Arcane Lord

Chapter 2885: Block the window period and call for volunteers

Upon hearing this representative's question, Questolimu's expression changed slightly, but the representatives from the five countries in the conference room were all staring at him. He hesitated for a moment, and then said truthfully:

"The half-hour I'm talking about is the current conservative end time of the Time-Related Magic Research Laboratory, which means that there is a relatively high degree of certainty that the ceremony will end within half an hour after it starts.

"In the previous Metril incident, the reason why the ceremony could be successfully ended half an hour after it started was mainly because of Consultant Xia Duo. Although it was the first time to encounter such a time-related ceremony, Lingsi Network played a decisive role. role.

"Theoretically, the critical time that can safely terminate the time-related magic ritual is a little more than an hour, but if it exceeds half an hour, we researchers are not sure. Unless Consultant Xia Duo personally takes action, maybe the time can be increased to less than one hour. .

"But don't be too optimistic. Although the previous Metril incident was our first contact with time-related magic rituals, it was also the first time that the demon encountered obstacles during the ritual process.

"You must have read the post-investigation report of that incident. At that time, almost all the demon casters were involved in the ritual, and no effective protection could be organized.

"But after that lesson, wouldn't the demons arrange for independent spellcasters to perform protection? The ending ceremony is also a ceremony on a certain level, but we have the advantage and can arrange the protection calmly. That's all.

"Judging from the discussion you just discussed, this time the demon has already started testing before the formal ceremony started, which is enough to remind us.

"And here, there is one more thing that needs to be reminded, that is, the duration of the timeline fluctuation signal is not equal to the start time of the ceremony. Generally speaking, the timeline fluctuation signal will not be generated until at least ten minutes after the ceremony.

"In other words, coupled with the positioning time, the time to travel to the ceremony site, and the possible obstruction of the demon, even if consultant Xia Duo is asked to take action, it is impossible to really have one hour to process the window to actually end the ceremony. Maybe just over half an hour.

"For us researchers, half an hour is just an ideal termination window. In reality, it may only be a few minutes. If we include our own casting time, we only have one chance at most."

Questolimu's words made the representatives of the five countries and Elder Devin in the conference room fall into deep thought, and the conference room suddenly became quiet.

After a long time, Tirion took the lead to break the silence, "That is to say, we must go over and check any signal that lasts for more than ten minutes, otherwise the demons will most likely turn the testing ritual into actual actions. Once the critical point is crossed, we will There is no chance to stop it.”

Speaking of this, Tirion asked again: "Can the timeline fluctuation signal that lasts for ten minutes be accurately located? How long will it take?"

"I can answer this question." Doom answered first, "The monitoring center has been trying to locate it from the moment the timeline fluctuation signal appeared, and 6 or 7 minutes is enough to locate a more accurate position. "

"Then I have another question. Do I have to get close if I want to end the ceremony safely?"

This question is not one that Doom, an intelligence manager, can answer, so it is left to Questolimu, a researcher at the Time-Related Magic Research Laboratory—

"You don't have to get close to stop it. Getting close is to reduce the variables as much as possible. There is too much interference in long-distance casting. If the demon protection is in place, our stop may not even be effective at all.

"In addition, we must also consider the reorganization time after a failed block. Compared with nearby casting, there are more unnecessary links in long-distance casting.

"If conditions permit, I think we still need to cast the spell as close as possible!"

The advice of professionals must be taken into consideration. In other words, even after 6 or 7 minutes of locating a more precise ritual location, if you decide to take action, you must organize the relevant spellcasters to set off immediately.

Thinking of this, Tirion could no longer sit still. The demons' temptations were becoming more and more intense, and the timeline fluctuation signal detected by the monitoring center lasted longer and longer. A mobile interception team must be organized immediately. If it is too late, it may be possible. Something big is going to happen.

"Septalis, Osmantus, and Euphonius, the three ambassadors, please contact the country immediately to explain the situation, and summon high mage volunteers, Elder Devin, if it is convenient, please also summon volunteers in Everesca , volunteers had better come to Evereska in advance to gather in order to coordinate actions, as for me——"

Speaking of this, Tirion paused for a moment, and then said firmly, "I will find a way to ask Advisor Shado to participate in the operation. Time waits for no one, so everyone, take action!"

The only one who has not been mentioned is Danzo's representative Engir. Dwarf magic is quite different from elf magic and Nese magic. After the Metril incident, the Northland Alliance has begun to study the coordinated casting of spellcasters under the three spell systems, but After all, the time was short and no breakthrough results were produced.

To be on the safe side, it would be more appropriate for elves and humans to cooperate in this operation.

As for the volunteers on Netheril, Tirion did not mention it, but he would explain the situation to the Severnton Council at home later and seek assistance as much as possible.

In addition, there are also some Nese mages at the Time-Related Magic Research Laboratory, but there are no great arcanists. If there is less domestic support, the Nese people from the Time-Related Magic Research Laboratory will inevitably be recruited.

Yunfeng Manor, reception room.

Shado hadn't arrived yet, and Tirion looked out the window at the gradually growing spring grass and the maple forest in the distance, but he couldn't bring himself to appreciate the exquisiteness of this scene in early spring in China.

All he could think about now was how to convince Xia Duo and worries about the follow-up actions. During the period when he reported to the country and came to Yunfeng Manor, the monitoring center detected multiple signals again.

The duration continues to grow as always, but the location is almost never repeated. It is distributed around the Northland but does not enter the territory of other countries, as if this is the alternate location chosen by the demon for the ceremony.

Although the alliance had already decided after internal deliberations that it was not possible to accurately locate the previous signal, the constant alarms coming from the monitoring center still brought great psychological pressure to Tirion.

After sitting in the reception room for a few minutes, Tirion couldn't help but get up and pace around. At the same time, he asked the elf attendant who was accompanying him, "When can Senator Shado see me? I really have a very urgent need to find him!"

"Butler Rachel has already gone to inform the master. Please wait a moment. If the master wants to see you, I think he will be here soon."

The words of the elf attendant did not make Tirion feel relieved. He was becoming more and more irritable while drinking tea in the reception room, but he still tried his best to calm down and prepare for the next meeting.

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