Arcane Lord

Chapter 3012 Another incident occurred

It’s not that there is no one in the Tower of Time. There are now more than 500 new mages in the Tower of Time, and the number is still increasing, and even the growth rate is continuing to increase!


The person Savile wants is not an ordinary new mage, but a quasi-high-level mage. Currently, the quasi-high-level mage of the Tower of Time can only be obtained through the inheritance ceremony, but the inheritance ceremony has been carried out for five periods now!

Except for the first phase of the inheritance ceremony, which only had about ten people, each of the following four phases had one hundred people. This number alone was close to the number of all new mages!

It is conceivable that Xia Duo was very harsh on the apprentices and new mages of the Tower of Time. You must know that accepting inheritance rituals can directly instill knowledge and experience into people, but the ideas for thinking about problems and the judgment when dealing with practical problems cannot be solved. But it’s hard to keep up all at once.

In other words, the real targets of the inheritance ceremony are those who already have a certain foundation, have their own understanding of magic, and have formed their own learning and thinking methodologies.

In the plane of the Red Heart Alliance, you generally have to go to university to use inheritance rituals at will. Otherwise, this shortcut of directly instilling knowledge and experience will become a great constraint for a mage to embark on the path of research.

Fortunately, not everyone is suitable for research work, and not everyone has the talent in this area. For those with poor talent, the inheritance ritual is really a cheat that can change their destiny.

But considering that the quasi-high-level mages who were quickly produced through inheritance rituals were used to fill various research projects, although Xia Duo had already skipped the top batch when selecting people, they still had to be used for research after all, so he couldn't. Too much crotch!

Therefore, this inheritance ceremony also requires selection!

More than 400 people have been selected in the five phases so far, which has already had an impact on the development potential of the Tower of Time. Although it is not obvious now, in the long run, the impact is indeed not small. (Discounting potential in advance will inevitably lead to some discounts)

In addition, in terms of selection, it is also a very realistic issue. Starting from the fifth period, the quality of personnel has been significantly different from the previous periods. In the fifth period, Xia Duo lowered the standard to get a hundred people.

If we choose the sixth batch now, there are only two consequences of doing so, either we will lose potential top talents, or we will get a bunch of weird melons and jujubes to make up the numbers.

Xia Duo didn't want to see any outcome.

Therefore, it is now impossible for him to express his unconditional support for Savile as before. For this reason, he also gave his own reasons and said:

"You also know the current situation of the Tower of Time. I'm afraid I won't be able to hold another inheritance ceremony within this year. And now you have the most abundant manpower in the entire Tower of Time, because not long ago, all the people who completed the five inheritance ceremonies were Here you go, Niya complains about me a lot. If you are really short of people, I will temporarily cut off a project and give the people to you first, but you have to give me a guarantee as to when the results will be achieved!"

Generally speaking, Xia Duo rarely requires that a project must produce results within a certain deadline, but Savile has gathered too many resources, and he is indeed very interested in the truth about the sun and the moon, so he has This is said.

Savile hesitated for a moment and then made a conditional guarantee, "If you come to help, we will definitely be able to restart the lunar exploration operation within this year!"

"What you said, didn't I come to help before? Who is doing the analysis and optimization of the space-time status data of the etheric layer? Isn't it me?"

The main research field that Shado chose after becoming an arcanist was the plane field. Later, although the plane exploration center was established and Saville was appointed as the leader, in fact, he himself was never absent.

In particular, the analysis algorithm design and optimization of the space-time status data of the etheric layer here are almost all done by him alone.

As for other people in the Discovery Center, they are either collecting data, analyzing and organizing data based on the algorithm designed by Sha Duo, or they are busy with other projects.

"My work in the Northland Alliance has stabilized for the time being. In the future, I will focus more on the Tower of Time and the territory. I hope to have a critical lunar exploration trip before the end of the year!"

"Don't worry, if everything goes well, we might be able to complete all the preliminary preparations before and after the Moon Festival."

"I hope so!"

Then Xia Duo once again turned his attention to the drawings on the large splicing table. Most of these were the recently discovered orbits of stars projected on the main plane, as well as some calculation drafts.

Hovering over the big table is a sketch of the relationship between the star trajectories and the space-time status of the corresponding planes. There are still many details that have not been completed.

If it can be completed, determining the position of the new plane based on the existing stars will no longer be an empty talk, but will become a practical and usable new technology.

Meanwhile, Kiran Towers.

Horn was in the study room listening to his subordinates reporting to him the recent progress of the cooperation with Plitatis on blood sequencing. Just as he was listening to the good news that the sequencing speed was several times faster than before, Brundes hurried in - —

"No, Plitatis is going to build a new plane exploration base!"

"Huh? What's the situation? Wasn't it good before? The new mage tower was built for him as soon as it was built. In order to build the mage tower within half a month, many of Seven Towers' own projects were affected. Why should we do it? Created a new exploration base?”

Horn originally felt very good when he heard that the speed of blood sequencing had increased several times, but now he suddenly heard that Plitatis was going to build a new exploration base, and he felt bad.

Because of another cooperation with Plitatis, the Mage Tower that serves as the plane exploration center on New Severton, Kiran Tower, has invested the most.

Now listening to what Brundes means, it seems that there is no need for it and a new one needs to be built. It is another matter whether the Kiran Tower will bleed again. This kind of approach of changing ideas after only a few months really makes him a little bit agitated. dissatisfied.

"You go back first, and the blood sequencing project will maintain the status quo and don't be affected by this news."

Horn sent away the subordinates who had previously reported to him, and then began to ask about the details of Preitatis's sudden change of mind, "Tell me, what happened? He couldn't change his mind for no reason, right?"

"When I was in contact with him before, I casually mentioned the Ether Advance Base over there at the Austrian and French Federation. Plitatis was very interested when he found out about it. He has been inspecting it there for the past few days. Just now, he Tell me that it is very suitable as an exploration base. The difficulty of creating and maintaining the ether boundary there, as well as the difficulty of raising the critical state, will be greatly reduced. Regardless of whether a new base is built now, it will always be built in the future. It is better to build it now. These are his exact words.”

After Brundes finished speaking, Horn immediately stood up in shock, "This is actually the case. Contact him again to confirm whether the previous judgment is true. In addition, let our people try it. I'll go Find Badigal.”

After saying that, Horn couldn't wait to arrange more specific details and teleported directly out of the study.

After Horn left, Brundes was stunned for a few seconds, and then sighed, "I didn't expect Lord Chateau to win in the end!" (End of Chapter)

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