Arcane Lord

Chapter 2882 Hidden Danger of Foreign Aid Qualifications

The idea of ​​foreign aid only flashed through Sha Duo's mind for a moment before he gave up. Foreign aid could not bring anything valuable except for some fame that should not have been gained.

Let’s not talk about whether we can win the final victory for the Tower of Time. Even if we can win, how much remuneration does the Tower of Time need to pay to foreign aid for this?

It's not that you can exploit it yourself, but introducing this step itself will bring huge costs, not to mention subsequent maintenance.

If you come for profit, you may leave for profit, and the subsequent maintenance costs will definitely far exceed the people trained by the Tower of Time itself.

Competing for real-life interests through competitions has long existed in the Northland. It was not Xiado's initiative, but it is estimated that no one has used the foreign aid model.

Xia Duo does not want to bring this model to the Northland. A simple analysis can tell that attracting foreign aid in the early stage can indeed bring considerable benefits while ensuring a win.

However, as other parties compete for high-quality foreign aid, the ultimate benefits may be infinitely close to zero, and may even be negative benefits except for fame.

Why is there so much internal friction?

The most frightening thing is to introduce foreign players who are truly from foreign countries. Not only will this not bring any benefits, but it will suppress the growth of domestic players.

The purpose of the competition is to compete for the share of Mithril Mine revenue, but its essence is to demonstrate comprehensive national strength and to demonstrate one's own national strength by introducing foreign aid. Isn't this contradictory approach ridiculous?

However, the introduction of foreign aid is not a difficult method to think of. Xia Duo is almost certain that in the future, there will be smart Nese people who think of winning the competition by bringing in foreign aid. It seems that their purpose is just to win the competition.

Thinking of this, Shado felt that it was necessary to communicate with Badigal in advance. Although the positions and interests of the two sides were not completely consistent, at least in the general direction of the development and growth of Netheril, the positions and interests of both sides were consistent.

Then, Chateau told Badigal about his concerns about the introduction of foreign aid, "Introducing foreign aid may temporarily improve our competition results and bring considerable benefits, but in the long run, it will cause trouble. "


It was obviously the first time for Badigal to think about this issue, and it was difficult to come up with a conclusion for a while. However, strengthening oneself is always an unbreakable truth in this world. Netheril can be divided into seven towers and seven towers. Can Nese people and people from other countries really come together for the same goal?

Countless examples in the past told him that only common interests can bring people from different positions together.

"Then what should we do according to Representative Yixiado's words?" Badigal asked tentatively.

"Of course it is forbidden to introduce foreign aid. No matter what foreign countries do, at least we don't have to do this ourselves. We should regard competition as an important way to stimulate the development of domestic magic, rather than a game of winning or losing."

"I understand, and I will raise it at council meetings if I have the opportunity in the future."

Badigal made a modest promise, and then said, "The problem we are facing now is how to make the snowmelt competition a designated competition for the battle for the income of the mithril mine in the Gray Peak Mountains. The elves' competition is not suitable after all. Humans, if their game was used, I really have a hard time believing they would make changes specifically to suit humans."

This is inevitably a bit idealistic, and Sha Duo also knows that although the elven arcane competition has a long history, it is not specifically designed for elven magic, but for spellcasters.

Elf magic may have an advantage in certain projects, but it does not have an advantage over other magic systems in all projects.

But Xia Duo stands with Badigal on this issue. Choosing the snow melting competition will obviously bring them more benefits and is more in line with their wishes.

“We have two advantages. One is that the Snow Melting Competition has actually become an international competition in which all countries participate. Although it only took two or three years for all countries to participate, it is already there after all.

"Secondly, the frequency of the snowmelting competition is held. Once a year is more convenient for countries that are not convinced by losing to launch counterattacks. Moreover, winning or losing is only a one-year benefit, and there will be no further disputes because the benefits are too great."

Xia Duo did not start with the history, projects, etc. In terms of history, the Snow Melting Competition does have a long history, but this is for humans, not necessarily for elves.

There are many arcane competitions in the elves that have a history comparable to the Snowmelt Competition, and there are even some competitions that have continued from the Crown War era.

It's just that elves' arcane competitions are almost never held every year. They are generally held once every ten years, at least once every five years, and almost never less than every five years.

The longer ones are even longer, and some even occur once a hundred years, such as the war games held in the Elf Court, which occur once a hundred years; and the Illusion Fair held in Sharven, which also occurs once a hundred years.

The reason why these competitions are so long apart is that on the one hand it does take longer to prepare than regular competitions and the cost is higher, but more importantly it is because they are too old and have been replaced by many new competitions.

You can only create a sense of freshness by extending the hosting time!

In a sense, the annual snowmelt competition is the perfect form of arcane competition. If all goes well, new events can even be launched every year, which not only satisfies the audience, but also allows each country to fully demonstrate its comprehensive national strength.

After reviewing various arcane competitions in the elves, almost all of them involve fixed events. At the same time, the contestants are more limited to their own country or even local area. They are not as universal and inclusive as the Snow Melting Competition.

With Xia Duo's analysis, Badigal also nodded secretly, but Xia Duo had not finished speaking, "If only based on these words, countries can completely create a new competition, and it will be more suitable for the competition for mithril mine profits.

“Therefore, if we want to make the Snow Melting Competition a designated event of the Northland League, we still need to actively seek the support of various countries.”

In fact, Xia Duo felt that other countries might not be willing to host such an event. The influx of a large number of outsiders every year was not a commendable thing for the elves. Instead, they would feel crowded, noisy and even irritable.

Human beings are different. Human beings like to be lively.

In addition, there are also the costs of hosting competitions. Currently, except for Ellan, which has begun to introduce elemental towers, other elven countries do not have similar facilities, so the cost issue cannot be circumvented.

Netheril has Mythra, which can provide a large amount of energy gems at a low cost. The infrastructure cost of the competition is lower than that of other countries.

If we promise not to receive subsidies from the Northland Alliance, we can probably get the qualification to host it. Obtaining the qualification to host it is actually equivalent to the Snow Melting Competition becoming a designated event of the alliance.

As for the future, if the qualification to host the game is transferred, Netheril may also consider outsourcing, or spend money to name the game.

In short, the current Netheril still needs this kind of prestige that can be bought with money, and hosting important competitions is not only a prestige gain, but can also play a considerable role in promoting the development of the country.

At least Netheril currently needs these reputations and development motivations, and it doesn't matter even if it costs a little money.

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