Arcane Lord

Chapter 972 Exploring the past has begun

Soon, the magic video in the center of the square finished playing. Even though Xia Duo had seen this video during the group rehearsal before, he still couldn't help but be surprised by the magic of magic.

This video is like a movie on Earth, telling the entire process of the Daxia Territory's development in the Green Pearl Forest from scratch until now.

However, even a documentary cannot be completely documentary, and there are always elements of remakes or reshoots. But this magical influence, Chateau can say, is almost all real scenes.

The reason why it is almost, not absolutely, is because there are scenes in which Xia Duo is not present. Xia Duo can only guarantee that the scenes related to him will be the same as what he remembers, without any difference!

It was as if someone had traveled back in time and followed the development process of Daxia Territory and recorded everything bit by bit, but Xia Duo knew that this was obviously impossible!

This should be a more advanced detection spell that can detect images of the past!

In the image, Xia Duo's figure has almost plummeted after reaching a high level, which is proof of this, because since then, he has maintained the spell to avoid detection almost all the time.

Especially after Master Byron came to visit him because of papermaking, he was even more guarded, for fear of being caught.

Of course, his approach is also common among Nese mages. Almost any high-level mage will hide his or her information as much as possible to avoid exposing weaknesses or secrets unless the situation is special.

The video ended, and the introduction about Xia Duo and Daxia Leader also ended. Xia Duo gave a slight salute to everyone, and then returned to his queue.

But after the silence lasted for a while, Greta never said anything about the end of the rehearsal or the possibility of doing it again, which made everyone feel a little suspicious.

At this time, Princess Xia was still standing in the center of the square, watching everyone remain silent, which was another invisible pressure.

"Did something happen to the princess's magic?" Xia Duo couldn't help but make random guesses.

Soon, the crowd began to make eye contact, but this exchange was almost meaningless because no one in the crowd was not confused.

The difference is that Xia Duo also knows how to observe the status of the magic network around him to determine the status of the princess, while others are really just guessing.

Of course, Chateau was not much better than Chuncai. He could only see that the magic was still continuing, but he could not see the specific process or even any effect of the magic.

Looking at Greta again, Shado had an outstanding memory. He could clearly see that the frequency of Greta's eyes turning was much higher than before. It seemed that she was going from being calm at the beginning after the rehearsal to becoming anxious now!

"Did something really happen to the princess's magic?"

But under the magic vision, Xia Duo didn't find anything unusual. He didn't dare to use the cloud vision in the presence of the princess, lest it blind his eyes.

Casting a spell won't work either, as it will be discovered by others, so the only way to do it is from the macro perspective of the magic network.

Not long ago in the Southern Territory, Master Byron taught him a spell called [Eye of Amasta Krinaz] in the Mystery Lock of Lake Macht, which can be used to see the macroscopic state of the magic network.

Sha Duo also privately named this spell [Eye of Endless Mysteries], but in fact this macroscopic view of the magic network can be obtained through spells or not!

This is just a perspective from which to observe the magic network!

Generally, spell casters may be accustomed to the microscopic perspective of specific leyline strings, and it is difficult to grasp the macroscopic leyline state. They can only briefly see it at the moment of contact with a deeper leyline.

But after experiencing this special perspective several times, Xia Duo found that there was no essential difference between this perspective and ordinary magical vision.

Just a change in perspective is like a flat three-dimensional image on the earth. If you want to see the three-dimensional elements in the painting, you need to adjust the focus of your eyeballs to a specific position.

The macro perspective of the Magic Network is similar.

In fact, the function of the spell [Eye of Amasta Krinaz] is to assist the caster in adjusting the magical visual angle!

Xia Duo can now obtain the macro perspective of the magic network without casting this spell. Of course, due to less practice, he is not proficient in doing it.

But there is no casting process, and it will not be discovered by others. He can try again and again.

First stay focused, and only then can you proceed to the next step based on having magical vision.

According to the process of the [Eye of Amasta Krinaz] spell, Shado shuttled his will through the specific combination of the strings of the first layer of the magic network, but did not touch any point.

But because he lacked the assistance of spells, especially the smoothness of elf spells that fit the magic network and passively cast spells, he would always make mistakes at key points.

And if he made a mistake, he would have to do it again. Fortunately, just adjusting the perspective would not cause any trouble, otherwise he would not be so troubled!

No matter how curious he was about the princess's magic, he couldn't spy on her in front of so many people.

There have been successful precedents. Even if he is not yet proficient at it, it just takes a few more attempts. Soon, Xia Duo's will shuttles through the combination of specific magic network strings on the first layer of the magic network.

As a result, a majestic and complex structure filled with infinite energy appeared in his field of vision.

He himself, the mystery he was in at the moment, and even everything else, were all in this magnificent structure, and the strings of the magic network connected everything and intertwined with each other.

In an instant, he once again felt a feeling called "unity between man and nature"!

But the most important thing right now is to see what the princess's magic is doing and whether something is wrong!

Xia Duo quickly observed the surroundings and found no macroscopic structure similar to a mystery lock in the surrounding magic network. In other words, the princess's magic did not seem to cause obvious changes to the macroscopic magic network.

There is no microscopic one and no macroscopic one, so could it be that the princess used the arcane fire just for fun?

This is obviously impossible!

There must be something that I have overlooked!

While observing the abnormalities in the magic network, Shado also did not forget to pay attention to Greta's words, deeds, and demeanor. However, after no obvious abnormality appeared for a long time, Greta regained her calm appearance.

But there was still no announcement that the preview was over or that it would be repeated again, as if it was intended to keep everyone waiting.

wait for what? Waiting for the princess to cast a spell?

Could it be that the New Year celebrations have actually begun?

Xia Duo felt that his hypothesis was a bit ridiculous. If it was just here, then there would be no need to hold any New Year celebration. He could just find a reason to gather the pioneers!

But then again, isn’t the New Year’s celebration a reason to call out the Trail Blazers?

Has it really started?

Just when Sha Duo's thoughts were swinging back and forth, Princess Shia suddenly restrained the micro-magic net, and then, Greta announced to everyone——

Today’s preview is over and will continue tomorrow!

This change happened so fast that before Xia Duo had time to figure out whether the celebration had already begun, the answer seemed to have been revealed.

"Does it mean that we need to rehearse and the princess also needs to rehearse?"

Back at the temporary residence, Xia Duo was still thinking about this issue. Now alone, he habitually activated the cloud vision. He didn't know if he didn't look at it.

"The cloud energy has actually decreased?!"

Xia Duo's eyes were full of shock.

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