Arcane Lord

Chapter 3025 The spell storage function of stagnant space

However, this time when he came here, Xia Duo first checked the stasis space. Although the stasis space does not need to worry about the user's deliberate attacks, it is also easier to become a component of spell rituals here.

A pre-completed spell is stuffed into the stasis space, and it has practical significance the moment the user takes it out. In theory, it can indeed be linked to a spell ritual.

However, this method of storing spells is still not as convenient as directly storing the magic network, and it requires higher abilities on the part of the caster. The most important thing is the cost.

Maintaining a stasis space for a long time is not a small amount of money. Generally, this is done by the Mage Tower Organization or some large chambers of commerce.

For individuals, it's really not worth it.

Finally, this method of storing spells is of little significance for high-end spell duels. This method of simply storing spell effects cannot lock the target at all. Unless the spell is powerful enough to break all the target's protection and avoidance measures, it can easily target the target instantly. avoid.

Generally speaking, spell duels at the senior mage level involve element-level confrontations. At this time, the decisive factor is no longer powerful spells, but the understanding of spells and duels.

The so-called hand of mage decisive victory in the legend of the mage world often appears in duels between senior mages (including above). Although on the surface, the winner may indeed win with a relatively simple hand of mage, but behind this is An extremely complex and dangerous element-level confrontation process.

Of course, it is not the case that powerful spells can have the final say in high-end duels. Simple war spells can be used, which is also the most commonly used method by Sha Duo.

It's not that he's not good at spell duels, it's just that it's easier to crush them directly. He never refuses to use more advanced tools to achieve his goals.

Not only the cross-era magic weapon like [Missing Robe], but also the spell itself is regarded by him as a tool, not a purpose, to explore the future.

But it is almost impossible for war spells to be stored in stasis space, unless it is a stasis space at the level of war spells.

Ordinary stasis space can only store spells below level 8, or some incomplete spell elements, but this is enough to be used to link up ritual spells!

During the inspection of the stasis space, Xia Duo introduced to Niya the idea of ​​using stasis space to link ritual spells. Niya was very surprised by this:

"So, many ritual spells can be completed by just one person?"

"It can be done by one person! Collaborative spell casting is just to reduce the difficulty of spell casting, but using stasis space linkage to form ritual spells may be more difficult than completing it by one person."

If it were more convenient and easier to use stasis space, this method would have spread long ago. For many mages, cost is not actually a problem they consider.

The difficulty of casting is.

Even for Xia Duo, there are many times when he needs to successfully complete the spell at any cost. For example, when creating the mystery lock, there are some tedious but important verification experiments, and there is no need to consider the cost at all.

In other words, if a spell is cast incorrectly in this type of scenario, the hidden cost may be higher. Increasing the success rate regardless of cost can actually save costs!

But if stasis space is used to store ritual spell elements, timing is the biggest problem. Although the caster who retrieves the spell elements can also enter a cooperative state, the variables of the stasis space storage itself are difficult to control.

Why most Nese mages use teleportation circles or portals whenever possible when traveling is not because teleportation spells can cause accidents.

Sometimes, even if there are no mistakes at the level of spell casting, the spell itself may have an accident. It is like a person walking on the road. The pedestrian is very vigilant and makes no mistakes in the way he walks, but a big pothole suddenly appears on the road.

How can pedestrians avoid this situation?

Mage teleportation essentially relies on the fact that the etheric plane is connected to the main plane everywhere. Moving on the connecting plane is no different from walking, except that this path is a little special.

They are all walking. Walking may encounter force majeure factors. How could teleportation not encounter it?

The teleportation circle is like a man-made highway. There are still risks, but compared with wild roads, it is many times safer.

The safest thing is the teleportation gate, which directly connects two spaces. There are almost no accidents. Compared with direct teleportation and teleportation circles, it takes the shortest time. It is a truly direct connection.

There is actually a certain delay between direct teleportation and teleportation circle, but the teleporter himself cannot feel it. Based on this, there is even a special spell used to delay teleportation.

Sha Duo had an enmity with Lord Hawke before, and a large part of the reason was because he asked the delayed teleportation spell from the arcanist sent by the other party.

It is almost impossible for a caster who has mastered this spell to be teleported by the enemy. If the enemy wants to teleport (in a group), the teleportation signal will be detected by the enemy and the upcoming teleportation will be delayed immediately.

The enemy's time during the teleportation process is almost negligible, but more than ten seconds or even longer may have passed on your side. This long time is enough to lay a trap that can destroy all enemies.

Even if a trap is not set, the teleportation destination can be changed to other places. In short, this kind of attack is ineffective against those who have mastered the delayed teleportation spell.

Therefore, Xia Duo, who has mastered this spell, will never teleport directly to others. Instead, he will teleport near the enemy first and then fly over, just because he is worried that others will also master this spell.

Speaking of stasis space, this is not a stasis area arranged in the main plane, but exists in a demiplane. The spell storage process is actually a cross-plane process.

Even if it only spans one and a half planes, various situations may occur. The probability of direct loss is indeed very small, but a slight delay or luck without delay may be a fatal mistake for the entire ritual process.

If you want to coordinate all the spell requirements, the best way is to use a magic weapon prepared in advance, or to have multiple spellcasters coordinate. It is unrealistic to store the spell requirements directly through the stasis space.

Xia Duo didn't really want to check the magic requirements on the spot in the stasis space. He speculated that if the void warehouse used by the Illuminati really came from him and planned to use the void warehouse to achieve a certain purpose, there might be some kind of magic. device.

A magical weapon that has reached a state of synergy with other matching magical weapons!

But this is no different from directly sending someone with a magic weapon to go somewhere. The role of the Void Warehouse here is just a warehouse.

You can carry it directly, put it in a dimensional bag, or even cast a spell to teleport it there.

In this case, what is the purpose of assigning Person?

Is it really transporting supplies? (End of chapter)

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