Arcane Lord

Chapter 893 Loyal Steward, Embrace Progress

In the past, Xia Duo had tried to make paper, but he was careless at the time and was approached by the princess's teacher, Master Byron.

Byron reminded him that some people were paying close attention to new technologies with far-reaching impacts such as papermaking. Some supported it, while others opposed it. Fortunately, Byron was not an opponent.

But even so, Xia Duo never made paper again, not even inside the Tower of Time, where he was not afraid of being discovered through magic.

However, the current situation has changed from before. The biggest change is naturally Xia Duo's own strength and influence, and even his position within the Seven Towers Group.

Since the Seven Towers made him famous, and both Greta and the princess expressed their appreciation for him directly or indirectly, Xia Duo himself had some doubts, but outsiders would not care so much.

Now that he has the identity of the Seven Towers, even if he does something slightly out of line but not too excessive, will the Seven Towers still cut off ties with him?

Of course, his own strength is Xia Duo's greatest reliance.

The trip to [Projected Plane·Underworld] made Xia Duo feel the power of the elf high wizard, breaking his past blind self-confidence.

But at the same time, that kind of power is also very real and limited, no longer as unfathomable as the kind of unfathomable he occasionally imagined in fear.

As the saying goes, knowing yourself and knowing the enemy will ensure victory in a hundred battles. Xia Duo realized that although there is a gap between himself and the elf high wizard or the human archmage, this gap is visible, tangible, and can be effectively avoided.

This can also be regarded as a kind of confidence rebuilt in an alternative way!

With this cognition, Xia Duo is naturally not as wary of the conservative forces on the human side or the extremists on the elf side as before.

Even refining mithril is on the agenda, so what is the point of papermaking!

Moreover, whether it is refining mithril or papermaking, Xia Duo does not plan to make it public in the short term, and only uses the finished product inside the Tower of Time.

If you are still timid, how can you talk about leading the trend of the times!

Looking at Cecily with a slightly resentful expression in front of him, Xia Duo did not say anything on the surface, but he knew in his heart that he had neglected finance and materials.

"I will solve the paper problem. Tell me in advance if you find any problems next time. I am not a blindly arrogant person who cannot accept other people's opinions."

Hearing Xia Duo say this, Cecily was a little surprised at first, but she no longer had that resentful expression. She hesitated for a moment and whispered:

"In fact, I have mentioned these to Niya before. She asked me not to cause trouble for you. I thought she would tell you, but-"


Xia Duo was very surprised. He did not expect that there would be such an episode in it, but Niya was wrong this time. Covering up the problem does not mean solving it.

Only by facing the problem can we solve it, which is also the right thing to do.

"Next time if you have any problems, remember to tell me in advance. I don't think you want Niya to suffer losses because of this!"

Cecily nodded, without a direct reply. Xia Duo just thought it was interesting. Maybe she still wanted to report to Niya first?

What a loyal little housekeeper!

Skipping this section, Shado took out some wood pulp paper he had made before from his personal space, put it on the desk, and pushed it towards Cecily, motioning her to pick it up and have a look.

"Isn't this paper?" Cecily knew what it was after just one look. She picked it up and flipped it a few times before asking in confusion, "Does the Lord want it to replace parchment?"

"Paper" and "parchment" in the Netherese language are not the same word, but two completely different words. The former often has a prefix - "elf".

The so-called "elf paper" refers to something similar to wood pulp paper. Netheril can also produce it, but it is expensive and cannot be used to make magic scrolls, so it is not popular.

Cecily was also confused about this, but Xia Duo nodded and continued, "I know you want to talk about its price, but what if I tell you that I have mastered the method of cheap papermaking?"

"Cheap papermaking?"

Cecily was stunned at first, but then her eyes were filled with joy, "Sir, are you telling the truth? Is there really a cheap method of papermaking?"

"Of course it's true!"

"Then, then--"

After getting a definite answer from Xia Duo, Cecily was not happy for long. She soon realized the problem. If there is really a cheap method of papermaking, and it is also mass-produced, then the spread of knowledge is almost inevitable.

What impact will this bring?

Somehow, Cecily suddenly connected this with the various changes Xia Duo had made to the Tower of Time before, and a terrible guess gradually emerged in her mind.

"Sir, I can't decide on this matter. I must report to Nia."


Xia Duo did not stop her, nor could he stop her.

However, in his daily interactions with Nia, he had revealed his plans more than once and described to her the kind of future he envisioned.

Nia did not show any resistance. If she really wanted to refuse, she would have done so long ago without waiting for Cecily to tip her off.

In a sense, Nia could be considered his comrade, and Shado believed that the more talented a spellcaster was, the less likely he would resist such a future.

In the same way, the more talented a spellcaster is, the more powerful he will be able to gain, which is also the biggest boost to change.

Only those who feel that there is no hope of progress or are satisfied with the status quo will resist progress. But once progress appears and becomes overwhelming, who can really resist it!

Unless the gods destroy the world, the trend of progress may have twists and turns, but the general direction must be forward. And the threshold for immortality in this world is not high. Moving closer to the true mainstream of progress is what wise people do and can do. What the person did.

After Cecily left, the supplies department became deserted. Xia Duo didn't stay long and continued to Horst's research room.

However, he already knew the material application status of Horst Research Laboratory and had already made predictions about the progress of their mass production design research.

When he got there, he found that it was just as he expected. Most of the new projects were still on paper and had not yet reached the stage of physical trial production.

Xia Duo encouraged them a few words and left without putting too much pressure on them.

At present, the Tower of Time is on the right track. Of course, there will be pains of change. As long as the internal stability is stable, it will always be in a stage of rapid development, and everyone will benefit from it.

And once the results are seen, it will also promote stability.

What we need to do now is to check and fill in the gaps as much as possible, and solve problems that were not noticed before or were exposed during the development process.

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