Arcane Lord

Chapter 2876 Increase investment in communication mystery locks

While waiting for the relocation of the demiplane, Shado received a notification from Evereska about the handover ceremony of the Friendship Tower. He conveyed the news to Aiboke, and then returned to the Tower of Time study to prepare for a temporary rest. .

Interpreting Paffin's consciousness is very rewarding, but it is also very tiring. Not only is the interpretation process extremely energy-consuming, but after the interpretation, it is also necessary to promptly clean up the contamination of the alien consciousness information.

However, while Sha Duo was resting, he was also thinking about how to reveal the information in Puffin's consciousness to the Northland Alliance.

First of all, it is not feasible to disclose it directly. It is too easy to attract hatred. Not only the Illuminati, but even normal elves will be wary of his method.

Secondly, this information is also time-sensitive. The further back in time, the lower the actual value of the information, so it must be used as soon as possible.

After thinking about it, Xia Duo found that he lacked an effective anonymous information disclosure channel. Thinking of this, he almost subconsciously took out the communication device and activated Niya's twin mark.

He didn't react until the communication was connected, but it was too late to hang up now. Niya's voice had already reached his ears, "Xia Duo? What do you want from me?"

"miss you."

The other person was silent for a moment and exposed Xia Duo's lies mercilessly, "Let's get down to business. We are an old married couple. Don't I know about you?"

"Okay, actually I just want to ask how the update of the communication information section is going."

Although the Communication Mystery Lock is indeed a very effective channel for disclosing anonymous information, Xia Duo just thought for a moment that it is not suitable to be extended to the elf world at present.

He must wait until the number of nodes increases to one million before promoting it to the elf world, otherwise he has no doubt that the elves who see the platform's prospects will enter the market early.

Currently, there are only 10,000 to 20,000 users of the Tower of Time's Communication Mystery Lock, and they are all humans. Once the elves start to imitate, there is a high probability that they will surpass them in a short time.

As for the platform, the number of users is very important. Users have a habit of using it. Once they get used to the Elf platform, it is not impossible to attract them to the Tower of Time platform in the future, and the cost will be far higher than it is now.

Therefore, before the number of users of the Tower of Time Communication Mystery Lock reaches a certain level and the total number of users that can be supported, Xia Duo does not want to arouse the elves' alertness.

Although he was confident that the elves might not be able to imitate all the functions of the Tower of Time Communication Mystery Lock, as long as a part of it occupied the user's mind, it would be enough to hinder him.

When considering how to expose Puffin's consciousness information this time, Sha Duo subconsciously thought of the communication mystery lock, which is enough to illustrate the potential of the platform and its status in his heart.

But for Niya, the greater the potential of Communication Mystery Lock, the greater the pressure for subsequent development and updates, even now!

"You mean the function for users to publish personal information?"

"Yes, is it done?"

In fact, when asking this question, Xia Duo couldn't help but think of the kind of person he once hated the most - product manager, but he seemed to be playing such a role now.

The product manager, even in another universe, would be equally annoying. After hearing Xia Duo's inquiry, Niya became visibly irritated.

"No, no, just these few people can't keep up with the test! Please add more people to me quickly!"

"No rush, no rush, I'm just asking casually, take your time, I'll find a way with the manpower."


Niya seemed a little unconvinced, but Sha Duo once again gave a categorical answer in the affirmative. He was not a real product manager, and Niya was not a programmer he could squeeze at will. Of course, he would not urge her like a man.

If he is really in a hurry to use it, he will only join in by himself, but in this case, it will inevitably damage Niya's enthusiasm and self-esteem.

"By the way, I'll give you some more Lingsi Network shares. You don't have to save it for me. It's all for nothing anyway."

Xia Duo obtained a considerable proportion of the Lingsi network share in the Time-related Magic Research Laboratory. Normally, he would use it for Niya, and he would use less of it. Now he decided to give all the small part he had left to Niya. .

And in the future, if the Time-Related Magic Research Laboratory increases manpower, he will also hand over the extra computing resources to Niya for use, and even the additional resources generated after optimization will be the same.

Of course, the assistance of Linsi Network can only improve the efficiency at the design level. Because testing requires arranging real personnel to conduct relevant experiments, this time is difficult to reduce.

All we can say is to increase manpower and assign some less relevant experiments to different experimental groups for simultaneous execution, but the total duration is still the same.

However, in terms of increasing manpower, the Tower of Time has now opened middle school courses, and it is not suitable to select another group of people for the inheritance ceremony in a short period of time.

Xia Duo thought about it and finally decided to give some of his people to Niya. In any case, the communication mystery lock is a visible and tangible applied research project with very broad prospects.

Most of the new projects he started before were basic research, and it was difficult to see results in a short period of time. In this case, it was better to support Niya first.

As for his side, it is completely late for the Tower of Time mage to grow normally.

After ending the communication with Niya, Sha Duo immediately sent out job transfer notices to the relevant people through the tower spirit. Although these people were originally trained through the inheritance ceremony to join the existing projects, they followed the instructions and did the tests on Niya's side. There are not many thresholds.

Although it's a bit watery, even in the Tower of Time, if you put it outside, you can still be considered a high-level mage, and it won't stretch your hips too much.

After handling the personnel transfer issue, Shado immediately went to the demiplane laboratory. Calculating the time, Puffin's private demiplane had moved far enough, and it was time to receive the spoils.

In the laboratory, Xia Duo had a clear view of the entire demiplane through the plane portal. Although it was a native demiplane, its internal space was really limited.

It is only the size of half a basketball court, and this demiplane is dominated by wind elements. There is no land inside, only a ring-shaped low-speed wind field.

And like most wind elemental planes, this demiplane dominated by wind elements also has no gravity. Puffin's various collections are like fish swimming in the undercurrent, following the wind flow in the wind field. Flow slowly, eventually forming a treasure circulation.

Xia Duo did not enter the demiplane, nor did he even take out all the things inside. Instead, he only took out the war weapons and plane crystals.

I’ll leave the rest for now, since I won’t need it for the time being anyway. In the future, I might be able to use this treasure house to make an ancient relic for fishing!

"The six plane crystals are really good! And this set of war instruments is really a protective spell. It's really a pillow when you feel sleepy!"

It wasn't until Xia Duo got the thing in hand that he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

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