Arcane Lord

Chapter 2994 The wonders of the ether boundary

In the magic theory of the main plane, the etheric plane and the material plane completely overlap. Any location on the material plane is connected to the ether, and you can enter the etheric plane from there.

The method is also very simple, just transform yourself into a spiritual state. In a sense, the etheric plane can also be considered as the spiritual dimension of the material plane.

However, the connotation of the etheric plane is far broader than that of the material plane. It is not some intrinsic attribute of the material plane, but is considered an independent existence.

Unlike the shadow plane, it can be considered the shadow dimension of the material plane, which is an intrinsic attribute of the material plane. Once the material plane ceases to exist, its corresponding shadow plane will also cease to exist.

In other words, a spellcaster can travel across planes through the Ethereal Plane, but cannot travel through the Shadow Plane.

In the past, Nese mages rarely traveled across planes by transforming spirits into the etheric plane. The biggest reason for this was that there was no guidance. Otherwise, this is actually a very good way to discover new planes.

Generally speaking, spellcasters in this plane can indeed enter the etheric plane by transforming themselves into spiritual forms, but they usually only move in the area where the etheric plane overlaps with the material plane.

In the past, it was not that no Master Nese had thought about discovering new planes in this way, but every one of those who really did so was lost in the extremely deep etheric plane.

Take Shado himself as an example. He occasionally enters the etheric plane for inspection and research, but he never leaves the point of entry too far.

Theoretically, he can indeed reach any location on the main plane through the etheric plane, but normally, if he goes a little further away, he may get lost.

Not to mention traveling across dimensions, who knows where he ended up.

There is a lot of fog all over the etheric plane. Even if you are operating in an environment that you are familiar with, you must be careful, otherwise you may get lost if you are not careful.

In the information given by Plitatis, he described the etheric plane as an ocean filled with etheric mist, and each of the isolated islands is the overlap between the etheric plane and the material plane.

Traveling across planes through the etheric plane means going from one island to another. Of course, this is when everything goes well, but generally speaking, the islands where ether and matter overlap only occupy a very small part of the etheric plane. a part.

There is also the overlap with the elemental plane, which is manifested as various elemental phenomena, mixed in the boundless etheric mist, and is inconspicuous.

Normally, discovering a new material plane through the etheric plane is as difficult as discovering other planets while completely blind on Earth.

The total blindness here is not an exaggeration. The etheric plane itself will weaken the perception of the caster in it, including various detection methods, which will also be weakened or even distorted.

Coupled with the boundless foggy area of ​​the etheric plane itself, from the perspective of discovering a new plane, isn't it almost like being blind!

However, in the information provided by Plitatis, a concept of [etheric boundary] was proposed. At first, Shado could not understand how there could be a boundary in the etheric plane, but after reading the information, he understood that the boundary here, In fact, it refers to a higher-dimensional perspective.

It feels like looking down into a maze.

In addition, this so-called [etheric boundary] is not actually a specific location, but a special state (of the etheric plane). When you reach this state, you can directly perceive the existence of adjacent planes (other isolated islands). ).

The more extreme the state, the wider the range of perception, which is similar to "the higher you stand, the farther you can see."

As for cross-plane teleportation, it is actually the process of passing through the etheric plane (etheric boundary) in this special state.

After digesting the information in the data, Xia Duo immediately thought of the biggest advantage of this technology compared to the traditional method of plane exploration, which is that it can continuously explore outwards with the main plane as the center.

Although the traditional exploration method will most likely lead to discovery from near to far, searching for plane features in the void of the etheric layer is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

The new method is somewhat similar to clicking on the technology tree. Starting from the main plane and clicking in circles, a large number of new planes can always be discovered. The bottleneck may only lie in certain areas with a large span, which need to be overcome by increasing the detection power.

No skills required at all, just push flat.

After seeing this information, Xia Duo could almost imagine that the number of new planes discovered by the Holy Golden Dragon Empire could not be measured in hundreds or thousands, and it would not be inconsistent if it exceeded 10,000.

At the same time, combined with the social scenes of the Holy Golden Dragon Empire seen in Savile's memory, Shado is almost certain that Mythra is definitely a super artifact that can overtake people in Netheril or even the main plane.

The Holy Golden Dragon Empire also has its own man-made energy system, but it is more similar to Calimshan's elemental tower. Although it can make up for the lack of power of the magic network, compared to Mythra, it is purely a younger brother.

Thinking of this, Shado suspended the communication with Saville, and immediately sent a message to Iolum and Badigal, mentioning the importance of Mythra to [Ether Boundary] technology.

"I think it is necessary to call all members to sign a new Mythra confidentiality agreement!"

In fact, this alone is not safe, because the principle of Mythra is no longer a secret. As long as he knows this concept, Plitatis can design a Mythra device based on the principle of dragon magic.

Not to mention, relevant news was sent back to the Holy Golden Dragon Empire, which used the size of an industrial country to crack and catch up with the so-called black technology accidentally invented by a classical agricultural country.

Xia Duo really has no confidence!

Fortunately, Plitatis should not be able to contact the Holy Golden Dragon Empire now. This requires Netheril to grasp the progress of the project as much as possible in the future cooperation process and understand the relevant technology thoroughly. Only in this way can it not be popularized. Litatis steals chickens.

At this moment, Xia Duo instantly understood the mentality of his hometown when he made the decision to open the city. He wanted to learn advanced technology and experience, but he was also worried about attracting wolves into the house. But no matter what, the first step was to go out.

At the same time, this also strengthened his belief in popularizing magic education and industrialization in the territory. How could he defeat industrialized countries without engaging in industry.

Not only does he have to do it himself, but he also has to find a way to get other territories in Netheril and other countries in the main plane to follow suit. Of course, there is no need to worry too much about this. As long as he develops more here, even in other places Even if you don't want to, you have to follow.

As the saying goes, "If you fall behind, you will be beaten." Although Xia Duo will not take the initiative to beat others, the threat is real, and "Open the door! Free trade" will also force them to actively demand progress. (End of chapter)

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