Arcane Lord

Chapter 2910 Improving the Recruitment Mechanism Translation Device 10

It can be said that the entire Northland Alliance has no objections to the establishment of a standing mage group, because what just happened has sounded the alarm. If you can get away with it once, can you rely on luck every time?

If nothing else, at least Xia Duo is not willing to unjustly give the alliance the truth every time. The same goes for other mages. It is okay to help occasionally, but it is obviously not possible to expect others to help every time. .

Only establishing and improving relevant systems is the fundamental solution.

However, the alliance level is the alliance level. When we arrive in Netheril, the situation changes, because the command of the standing rapid response force will belong to the Seven Towers, rather than each family taking turns.

Therefore, it is impossible for various members to easily agree to such a decision.

And if each family takes turns to take command, the councilors will naturally have no problem. After all, there are already cases from the alliance for reference, but if this happens, the Seven Towers are not willing.

Command power or leadership power is an intuitive reflection of the ruling status. Even though it is just the command power of a quick-response force, once you give in this time, what about next time? Do we have to make concessions again and again?

Once he loses his leadership, why should Badigal be the speaker? Without the veto of the Speaker, the Seven Towers are no different from other members. They may even fall apart internally due to the uneven distribution of benefits.

Therefore, before today's second topic - whether to establish a standing mage group in Netheril - began, Shado knew that this topic was destined to be fruitless.

The final result was just as he thought. Regarding the ownership of the command of this force, Qita and other members could never reach an agreement.

In the end, the issue of "whether to establish a standing mage group in Netheril" degenerated into "how to improve Netheril's current emergency recruitment mechanism"!

A sage from Xia Duo's hometown once said - if a room is too dark and a skylight is opened here, everyone will definitely not allow it. But if you advocate removing the roof, they will mediate and be willing to open skylights!

The same is true for the current discussion of this new issue. Since no one agrees to establish a standing mage group, it has become a consensus for everyone to improve the emergency recruitment mechanism.

During the discussion, Xia Duo did not participate. He now has two floating cities, and both are equipped with preliminary and complete war spell platforms. If there is an emergency, he can drive out a floating city at any time.

However, when discussing contact information at the end, he still mentioned it - recommending everyone to use the Tower of Time's third-generation communication weapon based on the communication mystery lock.

"In this case, let me summarize the results of everyone's discussion——"

As the Speaker, Badigal was of course the one to make the concluding speech, "First of all, there is the right to call for emergency calls. Each member can call once a year. However, if the subsequent investigation is not an emergency, then the member will be responsible for all the expenses of the call. In addition, the right to call for the next year is waived. If the investigation finds that there is indeed an emergency related to Netheril, the right to call for that year will still be retained. "

In fact, this is to prevent each member of the council from just playing around. This should be regarded as the first principle of recruitment. Of course, what is an emergency will be further discussed later, and a resolution will be finalized before it is completed.

"For the personnel to be called upon, each congressman must provide at least three senior arcanists. If there are none, they must be called upon personally. The congress will be responsible for the material expenses."

Although it is not a standing quick-response force, the quality of personnel must not be too high when called for in emergencies. What would it be like if a few apprentices were crammed in? The reason why there are three senior arcanists at the minimum is for the convenience of coordinated spell casting.

Archmage can actually do it, but the lower limit cannot be guaranteed. Some archmage's lower limit is ridiculously low, and their actual combat ability may not be as good as that of a high-level mage.

For example, Xia Duo can quickly become a group of archmages through inheritance rituals. Mage unions outside the Great Xia Territory may be able to be certified as archmages, but what is the use of such archmages?

Only by asking the councilors to send out arcanists or themselves can we guarantee the minimum strength during emergency recruitment. As for material expenses and so on, since they are being recruited for emergencies related to Netheril, it should be funded by the council. resource.

"Contact information, everyone must leave contact information in the parliamentary secretary's office that can be contacted, and those who lose contact need to bear responsibility."

The specific amount of responsibility needs to be discussed again. At present, we are just determining the big principles in this regard. As long as the principle issues are passed, the rest will be nothing more than grinding, and we can always grind through it.

The various members voted quickly to approve the matter of principle, but it was difficult to reach an agreement on the details in a short time. This also included the time of recruitment, fighting methods, distribution of spoils, etc.

There were too many details to discuss, and during the discussion, members continued to raise new issues. As a result, the first meeting in April lasted for three days intermittently, but a complete plan could not be negotiated.

The twelfth meeting in April was another market-like bargaining session. After so many meetings, all the members were a little mentally tired. Before the meeting ended, Badigal ordered Chateau——

"How about we discuss Lingsi Network tomorrow? Are you ready?"

"Don't worry, although it's not perfect yet, it's enough for demonstration."

After Xia Duo finished speaking, the meeting should have ended, but Randall on the other side of the Seven Towers seemed to be stuck for a moment and asked Xia Duo: "Is it the translation device supporting Lingsi Network? Can you demonstrate it now?"

Hearing Randall mention this topic, others left in no hurry. Although it was tomorrow's topic, various congressmen had already communicated in private. It was not a secret that the Northland Alliance wanted to build a public computing resource pool.

However, with the translation device designed by Xia Duo, only some congressmen who were close to him knew the relevant information. This was a key tool used to persuade other congressmen to agree to let the Northland Alliance establish a public computing power resource pool.

"Congressman Chateau, look—"

Badigal also spoke, and Sha Duo witnessed it and agreed smoothly. The demonstration of the translation device is not just for a while. It is better to start now to avoid wasting time tomorrow.

"Okay, let's forget about the discussion. I think many people are curious about what the experience of the Lingsi network in the alliance is like. To facilitate tomorrow's discussion, I can give you an early experience."

Knowing that Master Nese is sensitive to things like spiritual links, Sha Duo also specially prepared a special connector loaded with consciousness projection components, so that he could avoid having to contribute his own true subconscious and share it with other people connected to the Lingsi network. Computing resources.

If there are too many such people, the auxiliary value of Lingsi Network will be greatly reduced.

So the essence of this matter is that the Netherese mage is parasitic on the Elf Mage's Lingsi network to draw computing power resources. The elves used this price in exchange for Netheril's agreement to establish a public computing power resource pool for the Northland Alliance.

Of course, there are still disputes behind the specific allocation of computing resources!

Xia Duo sent more than 40 linkers to the Austrian Law Federation, and asked the Austrian Law Federation to distribute them to various congressmen through the original channels. The members of the three Tianshui planes needed to go to the Austrian Law Federation to pick them up.

As for the translation device, it is not necessary for everyone to have this. Xia Duo can just install it on the gateway of the branch network.

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