Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1008 Luffy and Ace, the Siwon on Murloc Island

Not all the remaining pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates are concentrated in the Chambord Islands. As the Four Emperors of the New World, at least they were once a four-lord-level pirate group. They have skilled coating craftsmen on board, and they can complete the coating by themselves.

And after all, Shampoo Land is right under the eyes of the navy, so gathering too many people is not a good thing.

It's just that the current navy is overwhelmed by the situation at sea, and Whitebeard's final announcement is like a deep-sea bomb thrown into the sea, causing an uproar in the sea.

In addition, the navy has previously deployed elite troops from all over the world, and the elite generals have also been concentrated in the navy headquarters. Some other places cannot take care of them. Now the navy in the headquarters is frantically fighting the fire.

Knowing that Kaido and Red Hair might not have left yet, they didn't want to provoke them at this time, and turned a blind eye to the people who stayed in the Chambord Islands, pretending not to see them.

Even the garrison in Chambord hid back to the naval base, turning a deaf ear to what happened outside.

And one of the parties involved in the top war - Fire Fist Ace is sitting lonely by the sea at this time.

"Mr. Raleigh, don't you want to say something? He is Captain Roger's son after all."

"There is nothing to say, some things have to come out by themselves, besides, isn't his brother there.

But you, don't you go and see the boy who asked you to deliver the straw hat? "

"I've seen it, at least now he understands that the new world is too early for him."

"Really, by the way, where is Bucky? I think he also appeared in the war on the top."

"I invited him, but he said he had his own goals, so we parted ways after leaving Marin Fandor."

Shanks and Rayleigh just looked at the two brothers from a distance, and did not disturb their getting along, but talked about some past events.

The previous encounters only let Luffy see the tip of the iceberg of strength, and the war on top let him know how cruel the world is. Starting from the city of advancement, he encountered countless powerful enemies.

Generals and officers on the battlefield can pose a great threat to him. If he enters the new world like this, it will be no different from dying, so Luffy understands that they need to practice.

And now there is still a problem, that is, how to notify the companion who was shot by Xiong Fei about this news. Luffy didn't think of a way for a while, so he handed over this task to Hero, and he went to talk to Ace himself.


Looking at the sea in front of him, Ace's heart was not peaceful.

Except for Marco who gave him a lecture in Marlin Vandor, the rest of the Whitebeard Pirates didn't say much, but Ace could see that they still had negative emotions about it.

When Ace was captured, the members of the Whitebeard Pirates were willing to risk their lives to save him, but after Ace was rescued, they also complained about Ace who caused the outbreak of the war.

This attitude is not contradictory. To save him is because he is a family member and a member of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Blame him, but also because his impulsiveness led to the current consequences.

Therefore, there are not many people from the Whitebeard Pirates to comfort Ace, and many people themselves don't know what attitude they should use to face Ace.

Although Blackbeard caused this incident, Ace, who insisted on chasing and killing Blackbeard, is also responsible, and Ace himself cannot forgive himself, not to mention others.

"Ace, in fact, when Uncle Whitebeard died, he was very happy."

"Luffy, what are you talking about?"

"I want to say... the white beard uncle left without regret, his laughter came from the heart.

He wanted to save you, and finally he did, and he had a lot of fun fighting with that Kaido guy. I'm not good at this kind of stuff! "

While talking, Lu Fei rubbed his head with a headache, and asked him to comfort others, which is really a bit embarrassing.

"All in all, isn't Uncle Whitebeard's last order to let you all live? Then you live well, isn't it the reward for Uncle Whitebeard!"

"Really, is it your turn to teach me a lesson?"

Ace could see that it took a lot of thought for Luffy to sort out these words, and he understood the truth of what Luffy said, but there were some things that he couldn't let go of without understanding.

"Speaking of which, Luffy, when your practice is over, do you want to join us?"

After pondering for a long time, Ace suddenly said such a sentence to Luffy.

"Huh? What did you say?"

"I mean join the Whitebeard Pirates."

"But the white beard uncle has already"

"Papa is gone, but the Whitebeard Pirates are still there. This is the family that Papa values ​​most. I want to keep it going, if everyone is willing to accept me."

"I will definitely, but I still won't join you. I have my own journey and my own goals!"

While Whitebeard's remnants were still waiting in the Chambord Islands, the Beasts had already arrived at Murloc Island.

The way of dividing the sea is much more convenient than coating, and there is no need to worry about the crisis under the sea. The Shiyuan came to the fish-man island along the channel opened by Arceus.

"Father, it seems that this is the first time you have come to Fishman Island."

With the light provided by Yangshu Eve, Yamato admired the scenery of the seabed, but suddenly remembered something, Arceus seemed to have never been to the bottom of the sea.

"For the first time, I'm not very interested in underwater."

With the ability of electromagnetic levitation, Arceus has always taken a boat to fly directly over the red earth continent when going out, which is much more convenient than diving.

In fact, not only Arceus, but even Kaido has not been underwater for a long time. Since he became a capable person, he has relied on the flame cloud to fly for everything.

If it weren't for the strategic location of the Murloc Island and the significance of the existence of the Murlocs today, plus the fact that there is an ancient weapon in the Murloc Island, and they would still be on their way after the war, Kaido might not have accepted Neptune's invitation. It is enough to send any cadre at will.

The kings of a country are nothing more than the sea emperors of the new world. For most kingdoms, only one Shichibukai is enough to change their fate.

Compared to the relaxation of the Beast Pirates, Neptune was much more nervous, and he didn't even ask his son to greet him, but came to the entrance of the Fishman Island and waited in person.

Now they have business dealings with Beasts, but this does not mean that they will be able to maintain a proper relationship in the future. In the environment of Murloc Island, without the protection of the Four Emperors Flag, the impact will be almost devastating.

"It was really a shocking appearance."

Looking at the parting sea outside Murloc Island, Neptune felt nervous again.

"Don't be so nervous, it's the master's handwriting, the master has always been very easy-going."

On Neptune's shoulder, Mana Fei patted his shoulder to signal him to relax.

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