Arcane Lord

Chapter 960 It’s okay not to eat, time travel again?

"what is going on!"

Xia Duo grabbed a few handfuls of his hair. If he could use his hair in exchange for the answer to this question, then he would love it!

But in reality, there was no transcendent existence that could allow him to trade his hair for answers, so he had no choice but to give up this tempting idea and gulp down the already cold "Elf Hot Drink" on the table.

The first cooling and then warm sensation invigorated Xia Duo, and then he slumped back in his seat, rubbing his sore eyebrows while continuing to think.

"Jingle Bell--"

A warning ringing from the bottom of his heart suddenly came to mind, and Xia Duo suddenly became a little annoyed, and was interrupted just as he started to have some thoughts.

That is to say, his memory is extraordinary and can trace back all the mental states just now. If it were another person, he might have the intention to kill.

Randomly playing with the strings of the magic web that constituted the warning magic, he stopped the alarm sound and relaxed some of the restrictions. This rather respectful male voice came in——

"Lord Xia Da, your dinner has been delivered!"

Hearing the sounds outside, Xia Duo realized that it was already evening. In fact, the end time of the group rehearsal was already early, and since he had been sitting here for a long time, it was indeed evening.

"No, I'm bringing food, don't disturb me!"

To be honest, Xia Duo was not worried about eating outside. Although he knew that the possibility of an accident was very small, caution had become a natural habit since time travel.

Unless it is absolutely unavoidable, he will not eat food from outsiders.

Even if it is his own thing, Xia Duo will use [Detect Poison] to check it. Of course, the essence of this spell is just to search whether the target has preset specific material information.

In other words, if the target contains a new virus, it will not be detected. Only by continuously expanding the sample library can risks be avoided as much as possible.

However, the [Detecting Toxicity] in the divine art can determine the reaction of a specific substance in the human body, which is similar to simulating tasting poison in person, and is very reliable.

But divine magic almost always involves God. Although it is still the application of holy power, it is no longer a superficial application of the nature of holy power itself. It is very difficult to reproduce it with arcane magic.

In fact, when he was in the territory, Leiden would personally inspect the food sent to Sha Duo almost every time. In the Tower of Time, Sha Duo rarely asked people to prepare food specially, but mostly ate the food he had stored in advance. Those who carry the space with them, or get "big pot rice" from the restaurant, do not give the opportunity to those who may be interested.

Of course, it was also a reason why he was not satisfied with the food at the Tower of Time. Cook, the chef in the territory, had been trained by him. Usually, besides cooking for himself, Xia Duo would eat what Cook cooked.

In Severington, there is no Chef Cook who is familiar with the cooking skills of his hometown, so it’s okay not to eat the food here!

Xia Duo refused simply, and the people outside did not insist. They just said "If you need anything, please give me any instructions" and left directly.

After regaining protection and warning magic, Xia Duo stretched himself and was ready to rest. The sequelae of sensing the soul for a long time appeared.

He had been thinking a while and didn't feel anything, but once he stopped, fatigue immediately invaded, making it difficult for him to concentrate on thinking.

There are not many Bonu leaves left, and Xia Duo doesn't want to waste them in this situation. It's nighttime, so he should use sleep to recover!

And since he had not yet mastered the interdimensional communication spell, he had no chance to say good night to Niya. After making the bed, Sha Duo quickly fell into a deep sleep.

After crossing the haze, his consciousness gradually awakened, just like the dream he had when his bloodline was awakened. Xia Duo was able to think about himself clearly, but the scenes and expressions were completely different——

This is a vast and endless wilderness, covered with all kinds of weeds, some reaching to the ankles, and some as high as the waist.

Occasionally, there are a few miscellaneous trees scattered in the wilderness, which gives it a sense of desolation.

"Is this a dream? Or have you traveled through time again?"

Xia Duo jumped on the ground. Although he realized that he might have encountered some kind of accident, his heart was extremely calm. He could even check his physical condition and the status of the surrounding magic network as if nothing had happened.

The former is human instinct, while the latter is the instinct of the spell caster - or in other words - the arcanist.

There was nothing abnormal about his body, but all the magic items he carried with him were missing. This did not move Xia Duo at all.

As for the magic network, there is a magic network here. It seems that he has not traveled to an unknown universe. He can still clearly perceive and contact the first seven layers of the magic network.

It's just that the magic network environment here seems to be very subtly different from the main plane he is most familiar with. This difference is difficult to distinguish without special inspection and only with rough perception of consciousness.

Maybe this is still on the main plane, but this location may be a bit far from Netheril!

Xia Duo was thinking about checking, but before he could put the idea into action, a voice suddenly came from a distance and woke him up——

How could you conduct an inspection on the spot so carelessly!

You must find a safe place first!

Regardless of whether he has traveled through time again or had a strange lucid dream, his own safety must always be considered first.

Since the magic network here was not much different from the one he was usually familiar with, he immediately chose to teleport away. Anyway, he wanted to find a safe place first.

As for the method of transmission, it is naturally a blurred transmission.

He chose to teleport to any location 20 kilometers away that had no humanoid creatures nearby. The teleportation process was slightly different from the one he was familiar with.

But soon Xia Duo was no longer in the mood to think about those details. The scene he saw in front of him made him choose to teleport again. This teleportation was completely subconscious, and he just wanted to stay away from this area as soon as possible.

Soon, the second teleportation was completed, still in a wilderness covered with weeds, but before he could stay for long, human voices were heard again in the distance.

"How is this possible! We obviously chose a location where there are no humanoid creatures nearby, but the voice is clearly human!"

This time, Xia Duo did not choose to continue transmitting. Instead, he squatted down and used weeds to block himself, and then listened. Strangely enough, as he listened, the voice seemed to be getting closer and closer, and at the same time, it became clearer and clearer——

"Pioneering, pioneering!"


Shado was almost stunned, this was clearly a Nese language, "Did you travel to a place in Netheril?"

Thinking of the environment here, could it be that he traveled to the Konchi Plain after a short sleep? As far as he knew, currently, apart from the Bactria Territory, Netheril was only being developed by people on the Plains of Conchi.

With this in mind, Shado stood up and prepared to cast a spell to explore the surrounding situation. Since this place was likely to be Netheril, he didn't need to be too cautious.

As long as he wants to run, even the Great Arcanist may not be able to stop him!

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