obtaining of plane crystals.

If all the costs are calculated together, it is not much cheaper than buying ready-made ones from the Seven Towers, but this is a plane crystal manufacturing technology completely mastered by the Tower of Time.

Currently, the Plane Exploration Center has almost no restraint on the use of exploration arrays to discover new planes, because this is related to the last retreat from the main plane's world-destroying natural disaster.

Xia Duo is not willing to save money on this, but he discovered that the new plane mainly explores the etheric layer, and the exploration of "between existence and non-existence" is inevitably reduced.

However, he has already made plans to build a new plane exploration array in Yongle City, but recently, a lot of work has been put on hold for the middle school courses for new mages in the Tower of Time.

When the new mage of the Tower of Time adapts to the new curriculum and regains a good balance between work, study, and life, work can continue there.

In addition, more [World Incubators] were built to create demiplanes. This was originally done by Sha Duo himself, but due to various affairs, it was temporarily shelved.

He planned to wait until the plane exploration array in Yongle City resumed work before it would be too late to build the [World Incubator].

"Record parameters." Savile continued to give instructions.

But this time, after receiving a positive answer, he did not immediately ask for the next projection. Instead, he waved to Xia Duo and others behind him and shouted: "Come and take a look at these data."


Xia Duo has long been interested in creating protective measures similar to plane barriers for the floating city, so that the floating city can sail into the "between existence and non-being" and even the etheric layer.

Of course, if it can be realized, it can only be active near the main plane for the time being, because the activities of the demiplane or demiplane-like rely on the traction between themselves and the main plane.

It is similar to standing on a boat and using a long pole to pull or push the embankment to move the boat, but it is really unrealistic to expect to cross the river in this way.

A true means of ether navigation needs to be found.

Before coming to the operating console, the researchers had already displayed the feedback data from the sensing field detection in the form of projection, making it easy to view and record.

Of course, the inspection means that the conductor Savile and the visitors such as Chateau come to view it. The record is convenient for the specialized recorder to use magic to transcribe it and transcribe it onto paper.

At present, the Plane Exploration Center of the Tower of Time has not advanced to the level of "paperless office". Perhaps the feedback information can be connected to a device and then automatically recorded on paper, or recorded in other media in the form of images. , such as developing crystal.

However, neither method can achieve a form similar to computer digital storage, so there is no essential difference in recording it there. On the contrary, it is more convenient to review it repeatedly on paper.

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