Arcane Lord

Chapter 2999 Experimental Verification Feasible Solution

Generally speaking, even if a spell is cast on the main plane, there will still be residual spell casts, usually in the form of broken magic aura, which is essentially the chaos of the local magic network environment.

Depending on the level of the spell, the time that the spell cast residue will exist will also be different. Generally, the higher the level, the longer the spell cast residue will exist.

The cast remnants of most 10th-level spells can last for more than a year, but similarly, the cast remnants of any spell can be eliminated manually.

Especially for those high-level spells, in order to prevent potential snoops, most mages will clean up the remaining traces after completing the spell casting.

Shado and Saville did not deliberately remove the remaining traces after the spell was cast after the experiment on the etheric plane. On the one hand, the etheric fog that was gathered at that time burst out. It was not suitable to take action in that situation. On the other hand, they just wanted to See what traces will be left behind.

If there are permanent traces, there is a high probability that there is something wrong with the spells given by Plitatis. Fortunately, the other party did not play tricks in such an easily verified place.

At this moment, Shaduo and Saville returned to the Black Forest and the place where the experiment was originally conducted. After some detailed inspections, Shaduo determined that the residue of the previous spell was not permanent. It would take about half a year to fully recover in the environment of the etheric plane. dissipate.

"First create an etheric boundary at the original location and see if you can still see the four plane shadows you saw before."

This is a simple comparison experiment to verify the reliability of the ether boundary exploration method. If it is a different plane shadow every time, more new planes can be discovered in a short period of time.

But in the long run, it is not conducive to summing up experience, and then obtaining a more stable growth in the number of new planes discovered by continuously increasing the spell level.

Of course, in addition to verifying the plane exploration method, this experiment can also reflect the space-time relationship between the main plane and other nearby planes to a certain extent.

Before coming, Shado had already discussed the experimental process with Savile. The first time was that Savile cast a spell to create the ether boundary. In addition to warning and protection, Sha Duo also explored the ether boundary itself.

Soon, under the influence of Saville's spell, the ether fog was once again continuously gathered into the experimental area with limited space, and soon reached a critical point.

The area where a large amount of fog gathered turned into a pure crystal with colorful light on the edge. As the fog continued to gather, light spots began to appear in the crystal, and then the light spots magnified into clearly visible color blocks.

Xia Duo changed his perspective and observed the color blocks in the crystal. It was still the same as before. There were four in total. You need to look at them from four different perspectives to truly see them.

This shows that the main plane and other nearby planes are in a relatively stable state in terms of time and space. Of course, it also verifies the reliability of the ether boundary route and proves the hidden measures he had previously deployed in those three planes. invalid.

Subsequently, Shado used his own method to detect the ether boundary, but unfortunately, the results of the detection spell feedback could not be interpreted for the time being.

Judging from past experience, there should be some data on the changes in the form of the etheric plane. However, there is not much research on the etheric plane itself in the main plane, and most of them use the etheric plane for transmission.

What is the relationship between the etheric fog and the etheric plane itself? Xia Duo only has a rough guess for the time being and is not sure.

But if nothing else, by studying the ether boundary itself, we should be able to find a shortcut to the essence of ether.

After using various means to detect, Xia Duo began to place beacon weapons again. It was not because three of the planes had already placed beacons and they were not missed. Instead, four were placed as usual.

Among them, in the plane where the plane beacon lost contact before, he also specially placed an adjusted beacon magic weapon, so it should not be lost this time.

Of course, the purpose of launching four beacons is to verify whether the four planes discovered this time are the four discovered last time.

The state of the plane shadow alone cannot be completely determined. After all, the world is so big, planes with similar attributes will inevitably appear. Although the possibility of them appearing near the main plane at the same time is almost zero, it is not zero after all.

After everything was settled, Xia Duo notified Savile to stop maintaining the ether boundary, and then the two stood up again and flew to high places.

But this time the two did not return directly to the floating city, but found a new experimental site away from the previous experimental area.

"I'll cast the spell this time."

Shado didn't give Savile a chance to refute, so he started directly. It was only after he started using it that he realized how difficult it was to create an etheric boundary. Unlike most spells, it can be controlled stably after completing a certain amount of casting process.

Instead, it requires continuous casting. In other words, this is actually a guidance spell, and it is more complex, cumbersome, and difficult than any guidance spell he has seen before.

But when casting spells step-by-step, although Shado's spell-casting proficiency is not as good as that of a seasoned veteran spell caster like Savile, it is not too stretched, and there is still a passing line.

The rest is more about mentality, and Xia Duoyou misses the robe base, which eliminates worries. The biggest consequence of failure is just being teased by Savile, which actually doesn't matter to him at all. .

This happened again after being teased by elders and seniors.

There was nothing wrong with his mentality, and Savile was keeping an eye on the external environment. There were no twists and turns in Shado's casting process. A large amount of ether mist soon gathered and sent it into a critical state.

A piece of pure crystal was formed, almost exactly the same as in the experiment just now. As the critical state continued to rise, light spots appeared again in the crystal, as well as color blocks after the light spots were amplified.

Because Xia Duo had to keep casting spells, he could only see the phantom of his own plane in the pure crystal formed by the etheric mist——

Light red, the position is slightly shifted compared to before!

As for the pictures from other perspectives, Savile quickly gave him the same color blocks as in the previous two experiments, but the positions were slightly shifted.

In other words, depending on the location where the ether boundary is created, the virtual shadows of adjacent planes that can be seen may also be different.

The reason why it is the same now may be because the two test locations are not too far apart, at least not far enough to cause the plane ghost in the etheric boundary to change.

According to the spell information provided by Plitatis, it can be seen that the higher the critical state, the larger the range of adjacent planes that can be "seen".

In order to discover more new planes in the future, when the critical state cannot continue to improve, we can obtain a wider observation perspective by changing the observation position.

It probably won't work in the same plane. It may be necessary to establish observation points in other planes (corresponding etheric planes). (End of chapter)

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