Arcane Lord

Chapter 907 Druid knows magic and interferes with correction experiments

Chateau could see that Atwood was very confused, asking a former druid to read a book on magic. This behavior was somewhat strange and puzzling.

However, Shado did not explain anything. He just asked the other party: "What did Elder Atwood think after reading that book? Have you learned magic?"

Mentioning this, the expression on Atwood's face suddenly changed slightly, as if the lord had expected it. He said with a little excitement:

"Sir, although I have not done much research on magic before, your book is so detailed that even someone like me who has almost never been exposed to magic can understand it!"

As he spoke, Atwood clumsily summoned a faint ball of light, only the size of a palm, floating quietly in front of him, and his expression became even more excited:

"I never thought that I, Atwood, would learn magic one day. Sir, please forgive me for being rude. This is really exciting."

Although Atwood still didn't know why the lord asked him to learn magic, he was still very happy to be able to regain control of an extraordinary power after losing his holy power.

"In addition to the light spell, have you learned any other spells?"

Xia Duo remembered that there were many simple tricks in the "Principles" book, but of course there were very few more advanced tricks. He also advocated letting learners complete the steps to increase the level by themselves.

"Sir, this is how I learned it!" Atwood said with some embarrassment.

He knew that there was more than one spell recorded in the book, but the only one he had learned was the light spell. This single spell had already made him remove several handfuls of hair.

Atwood is not a professional mage, and may not be aware of his learning speed, but Shado knows very well that if he were an ordinary person who had never been exposed to magic, it would be impossible to learn a new spell in three days.

However, Atwood's situation is a bit special. As a former druid, he still retains the level of magic network he was exposed to before the holy power dissipated.

In other words, Atwood can be regarded as a quasi-mage who has never learned magic.

Holy power is similar to arcane energy. It can be used alone or to operate the magic network. However, ordinary clerics have not received concentration training and it is difficult to truly control the magic network.

However, tricks such as the light spell only need to touch the surface of the magic network to perform. Even ordinary people who have never been exposed to magic may automatically master it after adulthood.

Not to mention, Atwood also has special guidance from Chateau's "Principles" book. As long as you understand the specific casting elements of the light spell, that is, the specific combination of the magic network strings, you can successfully cast it.

Atwood had already come into contact with the magic network before, but he just lacked a little knowledge. Now Shado has completed the knowledge for him. Even if he is still not interested in concentration, he can easily learn the trick.

However, Shado asked Atwood about the progress of learning magic, not that he cared much about it. In fact, Atwood could learn the best, and he would be put down if he couldn't. Anyway, he never expected Atwood to become a real magic master.

Sensing the holy power of nature as soon as possible and then cultivating more natural druids for the territory was what Shado wanted Atwood to do most.

Of course, this does not mean that Shado is against Atwood learning magic.

On the contrary, he was very encouraging, but he didn't expect too much about the results. As for the reasons, there were many reasons.

The reason why I am asking this now is just to divert his attention and prevent him from thinking about other issues.

Next, Shado discussed magic issues with Atwood very seriously for a while. Of course, Shado mainly answered Atwood's questions. Seeing that the time was almost up, Shado said:

"The Daxia Territory will take magic as its main development direction in the future. Elder Atwood can read more of the "Principles" book when he has time. As a high-ranking official in the territory, how can he not understand any magic at all?"

At this point, Atwood finally understood the intention of the lord, so he stepped forward and bowed, and solemnly said: "Yes, sir, I will watch it often!"

The new natural concept and the natural theory of elves have completely different attitudes towards magic. The natural theory of elves is limited to the forest and has an attitude of opposition and rejection of magic.

But the new natural concept embraces everything, and nature also includes magic. Therefore, after the initial discomfort, Atwood quickly accepted magic and actively studied it.

In addition to the Lord's orders, there is also the rebellious psychology caused by the rejection of magic in the past.

Atwood's quick statement made Shado very satisfied, and then he said:

"I have been staying in the territory recently. Starting from tomorrow, you can come to my place at noon every day. We will discuss it together. If you don't understand anything, I can answer it for you."


Although Shado did not have high expectations for Atwood's achievements in the field of magic, the level of achievement and whether he could learn and whether he was willing to learn were completely different things.

In his opinion, it is not unacceptable for druids to learn magic. Ordinary people can learn it. Why can't druids learn it?

Maybe there is a lack of energy, maybe there are differences in the direction of conscious exercise, but these are not the core issues.

Whether you can learn and whether you are willing to learn is the key!

Only the elves, in order to suppress the underlying power, completely cut off the possibility of druids learning magic from the ideological level.

Only in this way can those druids cultivate the land with peace of mind and provide support to the upper class.

In elven society, especially Cormanthor, once an elf becomes a druid, his path to the upper echelons is basically blocked, and he will almost never turn over.

On Sha Duo's side, there are no such considerations, or in other words, King Cormanso Mian may not have such thoughts. The situation of the druid is likely to be the natural result of the long-term involution of elven society, and it is not necessarily planned in advance. OK

Of course, with that kind of result, and it is conducive to the rule of the upper class, then the upper class will definitely continue to maintain it. Until there are no major changes, that will almost be the eternal truth.

It’s really uncomfortable to think about.

Through this situation, Xia Duo also reminded himself not to forget his original intention and to avoid becoming the kind of person he hates.

"Sir, I'll take my leave now!"

"Wait!" Xia Duo interrupted quickly.

After talking about magic for so long, he has not forgotten the true purpose of letting Atwood learn magic in the first place.

This is not some idea or concept of everyone learning magic, but a cognitive experiment that was improvised four days ago.

In other words, it is an experiment on the interference and correction of the feedback of the objective entity formed by the new natural concept to the believer's perception.

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