Arcane Lord

Chapter 2893 Thorn Society

Judging from what Shado can learn so far, most spellcasters are looking forward to the emergence of a public computing resource pool, including people in Netheril.

Some people even asked people to contact the Tower of Time to inquire about the situation, or even directly approached Sha Duo himself. The issues they were most concerned about could be roughly divided into two parts -

One is whether the Lingsi network, which is dominated by elven mages, has a beneficial effect on Netheril mages. The other part is more concerned about whether such a public computing resource pool can be established within Netheril.

Xia Duo didn't reply for the time being, and he didn't expect that he just mentioned it casually. When the devil's temptation caught up, not only the elves, but also the undercurrents in Netheril were surging.

But what others don’t know, and what he himself doesn’t know, is that the bigger the Lingsi network is, the better, and it’s not risk-free either.

What he is most worried about now is that some people are eager to launch large-scale public computing resource pool projects and connect a large number of mages without protection. If something goes wrong, he will also bear part of the responsibility.

It's not that Xia Duo is afraid of taking responsibility. Responsibility itself also means power, but he still doesn't want to bear the responsibility caused by such a clearly avoidable risk.

The large-scale public resource pool itself is a very good project that is worth investing in and should be built early and utilized early. However, the risks involved are ignored by many people and must be well managed and controlled.

Next, Xia Duo continued to pay attention to external voices, while also squeezing out some energy to review the technical points of Lingsi Network, especially the part about risk management and control.

He felt that the top management of the Northland Alliance would talk to him soon, so he made some preparations in advance so as not to fail to respond and miss this opportunity.

As the creator of Lingsi Network, Xia Duo is aware of the risks involved, but ordinary mages, especially ordinary mages who are eager to seek progress and breakthroughs, can only expect more from Lingsi Network.

The Thorn Society is a society established by Evereska early on, but a long history does not mean that it will always be strong. On the contrary, it carries too much historical baggage, which makes the future even heavier.

In recent decades, the Thorn Society has suffered a serious loss of members due to various reasons. Several projects with great potential have been stranded due to staff shortages, which in turn has led to further loss of members.

Today's Thorns Society has long lost its former glory, and even basic operations can hardly be maintained. The society's residence and laboratory in Yunding Tower are free of charge.

At this time, in the conference room of the Thorn Society, only four elders and a dozen ordinary members who had stayed until now gathered together to decide the future fate of the society.

"Everyone, although our Thorn Society has declined, we still maintain many ancient covenants. This is the foundation and the confidence for us to rise again."

An elder first gave some encouragement to the remaining members as usual, and then said, "I received reliable information from an ally. Everriska is about to change the past recruitment policy of mage apprentices and allow the society to recruit independently. Mage apprentice, you should all know what this means!"

In the past, Evereska, like other elven countries, allowed the Society to recruit mage members, but it resolutely did not allow the Society to recruit mage apprentices privately.

There are only two sources of legal mage apprentices. One is that mage of senior level or above can register with the Council of Elders and become a heritage mage. They are qualified to recruit apprentices, but the number of places is very limited.

If they are not very optimistic about a certain civilian, no senior mage will use up his inheritance quota easily.

The other is the Taltat Swordsmanship Academy. Although it is called the Swordsmanship Academy, the academy offers orthodox magic courses. As long as you pay money, you can become a mage apprentice.

The latter channel seems to have no threshold, but Taltat Swordsmanship Academy itself is not something ordinary elves can go to. It is essentially a noble academy.

Children of nobles go there to learn skills, make friends with similar people, and obtain magic inheritance by the way. It's really just by the way. Their families themselves have the qualifications for magic inheritance. Although it is limited to their own family, it is much better than common people.

The most basic thing about the so-called nobles is that they must have the qualifications to inherit magic.

Ordinary elves, on the other hand, can only go to a place called the Magic Academy, which is actually a technical college, to learn some limited spells. After completing the studies, they can directly enter various workshops and become magic technicians.

In other words, if an ordinary elf living in Evereska wants to learn magic - not magic like individual spells, but a systematic inheritance that includes principles and spells, there is almost only one way -

That is to go to the magic academy first, express yourself as much as possible in the process of learning spells, and then wait for a mage with inherited qualifications who does not exclude civilians to take a fancy and accept him as an apprentice. This is the way to go.

As for the possibility of discovering a magical scroll in the wild and then learning to become a mage alone, it cannot be said that it is not possible at all, but it is also very slim and almost only appears in legends.

At this moment, if the veteran of the Thorn Society is not lying, once Everesca relaxes the qualifications for apprentice recruitment and allows the society to recruit mage apprentices independently, it will mean the break of the monopoly.

In addition to the previous path, civilians have another way to advance through magic by learning apprenticeship.

For normal societies that do not lack members or do not need to absorb more members, there is no essential difference between having and not having this path.

But for an ancient, declining society that is no longer glorious, this is different. The emergence of new blood may bring new development opportunities and make the declining society glorious again.

Therefore, after hearing the elder mention this secret, the first reaction of most members was not to believe it. However, as the last survivors of a declining society, it was difficult for them to believe that the elder would deceive them on such a matter.

We are already at the end of our rope, so what’s the point of using lies to win people’s hearts? When the time comes and the lie is exposed, it will not be the end of the world, it will even be faster than if you had not lied.

"Teacher Cousteau, is this true? Does the Parliament really allow the Society to independently recruit mage apprentices?" A young elf made eye contact with his companions, and then asked proactively.

He is a student of Senator Cousteau. He has been trained as an apprentice until now. He has a deep affection for the Thorn Society. At the same time, because he is a commoner, he is also very concerned about the way forward for the common people.

Regarding the students' doubts, Cousteau expressed his understanding. It is indeed difficult for ordinary elves to make progress, but times have begun to change. He said firmly:

"Of course it is true. Although it is not now and not all societies have such qualifications, the day is very close, and our Thorn Society has such qualifications, so we must prepare accordingly in advance."

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