Arcane Lord

Chapter 993 Suspicion, Director

Quickly skipping this topic, Sha Duo asked Niya while operating the communication circle: "Were you contacting Archmage Greta just now? She still didn't reply?"

"Yes, no matter whether I use the communication device my teacher gave me, or the communication device produced by the Tower of Time, or the communication circle here, I can't contact her. I have a very bad feeling!"

Niya's words caused Sha Duo's movements to stagnate. The communication spell that was about to be completed fell apart immediately. The scattered and turbulent magic network strings even affected the subsequent use of the communication circle.

But these are all side details. Even if Xia Duo doesn't take action to forcibly suppress it, time will gradually heal it, and it can be used again after a while.

But Niya's words made him very worried. From the end of the celebration to now, three full days have passed, and Archmage Greta still cannot be contacted. This is not a good sign!

"Have you contacted anyone else?" Sha Duo asked.

Niya has been in Severton longer than him, and due to her status, she may have more contact channels than him.

But Niya frowned deeply at this. She nodded slightly at first, but then quickly shook her head, "I have contacted everyone who can be contacted, but no one can tell clearly what happened in Severton, or just what happened in Severton." No reply at all.”

After a pause, Niya suddenly asked quietly, "Do you think the teacher really succeeded?"


Xia Duo did not expect that Niya would ask such a question. There is no doubt about the success of the princess. Even the new priest has come out. No one will believe it if it is not successful!

However, the impact of this success is still very confusing.

"There is no need to doubt this. Your Highness the Princess must have succeeded, but she may not be able to escape because of something."

In fact, Xia Duo doubted that he would be unable to intervene in the mortal world after becoming a god, but if that was the case, he would be in big trouble.

The success of becoming a god may be good for the princess personally, but it may not be a good thing for the group of people who gather around her.

There is a saying on earth that goes, "One emperor, one courtier." If the princess cannot exert enough influence after she ascends to the gods, perhaps this will not change much for the Seven Towers collective as a whole.

But those who are close to the princess, even if they will not be purged by the new rulers of Giles Tower, will certainly not have as much authority as in the past.

If nothing else, at least Shado would have to worry about whether the agreement he had reached with Giles High Tower on the transfer of Magic Network background communication patents would continue to be fulfilled.

Even if most of the transfer fee has been paid, there is still a balance payment that will last for at least ten years, and there is also the question of whether the Mithril purchase certificate will be valid.

This is just for Xia Duo, and involves some specific benefits. In addition, there are various hidden benefits, not to mention, all of which are obtained by being a student of Princess Niya.

If the power of Giles Tower changes, it is conceivable that the signed contracts involving specific benefits may continue to be performed, but the implicit benefits are 100% unlikely to be used.

After all, the new person in power will also have his own close and vassal people.

However, Xia Duo's understanding of the existence of gods is too shallow after all. Now everything is just speculation. The princess may really be tied up by something, rather than being unable to interfere in the mortal world.

If this is the case, then the turmoil inside Giles Tower may be a complete joke, and even the outside influence can be easily calmed down.

Of course, this possibility is very small, otherwise, the Elf God may not allow a human country to rise among a group of Elf countries.

For a moment, Xia Duo couldn't think of anything else. He just felt that such an unknown future, although worrying, was also extremely challenging.

After comforting Niya for a while and sending her out, Xia Duo "dialed" the communication circle on the Austrian Law Federation again:

"I am Sha Duo, a level 4 member of the Federation. I am applying for a communication link at the Tower of Time. I need to inquire about the training of new priests!"

In fact, it's the same thing if you don't reveal your identity. The Arcane Federation can determine that the communication comes from the Tower of Time, but with the addition of a level 4 member, it means that the messenger is at least an arcanist, and they won't just find someone to deal with it. It's over.

In fact, after Xia Duo reported his identity, news immediately came from the Austrian and French Federation——

"Your Excellency Xia Duo, I have forwarded your question to my superior, Archmage Brundes. He will come over to answer your question personally later. Please wait a moment!"


Listening to this rather unfamiliar name, Xia Duo searched carefully in his mind before finding the identity information corresponding to this name.

It turned out to be the director of the Austrian Law Federation!

The Arcane Union theoretically embraces all spellcasters, whether they are orthodox mages, priests of gods, or some special spellcasters, such as bards and warlocks.

There is no doubt that the Grand Arcanist is the absolute leader of the Arcane Federation, but the Arcane Federation itself is just a loose organization, and the Grand Arcanists also have private organizations that they can fully control.

Just like the relationship between Niya, the Tower of Time, and the Arcane Federation.

Of course, the Tower of Time is also a member of the Arcane Federation, but members of such an organization are only useful at specific times, such as when allocating mithril shares or collecting patent fees.

After all, the Federation is a loose organization. It is impossible to manage every individual spellcaster in detail, so it only manages the Mage Tower.

In other words, the Arcane Federation has almost no direct management authority over any individual spellcaster, but can indirectly influence the Mage Tower where the spellcaster is located.

Even if such an organization is quite loose, it still needs a certain administrative agency to handle daily affairs. It is not possible to let the dozen or so great arcane masters ignore their own affairs and specialize in the affairs of the Federation!

The great arcane masters are only responsible for showing their existence, as well as negotiating and making decisions. Most of the specific affairs are implemented by a council.

And this council is undoubtedly the specific place where the great arcane masters and other powerful mage towers show their will in the Arcane Federation.

For example, the princess's follower, Archmage Oron, is a director of the Arcane Federation.

Other directors are either close people such as subordinates, students, or followers of the great arcane masters; or they are spokespersons for some powerful mage towers, usually the tower owner himself.

According to Shado's plan, the Tower of Time will also send people to compete for the board seat in the future. After all, the Union of Arcane Laws involves many interests, especially in the field of magic. If you can control a board seat, it doesn't matter how much benefit you can get, at least it can prevent others from taking too much of the benefits that originally belonged to you.

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