Arcane Lord

Chapter 980 Mingshui Cooperation and the Celebration Finally

"Lord Shado, we are going to have an exchange meeting related to the plane field. At least the people present are high-level mages. Do you want to come? The venue is set to be the Arcane Law Federation!"

The person who was summoned was Steele, a high-level mage from Morien Tower. Sha Duo had met him twice before, both at exchange meetings.

One was organized by Belera in order to meet the conditions for applying for the Advanced Laboratory of Giles Tower, and the other was organized by Shado himself in order to become famous.

During these two exchange meetings, Sha Duo had a good impression of Master Steele, who was an "idiot" who devoted himself to magic.

Xia Duo never expected that Steele would contact him. Could it be that this guy was pretending to be a pig to eat the tiger? Or is this guy being taken advantage of?

At this time, Niya saw that his expression was different after receiving a summons, and she couldn't help but become worried: "What's wrong? Who contacted you? What happened?"

"It's not a big deal. It's Master Steele. He invited me to attend an exchange meeting at the Austrian Law Federation!"


Niya seemed to have heard this name somewhere, but that was not important. What was important was the exchange meeting. She immediately opened her eyes wide, "Master Greta said it! You can't go!"


Xia Duo nodded heavily and gave Niya a relieved look. Not to mention that when they first arrived in Severton, Greta had said to contact her if someone invited her to an exchange meeting!

Even yesterday, when Shado came back from the demiplane, Greta emphatically reminded everyone that it was best not to leave the old city before the celebration.

Like today, don't he and Niya know that the new city is more lively and fun?

Of course it’s because of Greta’s reminder!

"Then I'll contact the Archmage now!"

Before Xia Duo could say anything else, Niya had already started to contact Greta, and I don’t know what she finally said. Anyway, after the interrogation, Niya seemed to be in a much better mood.

"The Archmage said that Steele will be investigated after the celebration, so we can wait in peace."


From then on until before the celebration, Xia Duo never received any invitations to exchange meetings. Instead, the appraiser and high-level mage Perokan of the Mingshui Chamber of Commerce contacted him to inquire about the production of communication magic weapons.

Xia Duo made an appointment with him to meet after the celebration. At that time, they would not only discuss communication instruments, but also a new raw material supply contract.

Now the Tower of Time already has specialized magic technicians, and also has a mass production plan for magic items in addition to communication tools.

Even if it is just a communication instrument, the current supply of raw materials is insufficient. If you want to mass-produce it, how can it be possible without resources.

Not to mention the Daxia Territory, which is still in the development stage and has not yet begun to explore resources. The Saville Territory itself is also quite lacking in resources. There is only one silver mine and one iron mine in the territory.

Other resources that the magic industry wants, such as mithril, gems, gold, and fine gold, are basically gone. There is no other way except outsourcing.

The current relationship between the Tower of Time and the Clearwater Chamber of Commerce is considered to be on a close track. Not to mention the existing communication magic weapon sales business, Xia Duo alone saved the chief consultant of the Clearwater Chamber of Commerce and the senior arcanist Said, which is worthy of the boss. favor.

This was admitted by President Jenna of the Mingshui Chamber of Commerce personally, and Master Byron was present to witness it. I wonder if the Mingshui Chamber of Commerce will be rejected so easily.

Therefore, it is a matter of course to seek more resource supplies from the Mingshui Chamber of Commerce to increase the depth of cooperation between the two parties.

Of course, from a long-term perspective, Xia Duo would not be willing to let the foundation of the Tower of Time's rise rest in the hands of a chamber of commerce, and would definitely look for other sources of resources.

But in a short period of time, cooperation with the Mingshui Chamber of Commerce has been regarded as the best, most convenient and simplest way for the Tower of Time to seek development.

In addition, the Minshui Chamber of Commerce was originally introduced by Niya after she asked for help from the princess, and also helped the Tower of Time through a very difficult period.

This alone makes it difficult for Xia Duo to refuse cooperation with the Mingshui Chamber of Commerce.

Considering the enthusiastic atmosphere of the New Year celebration, even if it is artificially created, for most people, they will not realize the difference behind it.

Xia Duo handed over the batch of communication instruments he brought from the Tower of Time to the Mingshui Chamber of Commerce in advance. If they can be sold during the celebration, it will be a considerable amount of income.

At present, the total output of the two communication magic weapon production workshops of the Tower of Time is 12 pieces per day, and the yield rate is only two-thirds, but even so, 360 quality pieces can be produced every month.

According to the sales contract of the Hemingshui Chamber of Commerce, the advance payment for each communication instrument is 600 gold coins, which is a monthly fixed income of more than 200,000.

This is just the advance payment. After the subsequent communication magic weapon is sold, there will be a balance payment.

Even after deducting the sales commission from the Mingshui Chamber of Commerce, deducting the cost of raw materials, deducting the wages of magic technicians, and deducting the mass production design share from Tilak Research Laboratory, the final net income is still considerable.

In just one month, it is far more than the (annual) net income of just over 50,000 yuan from Savileland and the Tower of Time.

But the more you earn, the more you spend. Currently, there are nearly a thousand apprentices in the Tower of Time. According to the contract Xia Duo gave these apprentices before, the three-year training cost for each apprentice is 1,000 gold coins.

That's 1 million.

But it cannot be calculated like this in reality. The apprenticeship contract given by Xia Duo is always in good faith, and it is calculated according to the free-range apprenticeship in the past.

The current training model of the Tower of Time is academic, with almost unlimited basic knowledge, new teaching methods, and complete teaching facilities.

In the past, this training method could be called elite education. The training cost of each apprentice was definitely more than 1,000 gold coins.

Of course, as long as a formal mage is trained, it's time to make money.

Although Xia Duo hopes that magic will become popular and usher in a true magic age, he cannot learn to completely sacrifice himself to achieve the success of others.

We must find a win-win route among them, which is the route that can truly achieve long-term development.

On the eve of the celebration, Xia Duo felt much calmer in his heart. He no longer had the worries and hesitations he had before. He was even in the mood to think about the future development direction of the Tower of Time, the Saville Territory, the Great Xia Territory, and even Netheril as a whole.

"Perhaps after tomorrow, it will be the beginning of a new era!" For some reason, before finally falling asleep, such a thought suddenly flashed through his mind.

"hope so!"

At this time, he no longer wanted to trace the specific source of this thought. The real and soft touch of Niya's body next to him made him fall into a deep sleep quickly.

Wake up and the celebration begins!

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