Arcane Lord

Chapter 933 Interpreting spells and opening the magic network

Sha Duo was indeed good at Elvish language and had some knowledge of Elf magic, but when the two were combined, he realized that he was a little too optimistic.

Most of the elven magic he learned had been secondary processed by Master Nese. Even though it was still recorded in elven language, there was still some gap compared with the real original magic data.

In the projection plane, Shado had not been exposed to many real elven magic books, but knew more about drow magic (underdark experience).

However, due to living underground for a long time, drow magic has clearly differentiated from elven magic, becoming similar to Nese magic, becoming simpler, more direct, and more efficient.

At least when he looked at drow magic, he could quickly relate to it. As for elven magic, it was better to have it processed twice by Master Nese. After all, the essence of magic remained the same, it was just a difference in the system.

But when Master Byron talked about this native spell, he only felt that one was as big as two.

It is full of obscure referential descriptions, and at the same time the words are very emotional and full of the caster's personal characteristics. It is really a tedious task to find the key elements in the vast amount of redundant information. Woolen cloth!

It's a bit like the feeling on earth that foreigners have to extract the true meaning from the ancient classical Chinese of Xia Duo's hometown. It may be really difficult for ordinary people to fully understand it.

However, Xia Duo is no longer an ordinary person. He has been more or less exposed to native elf magic before (I got the autumn wind from elf refugees~), but it is just because the personal characteristics of these native magic materials are too heavy, making it difficult to get started.

It's equivalent to learning from scratch every time. It's no wonder that Master Nese gave up elf magic back then. Maybe the school divisions in elf magic will be very serious. If you can't go to the end of a certain school, then no matter how much information you get, it will only be enough. It's just superficial.

Now listening to Master Byron explain the material from the macro perspective of the Magic Network, he obviously feels that this has a completely different style from the original material he has come into contact with before.

Perhaps only researchers who have been immersed in elf magic for a long time can complete the conversion without any hindrance!

Fortunately, this spell is not complicated. Otherwise, Master Byron would not have to let him learn it temporarily in this situation. Since Master Byron did this, it means that it is possible for him to learn this spell in a relatively short period of time.

After getting through the initial brain-burning stage, Xia Duo gradually entered the state. After all, he had incarnated as an elf several times, and he was relatively familiar with the elf language, elf customs and culture.

Even because the incarnated elves are in different periods of history, it gives him a macro perspective that transcends history.

Of course, the macro perspective here has no direct relationship with the macro perspective of the Magic Network. It just means that Xia Duo has the background to interpret the original elf magic data.

As long as you get started, it will be easy to understand, but this spell is not difficult. Even Xia Duo was confident that he could succeed in one try, but when he wanted to try it, he ran into trouble.

At present, spells below level 5 are prohibited within the scope of the magic lock. To be more precise, non-authorized persons are prohibited from operating the strings of the first five layers of the magic network.

Although there may be loopholes in this, Xia Duo doesn't know about it, so if he wants to try it, he can only deploy the arcane fire and use his own micro-magic net to cast spells.

But he was not a great arcanist. If he launched the arcane fire here, there was no guarantee that it would not trigger an overreaction from the Mystic Lock. After thinking about it, he decided to ask Byron first:

"Master, I have learned about this spell. I want to try it. Can I launch the arcane fire here?"

"Huh? So fast?!"

Byron was so surprised that even his beard trembled a few times in the water, "I've underestimated you. You don't need to take the risk of deploying the arcane fire, just operate my micro-magic net!"

As he spoke, Byron also created a bubble between the two of them so that Shado could put his head in and recite the spell. When the two communicated, they could use magic to communicate, but elf magic often requires spells. Byron still wanted to do this. Very thoughtful.

However, for Shado who has understood the essence of the spell called [Eye of Amasta Krinaz], the spell is no longer necessary.

Of course, if the conditions are right, Shado doesn't mind chanting spells. After all, the spells in Elf Magic are different from the spells in Nese Magic, which only assist memory. The Elf Magic spells also have the function of assisting spell casting.

The two seem to be the same, but in fact there are subtle differences.

One only has the ability to remember, so as long as the caster knows the details of the spell well, there will be no difference in the result with or without the spell; while the other, with the additional auxiliary function, can improve the success rate of the spell to a certain extent.

Because the key to elf magic is to resonate with the magic network to a certain state, and then let the spell appear automatically, which is equivalent to passive spell casting. (Nese magic means the caster uses his will to forcibly twist the strings of the magic web)

These spells that contain spellcasting details are essentially a magical effect that can coordinate the physical and mental state of the caster to achieve a higher success rate.

From this perspective, elf magic does have some metaphysical meaning.

But in essence, magic is magic, and the so-called metaphysics is just a deliberate showoff by elves. To people who don't understand elven magic, it seems really magical. Sometimes, you can cast a spell just by chanting a spell.

But for those who understand, it is nothing more than that.

Xia Duo did not refuse the convenience provided by Master Byron, but what really shocked him was another thing - Master Byron opened his micro magic net to him.

This is almost equivalent to handing over his life and property to others!

Even though the trust between Xia Duo and Niya is already quite high, he has not conducted experiments with Niya to operate each other's micro magic net.

Perhaps it is a bit inappropriate to describe it as sending your neck to someone else's knife, but the arcane fire is not much lighter than life for the arcanist.

Because this is the foundation of the great arcanist, compared to becoming a great arcanist from a legendary wizard, the probability of being promoted directly from an arcanist is higher.

In addition, Xia Duo is not completely sure whether the arcanist's micro magic net can be used by others, but there is such a guess.

There is no record of opening the micro magic net to others. Until now, Xia Duo dared to confirm that the arcanist's micro magic net can indeed be used by others.

It's just that the safety of it is still an uncertain issue.

If the Archmage didn't have such considerations, Shado would never believe it. Perhaps the Arcane Fire would undergo some qualitative changes after being connected to the inner plane.

But as long as it is not eternal, it can definitely cause harm. However, the limit of this harm may only be known by the Archmage himself.

In any case, he really gained a lot from traveling with Master Byron this time, and it was worth the trip!

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