Arcane Lord

Chapter 2947 Comanso’s Monetary Policy Adjustment

In the reception room of Yunfeng Manor, two people and one elf were chatting about various aspects of demon detection. Unknowingly, the topic had turned to the three-party cooperation project in the Gray Peak Mountains.

As a director of the Transnational Chamber of Commerce and a member of the long-established Cormanso family, Eli is very optimistic about this project, but with a basic understanding of the past history, he can't help but be a little worried:

“Commanso is a little better, but every time a big gold mine is discovered in other countries, the purchasing power of their own currencies will continue to fall for a while, and it will not recover for a long time.

"The exchange ratio between Cormanso gold coins and other gold coins was accumulated through similar events. This time too, although countries were temporarily fascinated by the name of mithril mines, the gold and silver produced by the mines were real. It’s true!

"When there is output in the Gray Peak Mountains, I am afraid that the purchasing power of currencies in various countries will continue to decrease again, and it will be more serious than any time in the past, or even the countless times in the past combined.

"You two should prepare early!"

Is this the wisdom of elves? In fact, it is not the case. It is the foresight that comes naturally from living long enough and having relevant historical records.

Compared to elves, if humans can foresee this and be prepared, that would be true wisdom. At this moment, Jenna subconsciously glanced at Shado.

Before any other country started to prepare, the Daxia Territory had already designed a blue gold coin based on the logo of the Power of Order. When the gold and silver in the Gray Peak Mountains were produced, the purchasing power of currencies of various countries continued to decline. I am afraid that only the Daxia Territory would not be affected. .

Cormanzo may also be possible, but after all, it is in the form of gold coins and will be more or less affected by the proliferation of gold and silver coins.

Of course, Jenna does not think that countries will remain indifferent and allow their currencies to depreciate. The best way is to control gold and silver output.

But the problem is that the Gray Peak Mountain Mine was established for mithril. Gold and silver are only incidental outputs, and there is a Gray Peak Mountain Resource Management Committee to distribute them uniformly. I am afraid that it will not be controlled by wanting to control them.

After all, can the gold and silver produced be re-buried in the mine?

Jenna had previously had some illusions about her new Mingshui coins. Now it seems that it is better to actively embrace the blue gold coins designed based on the Power of Order logo. In this way, when the currencies of various countries are turbulent in the future, Mingshui Chamber of Commerce may still develop by leaps and bounds. What a rare opportunity!

Thinking of this, Jenna simply kept silent about this topic, and was not willing to reveal the existence of blue gold coins. Although Xia Duo was not worried about other currencies competing with blue gold coins, it was indeed not the best time to reveal the blue gold coins now.

Anyway, when the territory changes to a new currency in May, sooner or later all countries will know about the existence of blue gold coins. However, whether the blue gold coins can be accepted by all countries is a question mark.

But Xia Duo actually doesn't care whether countries accept blue gold coins. As long as there are people buying the products of Daxia Territory and Tower of Time, he won't worry about no one using blue gold coins. The worst thing is that he still has his own territory to protect the bottom line. We are reduced to the embarrassing situation of new coins being issued and no one using them.

"With the output of gold and silver in the Gray Peak Mountains, Comanso gold coins will inevitably be affected. Does Director Eli know what preparations Comanso has for this?"

"As far as I know, Cormanzo is already preparing to recycle old expired coins. If nothing unexpected happens, the news will be announced in the near future. Any Cormanzo currency without magical aura will be regarded as counterfeit currency in the future. "

As a member of a higher-ranking family, Eli is still somewhat accessible to upper-level planning even though he is a remnant of the Uvelun family that has been hidden for a long time in the past.

In addition, the recycling of old coins will be announced in the near future, and Eli doesn't mind letting his collaborators know a few days in advance.

After hearing such news, Chateau suddenly understood, and then asked again: "Does Comanso intend to decouple Comanso's currency from gold and silver?"

This approach is actually a way of expressing credit currency, but the implementation process relies on the magical effects attached to the gold coins. This was the case with the coins minted by Cormanzo in the past, but it still maintained a relatively fixed exchange ratio with gold and silver.

Now may be the beginning of decoupling.

"Whether it is decoupled from gold and silver, I can't give a definite answer for the time being. But I think at least it is impossible to exchange at a fixed ratio like in the past. After all, when the Gray Peak Mountains start to produce, a large amount of gold and silver will continue to flow out. Impact the existing market and impact the existing gold and silver coin system.”

Sure enough!

Regarding this kind of treatment, Xia Duo didn't realize anything. In the past, the Comanso currency already had the prototype of a credit currency, but now it just emphasizes this point more.

Moreover, he is not worried that the Comanso currency will become a competitor of Daxia's blue gold coins. The minting costs of the two parties are completely unequal, and the anti-counterfeiting methods are also very different.

In the future, if gold and silver output increases, if Cormanso really wants to use currency tricks to plunder the wealth of various countries, I am afraid that without Xia Duo taking action, various countries may start to counterfeit coins in batches.

On the other hand, for Xia Duo, because blue gold coins are difficult to imitate (mainly the logo of the power of order) and are very easy to identify, countries may suspect that he will use blue gold coins to harvest.

Looking at it this way, I am afraid that the existence of the Power of Order cannot be disclosed in a short time. Without disclosure, outsiders will not be able to know the difficulty of making the Power of Order logo. It can only be regarded as a very precise and difficult to create arcane magic effect.

“Sure enough, communication makes people progress!”

Thinking of this, Sha Duo couldn't help but glance at Jenna who was still thinking. At the moment, Jenna did know the existence of the power of order, but she still didn't know how to realize it. If she tried to figure it out on her own, she wouldn't be as successful as Sha Duo. Wonders of the Eastern World as a reference.

But in this case, the research on the power of order can only be limited to the Tower of Time, which may not be conducive to the development of the power of order.

But thinking about it on the other hand, even if all the main planes start to study the power of order, they may not be able to surpass the Eastern World for quite some time. After all, they have had the first-mover advantage for countless years.

It is simply unreasonable to want to overtake someone in a corner just because of an identity card that can be seen everywhere in the Eastern world.

It is better to focus on the field of arcane magic. The main plane has a foundation in this aspect, but the truth is that different paths lead to the same goal. Only through arcane magic can it be possible to overtake in a corner.

Of course, the research on the power of order cannot be given up. It is not a bad thing to know more about it. Moreover, the new currency plan of Daxia collar is almost entirely pinned on this, so we cannot be completely unprepared.

Thinking of this, Xia Duo gradually had an idea in his mind, and couldn't help but sigh again, "Communication makes people progress"!

The three parties communicated for a long time in the reception room. Jenna finally remembered an important task of her trip, took the initiative to stir up the topic, and said:

"There are still about ten days left in May, and the Snow Melting Competition has begun again. But for such a good competition, all countries in the Northland are participating. It's just a pity that the competition is too big. If it can be used as a designated event for Gray Peak resource allocation, then It couldn't be better, what do you think, Director Eli?"

Regarding the matter mentioned by Jenna, Shado was actually entrusted by the parliament, but now that Jenna has spoken, he does not need to be too proactive, he can just play the drums from the side.

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