Arcane Lord

Chapter 816 Promoting Hatred, Helian

Outside the city of Domtos.

Xia Duo looked at the thick tree trunk less than an arm's length in front of him, a drop of cold sweat oozed from his forehead, and at the same time, he felt a little scared.

This fuzzy teleportation almost killed him.

Although he tried to choose an open area when teleporting, this heart-pounding teleportation method was really not suitable for him.

However, Xia Duo also understood that only fuzzy teleportation was the most suitable teleportation method for running away. The premise of fixed-point teleportation was to know the six-dimensional coordinates of the target.

Even if he had prepared several safe points for temporary hiding in advance, it might not be enough in the process of running away.

In the end, he still had to rely on fuzzy teleportation.

Before in the main plane, he had not tried such an exciting running game!

The most exciting one was the time in Rodney's territory, but that time Lord Rodney only chased him for a while and gave up, and then ran directly to the Tower of Time to wait for him.

Here, there is no lair like the Tower of Time where people can come to the door, but accordingly, he emptied out Genit's collection, and Genit would not let him go if he still had a bit of temper.

Let alone chasing for a while, Xia Duo estimated that he would not give up until he caught his guy!


Now maybe this chase and counter-chase can be regarded as a game, but it will be a real battle in the main plane.

No matter how the top leaders of both sides control the intensity of the conflict, Xia Duo and other people who personally participated in the action are actually walking on the edge of life and death.

It is related to his own life, so now he naturally has to use the projection plane as much as possible to test the means of the elves, so that he can survive better in the main plane.

Maybe he can pin his hopes on the princess not wanting Niya, a student, to die, and Niya not wanting him, a husband, to die, but pinning hopes on others is stupid in itself.

If it is necessary, there is another way, but now there is an opportunity to take the initiative, if you don't grasp it, isn't it more stupid than pinning hopes on others?

Comparing the surface map brought from the Underdark, Shado began to consider where to go to the next city.

The pressure from just an elite wizard like Gnitt, or a border city like Domtos, was limited after all.

He planned to do another job in Domtos, draw enough hatred, and then go to the next city to continue to draw hatred.

After all, there was only one chance to practice with the elves without fear of life and death in a short period of time, so we must make full use of it and not waste it.

He hid outside the city for two days. As expected, during this period, Gnitt gave him too little pressure. Except for occasionally using the detection spell to search for his location, he didn't even have the courage to teleport out.

Perhaps the other party was planning to give him a big one, but Shado was already impatient.

Late that night, he sneaked into the city of Domtos again, destroyed the statue of the high-level wizard in the center of the inner city, and left a provocative text.

The high-level mage in the statue was an ancestor of the Dirunos family in the city. He has long passed away. If the high-level mage was still alive, the Dirunos family would not have fallen to the point of settling in a border city.

But even if the family fell into decline, the Dirunos family would not allow the statue of their ancestors to be destroyed.

Perhaps because the family fell into decline, they might pay more attention to this high-level mage statue that could bring them great influence, and would not let the destroyer go.

After destroying the statue, Shado teleported away without stopping, and then there were several rounds of blurry teleportation. Until he was far away from Domtos, he still felt heavy in his heart.

I don’t know if it was the backhand of the statue or the Dirunos family had already started to track him down, but no matter what, Shado finally felt the pressure.

Taking out the map, Shado roughly identified his location and found that he had come to another border city of Sluvende.

This city is closer to Ilfarran than the previous Domtos City, almost on the border between the two countries. The previous Domtos was more of a marginal city than a border city, without even a high-level mage.

But this city was different. It was marked as extremely dangerous on the drow map and was guarded by high-level mages.

Shado didn't want to provoke the high-level mage for the time being. He carefully glanced in the direction of the city and began to silently calculate the transmission parameters of the real target city.

Before the next tracking of Domtos City came, he teleported away.



The second city that Shado chose to attract hatred, except for Domtos, which he had personally investigated, he chose Helien more based on the drow map.

There were no high-level mages stationed in this city, at least, there was no relevant mark on the drow map.

In fact, Shado was also a little excited about challenging the high-level mage, but out of rational considerations, he would not take the initiative to provoke. If he accidentally provoked him, he would just regard it as an upgrade in the difficulty of the game.

Late at night, he carefully sneaked into the outer city of Helien. Unlike Domtos, the outer city here had night patrols.

But for Xia Duo, who was wandering in the shadows, these patrols were useless.

Xia Duo randomly selected a house and sneaked into it, and happened to see a female golden elf sewing clothes under the light.

Without too many words, Xia Duo started directly with the mental spell [Shock], and then [Instruction]. He did not show his body, still hidden in the shadows, and asked through his voice:

"Tell me, which is the most powerful family in the city? What does the emblem look like? Is there a high mage in this family?"

"The most powerful family is the Helian family. Their emblem is the long sword and the sunflower. The Helian family does not have a high mage."

Hey guys, just name the city after your family name!

Xia Duo knew that this was the target he was looking for. He didn't have a high mage, but he was very powerful, so the pressure he could put on him was just right.

After all, the joint action on the main plane will not let them fight with the high mage!

Even if they really have this ability, once this kind of fighting starts, it will be difficult for the conflict between the two countries to end.

He threatened casually, "If you dare to reveal my existence, I will definitely take your life next time you come here!"

After letting go of his control over the female elf, Xia Duo quietly observed her for a while, making sure that she had no intention of informing, and then quietly withdrew.

In the inner city, the Helian family is located.

When Shado found this place, it was already close to dawn, but when he saw that there was still obvious light inside the Helian family, he decided to take a chance.

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