Arcane Lord

Chapter 942 Expulsion Spell, Killing Will Begin

Fortunately, the fishmen are not really amphibious creatures. Although they can go ashore, they cannot leave the water for too long, which limits their range of activities.

Otherwise, it would really be a more troublesome species than goblins.

Of course, it's not much better now. The fishmen can go ashore, even for a limited time, but do the people sent by the Severington Council really have the patience to search one by one near the river that is hundreds or even kilometers long?

And then clean out all the murlocs one by one?

Xia Duo did not doubt that this person had such ability, but whether he would do so was a big question mark.

This is just like on earth, most manufacturers have the ability to control the qualification rate of factory products to 100%, but in fact they do not do so at all.

Cost and marginal utility must be balanced to achieve a maximum benefit ratio. Unless it is a vital product, such as a parachute, who would do such a "thankless" thing!

Chateau can almost conclude that in the future, the Wolfburg River Basin and the North and South Nese River Basin will become a paradise for those "fish" that have slipped through the net.

At that time, another creature called "Fishman" will be added to the territory's regular cleaning catalog.

As for now, the reason why Aiboke said that he might not be able to stop the tide of fish people is because he is worried about all the troubles that will happen after the fish people gain wisdom.

Without wisdom, murlocs are just wild animals with strong reproductive capabilities. As long as high-value applications related to murlocs are developed, no amount of them will be enough to kill.

Similar to the crayfish in Xia Duo's hometown, their reproductive capacity is stronger than that of fishmen, but they eventually fell to the point where they need artificial breeding to keep up with the supply.

But if you have wisdom, you can run, escape, and sneak attacks, and most importantly, you can develop civilization, which means mastering real power instead of wearing down the enemy with numbers.

Then it cannot be treated with common sense.

Now it is obvious that the fishmen are intelligent, or at least have the potential to be intelligent. They will be very busy in the future!

After standing by the river and observing for a while, Shado knew that he should take action when he saw a fishman trying to get around the icy fence in the water by going ashore.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have the energy to catch the fishmen one by one once they all dispersed.

"Uncle Aibo, I will go to the north to clean up the fishmen. You ask Niya to increase the manpower. Don't let the fishmen cross the fence to the south."

After saying that, Xia Duo was about to leave, but he suddenly remembered something, so he added: "By the way, Uncle Aibo, you can ask Manager Sethos of Mingshui Chamber of Commerce to find out about the spells to restrict or expel fishmen. , which is of great significance to us in maintaining the safety of the waters around our territory!”

If the Mingshui Chamber of Commerce can support fish farmers in an open water like Lake Macht, it must have relevant spells. In fact, Shado has also asked Saitos and even Peluokan about this issue, but there is no follow-up.

The focus of such a spell is not on the murlocs, but on special element units that have the effect of restricting or expelling them. Knowing a murloc-related spell can naturally transform spells suitable for other creatures.

Shado understands that the Brightwater Chamber of Commerce intends to retain it, but now the fishmen have almost become a public danger in Netheril, and if they are hidden any longer, they will only make people angry.

At least in the future, the various territories that may equally share the cost of fishman management will be very dissatisfied with the Mingshui Chamber of Commerce.

After all, the murlocs were raised by Grand Arcanist Horn, but it was the Mingshui Chamber of Commerce that actually operated them. If it was not easy to target the Grand Arcanist, it would not be a problem to make things difficult for the Mingshui Chamber of Commerce.

Xia Duo believed that the Mingshui Chamber of Commerce would not refuse this time, not to mention that Xia Duo did not get the spell for free, he would also pay the corresponding spell transfer fee.

Hello, me, everyone, that’s really good!

After briefly describing the effect of the spell to Aibo, Shado took off into the air and flew north along the route he took when he came from the Wolfburg River.

While flying in the clouds and fog, Xia Duo was also paying attention to the situation of the fishmen in the river. After only flying for a while, he discovered a phenomenon that was different from the detection results that Niya had shared in the spiritual link before -

More fishmen are coming ashore!

Moreover, there were fights among the fishmen themselves, leading to fights and casualties.

This is even more serious than what we saw in Savile Town. It seems that the farther north you go, the higher the probability of a fishman awakening his self-awareness and becoming a wise fishman!

Of course, this is not the case in reality. When Shado arrived at a location 20 miles away from Savile Town, the proportion of intelligent fishmen appearing was almost stable.

A full fifth of that much!

"Maybe it's possible for them all to awaken!"

Xia Duo casually guessed without any psychological burden that the fish-men themselves should be intelligent, but the ancestors of these fish-men were artificially "castrated" for their intelligence, and now they have only regained the wisdom they should have had.

As for why there is no psychological burden, it is naturally because he has long been mentally prepared that the murlocs are all intelligent species, nothing more than another "aquatic goblin".

What else could be done?

Although it is a very troublesome and stubborn disease, how to deal with it? Human beings have been developing for so many years and have already made plans. If Xia Duo ignores it at all, a fixed cleanup process will spontaneously appear in the territory——

Soldiers regularly clean up on their own initiative + adventurers perform long-term tasks.

As for now, Shado's visit is purely to reduce the pressure on the Savile soldiers who are still fighting in the north, and to prevent too many intelligent fishmen from wreaking havoc in the territory by bypassing the obstacles. It has nothing to do with the future.

Anyway, the cleanup crews sent by the Severton Conference will come over later. Most of the existing murlocs in the Wolfburg River Basin, whether they have regained their wisdom or not, will die.

There is no doubt about it.

And what Xia Duo is doing now is just slightly adjusting the death dates of some fishmen.

Such a thing is meaningless in itself, but who allows him to still hold the title of Acting Lord of Savile? How could he ignore it?

Furthermore, when he thought of that method in the mystery lock, he had been suppressing the desire to try it immediately. Even if there were not a large number of intelligent fishmen awakening, there was a high probability that he would sneak over and try it.

After continuing to fly north for some distance, Chateau stopped on a large moss-covered stone on the bank of the Wolfburg River.

The green color in Wanku is not the only one, but it is also one of the few vivid colors in this winter season. It is a pity that this place is about to be stained with blood.

I just don’t know if the blood of the fishmen can make these moss grow stronger next spring!

After laughing at himself, Xia Duo thought, and activated his bloodline ability [Wind Control], blocking all the strong fishy smell coming from the river one foot away from his body.

The controlled airspace continued to spread, bringing a large area of ​​​​the surrounding airspace into his conscious control, and any slight disturbance could not escape his perception.

But it was still a bit unsafe. After all, it was outside the mage tower. Sha Duo then cast a series of spells such as evasion detection, detection detection, and warning protection to cover the entire area.

After making all the preliminary preparations, he started the real killing feast.

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