Arcane Lord

Chapter 852 Thunder Purgatory, Retreat

While Xia Duo was hesitating and watching, he also discovered other perception fields. It seemed that everyone was observing, but soon the first supporter appeared.

It's Frost, the high mage of Giles Tower!

It's just that the location where he appeared seemed a bit ominous. As soon as he appeared, he was just above the round gray-black land. Before he could react, a bolt of lightning emerged from the void and hit him directly.

No one would not take adequate protection before supporting the teleportation. Just a flash of lightning was not enough to make a high-level mage unbearable.

But the problem is, the moment of confusion when the lightning hit made him fall directly from the sky, and he was teleported again before he hit the ground.

People are gone.

Supported a lonely person!

Soon, Shado received a message from Frost, "I just fell out of control and triggered the teleportation spell. I returned to the camp. The magic network in that area is very abnormal. It is inseparable from the elves and cannot be allowed to complete the spell." !”

It's just that when he said these words, it was already a little late.

As Sha Duo watched, the elves completed the spell. At that moment, the violent fluctuations caused by the magic net almost caused Niya's perception field to dissipate while she was still in the air.

And the next moment, in the distorted perception, dense lightning beams like rain curtains and waterfalls immediately erupted above the round gray-black land!

The powerful energy even caused the perception field to become visually dull, as if watching a scene in slow motion as a large number of lightning beams began to slowly converge in one direction.

A huge, tilted lightning flower was formed in the space, with its roots constantly bifurcating and radiating out!

It's just that the root of the lightning flower is not the source of the forked and spread lightning, but the focus of lightning gathering from other directions!

This focus shook violently, as if it was about to tear a big hole out of the magic network, allowing endless energy to pour out.

However, the magic net cannot be torn apart easily, so Xia Duo watched silently while holding his breath.

Although it looked very slow visually, the moment he saw this scene, he already understood that the attack had been completed!

Just when the focus of lightning was slowly moving towards the defensive position where Joyce and others could not move, he suddenly received a message from Joyce——

"Tarantus failed to escape! Mission failed!"

Joyce's tone was low. In addition to being a little lonely, there was also an unconcealable fear and fear. After hearing this, Xia Duo found it hard to imagine that a high-level mage who was chatting and laughing not long ago would be gone.

As for those mid-level mages who don't even know how to teleport, in this case, death is their only outcome.

At this time, Frost also summoned all the high-level mages of the agreement and said with some fear: "Then did I just save my life?"

No one answered, but the silence itself heralded an answer.

"Retreat? Or what to do?" Xia Duo was thinking silently.

First of all, it is obviously inappropriate to give up the task directly. The people above are watching. If you give up until the last moment, you will probably not get any good results if you go back.

Then you can only take some risks!

Just when Xia Duo was thinking about how to persuade others, Joyce summoned him again, "I decided to quit. I don't want to take risks. Even if I have to be punished if I go back, I will admit it!"


Xia Duo really wanted to curse, this guy just quit like this and sent a message to everyone. Didn't he deliberately lower everyone's morale?

I might as well have died just now, why did I let you escape!

In the moment of silence, the delayed image perceived by Niya's detection spell finally "played". When the final focus of lightning was close to Joyce and others, it suddenly burst out, and Joyce and others disappeared in an instant. .

Of course, Shado knew that Joyce ran away, but no one else could run away, especially the magician Tarancentus.

"Several of your Excellencies are looking at us! Now that we are retreating when we encounter a slight setback, will we still have the courage to compete with the elves on the main plane in the future? Think about this war and this mission carefully. It is really just for a minor position. Face?”

Regardless of whether the superiors had the idea of ​​​​letting the subordinates take sides and use war to temper their courage to fight against the elves, Sha Duo immediately decided that it was!

This is not only what he thinks is the only way to develop Netheril, but also a choice that any human who wants to make a difference in the main plane must face!

Do we really want to huddle in the shadow of the elves for the rest of our lives?

These high-level mages can be regarded as the rare essence of Netheril. If even these people dare not fight, can more ordinary people still have the heart to resist?

At this moment, Shado was extremely sure that any leader with a little ambition who wanted to develop Netheril would find a way to break the natural worship, natural fear and natural non-resistance of the Netherese people towards the elves!

This time in the Green Field Plane, only four of the seven towers, Giles Tower, Gustav Tower, Kilan Tower, and Jannik Tower, were forced to recruit personnel to participate in the war.

The other three parties all used missions to attract them. Perhaps they had no choice but to do so out of some consistency among the Seven Towers Group.

Perhaps among the Seven Towers Group, only these four parties truly stand together. At least in terms of their attitude towards the elves, they are highly consistent!

This is also in line with Xia Duo’s wishes!

It's just that people always have bad habits, and they always hope that others will sacrifice for themselves, and they will be exempted from sacrifice, and Xia Duo is no exception, but when they are really involved in the matter, how can they give up their position so easily!

It is somewhat similar to what was often described in the novels that Xia Duo once read, "Once you retreat, you will have mental obstacles, and it will be difficult to improve your cultivation thereafter."

Although the reality is not that exaggerated, this abandonment not only means that there is no future in one's own camp, this alienation choice also reshapes one's own ideas and three views, becoming what one did not want to be in the past. That kind of person.

If there are too many such choices, it means that the outlook on life is completely distorted, or in other words, corrupted!

Of course, this is from Shado's point of view. Perhaps Joyce himself was very resistant to this forced recruitment and fighting with the elves, and now he chose to give up as soon as he got the opportunity.

They are simply the guiding party. Their views and ideas are different from Xia Duo's, so there can be no talk of any change, distortion or degeneration.

He just did the most normal reaction for a person like him.

However, Joyce came from Jannik Tower, which is interesting.

At the mobilization meeting before departure, the Grand Arcanist Hadrian of Jannik Tower showed up in person, and Joyce also saw it with his own eyes, but now why does he not even have this political acumen!

Do you want to hang out in Jannik Tower from now on?

Such a thought flashed through Xia Duo's mind, but then he shook his head and continued the message:

"It's not the time yet when we have no choice but to give up. I suggest that each of our teams take out thirteen people to form a standing mobile team. If there is any abnormality, we will provide collective support!"

At present, the mid-level mages cannot let them go back directly. They are the pillars that maintain the combat power of a high-level mage with the archmage. At the same time, this whole group is also an indispensable force to contain the Mystery Lock node.

If there is no containment, then the elven mages will definitely gather in large numbers to seek a decisive battle. In that case, humans may not necessarily be able to defeat the elves.

We must give full play to the advantages of human beings!

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