Arcane Lord

Chapter 2879 Challenger of Destiny

There are two main sources of resistance. One is the so-called honor of upper-class families, who believe that testing is denying their loyalty, denying their honor, and is an insult to them.

The other is the test itself. Ordinary family members only need to be tested at the bloodline level, but important members of the family need to undergo an additional mental examination.

Although I only asked questions related to demon descendants, I was worried that someone might have selfish motives! In other words, upper-class families cannot completely trust each other and are always worried about others playing tricks.

Or from their own perspective, they will play tricks on other people's detection process whenever they have the opportunity. This may not necessarily be to frame something, but it may also be to peek into other people's secrets.

Therefore, from the day when the theory of comprehensive testing was born, the voices of opponents have never stopped.

Even now, when there are two cases of high-ranking families suspected of being involved in demons in the country, there are still a lot of opponents who firmly oppose comprehensive testing, including many supporters of the Crown Prince.

Eliser was well aware of this, so when he saw followers mentioning comprehensive testing again, he did not take an immediate position. However, after observing it, he was still alarmed by the attitudes of other supporters.

Although the disappearance of two high-ranking families can be used as an opportunity to forcefully implement comprehensive testing, without a broad majority of supporters, even if it is a temporary gain, it will inevitably leave hidden dangers.

Thinking like this, Elisir still made a decision, "For now, comprehensive testing is still too radical and not advisable, but the problem of demons does not just exist without looking at it. Once the situation worsens, please remember Today’s discussion.”

After Yilisel finished speaking, a group of ministers or followers praised the crowned king for his wisdom. This scene made Yilisel sigh in his heart again.

"The most urgent thing at the moment is to investigate the kidnapping of Puffin. The person who did it turned out to be counterfeiting the Mark of the Divine Sword. We must trace it to the end. I want to see who is provoking it!

"There are also those two high-ranking families. They used the excuse of illness to the outside world. The real situation was synchronized to the Northland Alliance and they were wanted within the Northland."

In the end, Elisir chose to cover up the two high-ranking families, not out of soft-heartedness or anything, but to take care of the dignity of all high-ranking families.

Although this matter will inevitably attract ridicule from other countries after it is synchronized to the Northern Alliance, at least domestic public opinion will not get out of control.

In fact, at a certain moment, he also considered disclosing the truth about the absconding of the two high-ranking families in the country, but the chaos caused by this might not be something he could control.

As a king, he still instinctively hopes to reduce variables and make everything transition smoothly.

It's just that the problem of demon descendants is getting more and more serious. Ilisel doesn't know whether his decision is right now. He can only let time witness it.

On the other side, due to Puffin's sudden disappearance, there was a period of commotion and chaos within the Illuminati, but under the calm handling of the wise man, everything returned to calm.

Just the disappearance of one Apostle of Light, no matter how much compensation or comfort is given, will inevitably leave traces in the hearts of other Apostles of Light.

Especially this time, Quel'Elmer, who completely abandoned his public identity and went underground according to the plan, was also Puffin's introducer, and his public identity was Ellan's Seer.

Due to this unexpected incident, Quel'Elmer had to give up everything she was running on the surface, which made her very dissatisfied. At the same time, she also had a trace of panic engraved in her heart that could not be erased.

Even within the Illuminati, only she and the wise men as the introducers knew about Paffin's Illuminati identity. The other apostles were at most suspicious based on Paffin's apparent identity as a prophet, and could not be 100% sure.

The disappearance of Puffin this time not only exposed Puffin's identity, but also the identity of Elanshar, which she had been running for a long time, could not be preserved. Only Quel'Elmer herself knew the losses involved.

In this temple of light everywhere, Quel'Elmer's expression was indifferent. Perhaps only in this situation could she truly see herself and the nature of the Illuminati. From this, she had a feeling in her heart that she had never seen before. I had doubts——

Can our career really succeed?

Just as Quel'Elmer was deep in thought, the wise man sitting at the head of the temple spoke. It seemed that the recent events in Cormanthor did not concern him at all——

"Enrich, what is the current situation of the newly established research institution of the Northland Alliance? Is there any hidden line that has penetrated into it?"

"Sorry wise man, the Northland Alliance has unprecedented protection for that new organization. All participants need to undergo the most stringent review. Even inquiries about relevant situations will be recorded and questioned. At present, our hidden lines are simply inaccessible."

"I understand, this matter is still my fault. I made a mistake in my decision-making." The wise man lowered his eyebrows, as if he was really repenting of his mistakes.

At this time, another apostle pointed out, "How could this be the fault of the wise man! It was clearly Paris, but he reacted so bigly to the slightest movement, completely ignoring the wise man's plan. Whoever chose Paris in the first place was the one who chose Paris." ”

"Fidis, what do you mean by that? Even if I choose Paris, can he participate in the plan without your consent? If I am wrong, why should you stay out of it?"

The speaker was a sturdy golden elf male, but as soon as he finished speaking, the wise man stretched out a hand to stop him, "Fidis, Dadar, the past is in the past, we have to look to the future. "

Having said this, the wise man stood up from his seat and came to the wall on the side of the temple. Staring at the complicated and exquisite patterns on the wall, he couldn't help but sigh:

“There are many variables in this world, and for a timeline, the more we observe and intervene, the more variables there will be. This can be considered the instinctive resistance of the timeline, or the trick of fate on the prophet.

"I should have known this a long time ago, but I just missed an important window due to luck. This is indeed my fault. Don't argue with me.

"However, the existence of Elan is something that does not exist in the current timeline. If you want to reverse the reality, you are challenging the current timeline and the established destiny.

"So far, we have done well enough and even completed the original reason. There are still fourteen window periods. We don't need to succeed every time. As long as we succeed half of the time, it will be enough to bring about earth-shaking changes. ”

The statement "challenging the established destiny" may be just an exaggeration to people outside the Illuminati, but for members of the Illuminati, this is just a common fact. Their existence itself is to defeat fate. the result of.

But when these words are spoken from the mouth of a wise man, it is another feeling. For the members of the Illuminati, it is the wise man who leads them to defeat the established destiny and allows them to create reality from nothingness.

At this moment, even Quel'Elmer, who had just had a hint of doubt about the Illuminati's cause, couldn't help but regain hope.

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