Arcane Lord

Chapter 3096 Psychic Experiment

————On the way~~


In the laboratory.

The first thing Sha Duo checked was the core components responsible for the transmission of consciousness information in each scrapped gateway. These core components all used ectoplasmic materials, or to be more precise -

It is a synthetic ectoplasm material numbered 208 from Imasca.

Considering that real ectoplasm materials are expensive and difficult to obtain, Shado almost without hesitation chose ectoplasm-like composite materials artificially synthesized through creation magic when producing these gateway artifacts.

This kind of gateway algorithm was originally designed for the security protection of Linsi Network. The computing power pool is a kind of Linsi Network. However, considering the actual cost, Xia Duo referred more to his expected computing power when designing the gateway instrument. Pool traffic status.

When he first heard about the abnormal loss of the gateway processor, he did not immediately suspect other external factors. Instead, he worried that it might be a design flaw in the computing power pool that caused abnormal network traffic, which in turn led to abnormal loss of the gateway.

So now, he has to immediately check the core transmission components that use ectoplasmic materials in the gateway magic weapon. The status of these core components can intuitively reflect the total amount of consciousness information transmitted before they are scrapped.

Although the gateway device itself contains a traffic statistics component, it only collects data indirectly and does not touch the root cause.

It is actually a device connected in parallel with the core transmission component. It also uses ectoplasmic materials, but it does not directly transmit the consciousness information in the computing power pool sub-network, but records the flow passing through the core transmission component through mutual induction.

Is there really this kind of traffic in this computing power pool network?

The reason why the traffic statistics component is found out is because the statistics component indirectly obtains traffic data through mutual inductance. The statistical accuracy is limited by the accuracy of mutual inductance, and is not a limitation of the statistics component itself.

Very slowly, Mr. Xia completed the inspection of the first batch of scrapped gateways taken out of the warehouse. All the ectoplasm materials in the core transmission components were in a damaged state. Judging from their actual service life, they were far as expected.

As a result, all the statistical parameters of the day were all kinds, and even other gateways that were at the same node as the scrapped gateway were still in a running state, but none of them were working.

Perhaps there is no psionic mage involved, a covert regression attack on the arcane mage through psionic or psychic energy.

Of course the results are still normal.

Even now, Mr. Xia only has a few guesses, and he is not sure what problem caused this phenomenon.

The scrapped magic weapons from various countries were successively sent back to the research center, and the gateway team also issued more detailed reports, but these reports were superficial and could lead to wrong conclusions.

As long as the mutual inductance accuracy of the traffic statistics component is reduced to the meta-thinking level, all traffic cannot be counted, but the cost is that it requires a lower cost than the core transmission component.

Shao Xia picked up the gateway status of various countries that Charles had called out from the data room immediately before the accident, and found the corresponding time and place based on the gateway number.

In other words, the research center can only confirm that there is indeed a normal situation in the network sensor, but the root cause has not yet been found.

Because they are all real information flows, the core transmission components of the gateway are transmitted to them, resulting in normal losses.

After checking the traffic statistics components in more than 70 gateways, Xia Shao found nothing normal, but that was not the smallest normality.

That part of the information that records the traffic has actually been sent back to the headquarters through the computing power pool network. One of the important reasons why the gateway is said to be experiencing normal wear and tear is that the records sent back are very abnormal.

This is like the traffic display on a mobile phone. It may be intuitive, but the reality may be far less than the actual loss of the antenna. Of course, this is just an example. Mobile phone antennas on the earth generally have no loss. (Under the electromagnetic conversion theory, it will also cause damage to the antenna itself, but this cannot be ignored)

Obviously the traffic records returned by the traffic statistics component are all abnormal, but none of the gateways are scrapped. So if we consider this to be true, is it still normal?

It should be caused by being hit by a small amount of conscious information in a short period of time.

Of course, only the people at Lingsi Network Research Center know about those situations for the time being. Countries that reported short service life of gateways only know that there is a problem with the gateway, which may be a quality problem or another problem.

In short, there is no conclusion yet on everything.

Then, I checked the other components in the gateway. They were basically support components, such as those used to encrypt or protect the gateway itself.

It is completely consistent with the records returned by other gateways that I have not delayed in scrapping, and it is obviously correct with the scrapped gateway.

It seems that just because the computing power pool is divided into normal network traffic, the core transmission component of the gateway has been affected and has been scrapped.

However, the ectoplasm-like material of the gateway will actually be lost. Basically, it violates the law that the less the flow, the lighter the loss. When the loss reaches a certain threshold, the information transmission function will completely fail.

That was obviously planned. Mr. Xia only asked people to make special versions of gateways and send them to these countries where trouble had occurred. But at least that could only confirm that there was indeed subtle and sparse normal information in the branch network.

It does not mean that if no one is really doing something wrong, they are just shooting one gun and changing the land, and they are committing repeated crimes. They may even change the computing power pool access device one at a time.

When consciousness information is subtle enough to a certain extent, it can be counted, but this information does not really exist, so this kind of phenomenon occurs.

Yes, and no countermeasures have been given. The research center believes that a user in the network where the gateway is located may have used subtle and various information flows to attack the computing power pool in a short period of time.

In addition to the direct cause of subtle and mundane consciousness information attacks, Mr. Xia didn't think of it until he received Kalish's invitation -

That made the investigation extremely difficult.

At present, arcana string is the only material that can react with elemental transmutation and is always metamorphic. (Its own properties are not as stable as mithril)

And these special gateways have been sending back normal messages to this day.

The situation is similar for other magical instruments. The spiritual quality will deteriorate due to the transmission of consciousness information, and the energy-conducting material will also deteriorate due to the circulation of elemental energy.

In fact, that part of the investigation did not need to be done by Mr. Xia himself. As early as the seventh day before the accident, Charles placed the relevant report under Mr. Xia's desk.

Next, Xia Shaoyou went to the warehouse to get the seventh batch of scrapped gateways, but continued to check the batch taken out later and checked the traffic statistics components in each set.

Before actually meeting Kalish, Mr. Xia was even more confident about that kind of belief.

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