Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1053 Prison Break Backstab Alliance

One of the customs of beasts, a certain Sunlight family who borrowed money in a fancy way, recorded his current creditors and future creditors in a mysterious book, and followed certain rules for infinite reincarnation.

Every month at the beginning of the month, you can definitely see Drake going around paying back the money on Ghost Island. Correspondingly, as long as the middle of the month comes, you can definitely see her going around borrowing money. If she doesn't show up, she must be on a mission.

In a sense, Derek's behavior indirectly promoted the team building of internal cadres. Sometimes when she performed a task and made a windfall and the loan date was delayed, other people would find it strange.

When there are two people with the same name in a class, other people will always use their own way to add an additional title, and distinguish them by size, height, shortness, fatness, etc.

Here Babanuki is simpler, he simply gave up calling each other by this name.

After Babanuki's simple distinction, Apu and Drake were thrown into the same cell. Although it has been emptied a lot recently, the only people who can live in a single cell here are very few people. this qualification.

And Babanuki locked them together on purpose. As the warden of beasts, Babanuki's life is quite boring. He is not Magellan, and he spends a lot of time in the toilet every day.

In addition to ordinary entertainment, watching prisoners fight is also one of his sideshows.

"Isn't this Drake, you guy was actually sent in too."

In the cell, Apu looked at Drake who was thrown in and taunted him. He is also a prisoner now, but this does not prevent these supernovas from dislike each other. They had verbal conflicts in the Chambord Islands.

"Heh, aren't you also a prisoner? What can I say?"

Rubbing his stomach, Drake felt that something was wrong. Logically speaking, his physique must be stronger than Apu, but now Apu looks like a normal person.

The problem should be in the strength. For some reason, Babanuki seemed to use more force to hit him.

Babanuki is not venting his resentment. Although Derek is addicted to borrowing money, he always pays back what he borrows. His character is also very popular in pirates. He just simply thinks it is troublesome for two people to pronounce the same pronunciation.

Coupled with the recent shortage of manpower and the pressure, seeing that he is unhappy makes him a little stronger.

Although it is very casual, it is not a problem for pirates.

"Don't be so angry, we are inmates next, why did you come in?"

Apu suddenly realized that there is no point in confronting Drake, it is better to have a good relationship with him temporarily, so as to find a way to use him.

"Didn't you start it first? That guy Hawkins has already joined Hundred Beasts. I was careless and let his ability be clouded."

"Hawkins? It's not surprising, that guy has weird abilities, and the bounty is only lower than that bastard Kidd."

The bounties of Luffy and his party were greatly cut, and Hawkins was already among the best bounties by virtue of his own ability, and in the first half, his ability to "die for death" was very incomprehensible, and many people were overwhelmed by him car.

"how about you?"

"Me? I met Kaido, lost after a wonderful battle, and was finally captured here by him."


Drake didn't believe Apu's words at all. If such a person could touch a monster like Cikaido casually, the navy would have calmed down the sea long ago.

"Ahem, don't worry about such details, anyway, that battle was really exciting."

Apu would never say that the battle was so exciting that Kaido didn't even look at him, and he didn't even know his name in the end.

The cell directly entered a state of silence. After a while, seeing that there were no guards watching them, Apu whispered his thoughts.

"Speaking of which, should we join hands? If we join forces, we might be able to escape from here."

"Do you have a plan?"

"Not yet, but the plan can come slowly."

A smile appeared on Apu's face, as long as Drake agreed to his request, he could backstab Drake during the prison break, testify against him as a tainted witness, and find a reason to join the gang.

He originally had the idea of ​​finding a backer and planning other things later, but the current environment can't be said to be too bad.

Coincidentally, Drake thought so too.

Although he didn't join Hundred Beasts, being caught was considered another way to achieve his goal.

Moreover, Apu just offered to surrender but failed to get permission. This made Drake feel that Beasts didn't like such weak bones, and planned to surrender.

Be tough and wait until you are pushed to a certain point before surrendering.

Theoretically, it is not uncommon for pirates to recruit new subordinates from prisoners of war, and they still have a chance, as long as they report this person who wants to escape, they can get a chance.

The two held different purposes, but made the same decision, and reached a prison escape agreement with their own ghosts.

But in the following days, Hundred Beasts did not recruit them, but kept forcing them to mine.

Babanuki misunderstood Kaido's order, thinking that Kaido meant to torture the two of them and wait for Kaido's order.

But what Kaido meant was to let him figure it out and inform him when it was about time, and Kaido was busy having fun and didn't take the two of them to heart at all. The mining career is still very long.

Drake is working silently. As an undercover target, he is very loyal until he is ordered to jump back. They are even more worried about problems with the undercover forces than ordinary subordinates.

But Apu was different. He couldn't stand the high-intensity work, but Drake was not active at all in terms of jailbreak, and let him plan first every time.

Just when Apu was thinking hard about what to do in the next days, his opportunity came.

Kaido didn't think of the two of them, and even left Ghost Island to start a new round of self-discipline, but Quinn came to the Rabbit Bowl mining field.

"Who is that standing in front of you?"

"It's the almighty Lord Quinn! It's the handsome QUEEN!"

"Very well, thank you for my kindness, you scumbags have the opportunity to watch my uncle dance live!"

Quinn came here not to hang out, but to hold his own concert.

Different from Uta and others who are active on the front stage, as a wanted criminal and comedian, and also the person with the most divided word-of-mouth among the top cadres of Guidao, Quinn is not qualified to hold banquets in Guidao at will, and can order banquets. Only Arceus and Kaido ordered.

In the entire Wano country, only the Rabbit Bowl mining farm can let him toss around at will.

The prisoners welcomed him, too, at least while Quinn was dancing and they didn't have to work.

As the music sounded, Quinn danced the familiar fat house dance, and this also made Apu's eyes shine, and he knew that his chance had come.

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