Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1019 External brain is also a tradition, a special interview with pirates

"Yes, you have made progress, you can already hear the meaning in the words, you still have growth."

"No, adoptive father, I don't want to hear this kind of praise at all. Or it is not a compliment at all."

"It doesn't matter what it is, Yamato, I'm not too worried about your strength, after all, there are not many that can threaten you.

But your personality is too easy to be fooled, you may count the money for him when you are sold.

You are not the type who is not smart, you have a lot of tricks when facing Kaido, it would be nice if you can turn that state into a normal state. "

Listening to Arceus' words, Yamato thought about the scene, then shook his head.

"Forget it, adoptive father, the intrigue with that old man was forced, and I think I'm quite smart, it's not so easy to fool me."

“It better be like this”

"However, foster father, I know that ordinary people don't believe in pirates, but people in these new worlds should have some understanding of what Whitebeard is like?"

"Men have never longed for truth. They turn away from evidence that does not suit their taste, and prefer to worship error if error appeals to them.

A pirate is a pirate after all, and it is impossible to convince everyone. "

"But the people of Wano country trust us very much, even those stubborn warriors have changed now."

"Otherwise? The hard work of these years is not in vain, but it is a long way to make people in the whole sea think so."

After explaining a few words, Arceus left Yamato, leaving her alone time to think.

The "complex" logic reappeared in Yamato's mind, and she also upheld the usual style of the past. Since it was too troublesome, she might as well forget about it and discuss it with others slowly when she has time.

Looking around, she suddenly found that there was no one on board.

"Why is Uncle Quinn missing again? Was he dragged away by Father for training?"

"Master Ghost Ji, if you are looking for Master Quinn, he is on the ship behind."

The members of the ship pointed to the pirate ship behind. Strictly speaking, it was not the ship of beasts, but the pirate ship belonging to Hawkins.

He hadn't completely joined the beasts yet, but he was brought by Quinn's side, planning to throw him to the island in the territory first, and this period of time was also the time that Quinn used Hawkins for divination.

"Hawkins, Brother Kaito has left, tell me now, has the result of the divination changed?"

"No, the probability of your bloody disaster is still 100%, but the time of occurrence has been greatly delayed."

Hawkins had never seen such a precise fate. No matter how twists and turns the process was, it couldn't change the final result of the divination. In a sense, this was a miracle.

"I doubt your ability now."

"But you've seen that, except for things related to the person on the ship, my divination success rate is very high."

When it came to divination, Hawkins did not back down, and this also broke Quinn's luck, and had to face reality again.

[After Brother Kaidou left, this thing was delayed, so the root cause should still be with Brother Kaidou.

But it should be Ms. Yamato who suffers first. 】

Quinn kept stroking his beard, thinking about what would cause him misfortune. At this time, a fast dragon landed on the Shiyuan, carrying today's newspaper.

"Thank you, you worked hard today."

Yamato greeted Kuailong familiarly. This was not Kuailong's task, but when Kuailong appeared with a newspaper, it meant that they had come to their territory.

"Let me look at the recent news about the new member of the Qibukai, Senryo Daohua-Baki? I remember that he is very weak, can this also be Qiwuhai?"

The actions of the world government are also gradually unfolding, such as starting to recruit members of the King Qiwuhai.

Bucky's own ability is not very good, but he has become an idol in the hearts of prison escaped prisoners in Advance City, and there are a lot of dangerous people around him, so the world government wants to use this power to recruit Bucky.

In order to be able to legally hunt for treasure, Bucky did not refuse the invitation letter from the World Government, and thus became a member of Qiwuhai.

And the world government also made some efforts for Bucky, such as the former crew member of One Piece, the brother of the red-haired Shanks and a series of titles on Bucky.

The purpose of this is just to calm down the new pirates by praising Bucky, and let them know that there are powerful enemies on their way.

"Sister Olga should be happy to see it, after all, her record will become more luxurious."

With the update of Baki's combat power, Olga's record also ushered in an update, becoming a super monster that Shichibukai and the Sea Emperor could not defeat together.

"There doesn't seem to be anything interesting anymore."

Yamato then flipped back, and there was much less news about the war on the top. In the past few days, Morgans that should be reported and should not be reported has been made into newspapers, so there are basically no headlines left. .

What can be published in the newspaper is nothing more than the death of a certain navy, the overcrowding of a certain prison, the attack of a certain island by pirates, etc.

But as the newspaper continued to turn the pages backwards, Yamato saw even more outrageous articles.

"Interview with Sea Pirates?! Morgans is really getting bolder."

[Monkey D. Luffy, interview with Pirate Supernova. 】

A few large characters occupied the sub-page of the newspaper, and the content below was even more outrageous.

[One of the participants in the top war revealed the details of the war]

[Evil Bloodline's opinion on its father]

It seems that they are all nonsensical remarks, but in fact, this is the plan Helo arranged for Luffy.

Luffy wanted to inform his friends that the assembly time was suspended, but he didn't have the ability to notify everyone, so Hero gave him an idea.

The Straw Hats and their party were photographed by bears and flew to various places. If you want them to see the contact, you must have a world-class intelligence network. Morgans' newspaper is an example.

This is one of the rare things that has been sold to every corner of the world. As long as some big news is published in the newspapers, the goal can be achieved.

But in terms of how to attract attention, Hero thought of a more direct method.

It didn't make Luffy do anything outrageous, but directly contacted the reporter of World Economic News Agency.

When Morgans heard Luffy's self-introduction and the details of the top war he said, he agreed to the interview without saying a word, which indirectly allowed Luffy to achieve the purpose of conveying information.

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