Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1012 The narrow-minded Quinn, the exclusive assessment from the plague

As she grew older, Charlotte Lingling's temper became more capricious, especially for Perospero, the eldest son. He hadn't realized what "maternal love" was for many years. Exclusive to his younger siblings only.

With Charlotte Lingling's character, even if the children did something wrong, or failed to complete the tasks assigned by Charlotte Lingling, they would still be punished heavily.

The flag of beasts had already been hung on Murloc Island, even if Charlotte Lingling herself came here, it would be useless, so Perospero changed his tone.

Just bring back some desserts, make Charlotte Lingling happy first, and then explain to her, at most it will be a few lectures.

But if you go back empty-handed, you may face some punishment.

But seeing Quinn's sinister smile, Perospero already had an ominous premonition.

"What do you mean by that?"

"That's the literal meaning. My uncle has the right to speak about foreign trade here."

This is the condition for the beasts to shelter an island and control the foreign trade rights of the island.

Wano country is the most typical country. Because it has been built into the base camp of beasts, the domestic economy is completely closed-loop circulation, and beasts are the only way for citizens to communicate with the outside world.

Moreover, their methods are very clever, which has greatly improved the quality of life of the people, which has also strengthened their ruling foundation.

Most of the completely ruled islands also follow this path. These islands have vaguely formed a kingdom of beasts, and there is no chance for outsiders to intervene.

Islands that only hang flags are not as strict as this, but the sale of items on the island also requires the consent of Beasts. Beasts provide escort services and take their own commission from it.

When Whitebeard took refuge in Murloc Island, he didn't ask for anything, only because of personal relationship, so he lent the flag to Neptune.

Although there is no financial burden in this way, the protection provided by Whitebeard is also limited.

Although the beasts collect benefits, they bind themselves and the island they shelter into an economic community. Although it costs money, this is more reassuring.

Perospero is not interested in the system of beasts, after all they have their own management methods, but the problem is that Quinn's words are simply threatening him.

"So what do you say you want to buy? Why did you call me just now?"

"Young, handsome, handsome Quinn, can you let me buy some desserts from Murloc Island?"

Perospero struggled to utter the words that made him suffer, and when he finished speaking, he even clutched his chest.

Even if he is a vicious and cruel pirate, this sentence has already violated his conscience.

If he was not worried about being punished by his mother, he would never have said this to Quinn.

"Well, you guys are quite honest."

"The Dim Sum Thing"

"Not for sale."

"What did you say?"

"I said no. The weather in Fishman Island is not very good recently. The workers are not in the mood to work. The output of dim sum is not high at all. It is not enough for us to digest internally. How can we sell you an extra share.

Do you think so, Minister Zuo? "

Quinn looked seriously at the Minister Zuo who was in charge of the finance of Fishman Island, and Minister Zuo also gave an affirmative answer.

These people in front of them are all pirates, and Perospero and the others are not familiar with them, so they must want to speak for Quinn.

"Quinn! You bastard is playing me!"

Listening to Quinn's joking remarks, Perospero's anger also rose.

"Yeah, I'm just kidding you. You ruined my banana orchard. I won't forget about it."

"When did I destroy your banana orchard?"

"Have you forgotten that time more than twenty years ago?"

It was only after Quinn reminded that Perospero recalled that incident.

"How many fucking years has it been! You've been having trouble with me because of such a trivial matter?!"

"A trivial matter? You actually said it was a trivial matter?! If you weren't the son of Charlotte Lingling, I would have killed you a long time ago!"

To Quinn, the food that touched Quinn was a sworn enemy. Although the matter passed, Quinn never turned the page.

"Your banana plantation was destroyed, wasn't it because that woman kicked you like a ball! Can it all be blamed on me?!"

"If you hadn't caused trouble, would that woman have made a move? Also, you were kicked like a ball. It was a combo! Do you understand the combo! You uneducated long-tongued monster!"

Listening to Quinn's old story again, Perospero also set off Quinn's old background.

To be honest, the original "Quin Bowling" did cause some damage, but Quinn couldn't provoke Shaina, and Perospero's invasion was the root cause of the damage to the banana plantation.

Under such circumstances, Quinn naturally put all his negative emotions on Perospero, and began to show off his high education.

"They're all pirates, what are you pretending to be?"

"My uncle has also worked with Vegapunk, and he is not inferior to his genius scientist. Don't you guys read newspapers?"

Taking advantage of the blame on his body, Quinn silenced Perospero. Seeing that the plan could not be realized, Perospero simply left here.

This guy Quinn is obviously against him, and he won't compromise no matter how much he says, so he might as well go back to Cake Island to be punished.

As long as Charlotte Lingling doesn't go crazy because of cravings, she won't make him miserable because of this kind of thing, at least he doesn't plan to suffer this anger in front of Quinn.

Solved all the pirates who tried to abduct the mermaid, showed the majesty of the beasts in front of the rest of the people, drove away Perospero, and Quinn also ended the mission, and then he saw that he was playing with cards Hawkins.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm divination, and the prediction result of the card shows that I have a 95% probability of successfully joining you. A 36.7% probability of becoming an official member, and a 50% probability of being promoted to a cadre."

"Divination? What's the use of this thing?"

"Your Excellency Quinn, divination is a very special thing, and from you, I have noticed something very special."

"Huh? Is this uncle so special?"

"Yes, because no matter how I do the divination, the probability that you will experience the bloody disaster is 100%. This kind of thing is rare."

The unpredictable Arceus can be called the master of fate, and Quinn is a special case. The two probabilities of 0 and 100 rarely appear in Hawkins' divination. Even if it is a fatal situation, some people will have a 0.1% chance of survival probability.

People like Quinn are destined to be unlucky, but they are very rare types.

This made Hawkins feel that his decision was the most correct choice.

Listening to Hawkins' words, Quinn froze, and then suddenly understood something.

The implication of the word "bloody disaster" is very clear. Judging by Kaido's drunkenness, it is not surprising that Quinn is unlucky.

The appearance of Hawkins made Quinn see a brand new path, and this kid might be used to predict danger.

"Boy, I suddenly feel that you are very talented, and I can consider letting you follow me, but you have to understand that we are the Hundred Beasts Pirates, and the Hundred Beasts pirates don't believe in fate.

Even if fate tells you that the future is a dead end, you have to walk out of the road of resistance.

Next, my uncle, one of the three plagues, will personally assign you an assessment task.

The content of the assessment is very simple, use your divination to find a way to save me from the bloody disaster! "

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