Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1114 Burning funds, disappearing signal

"Ice Cross!"

The moisture in the air condensed into two sharp ice spikes, which pierced Porusalino from different directions. After the collision, the ice cubes were not damaged by the impact, but combined to form an ice cross.

Sharp ice thorns pierced out of Porusalino's chest, and at first glance they had strung Porusalino into a gourd.

"Kuzan, you are so heartless, to be so cruel."

Porusalino weakly raised his arms in mid-air, his eyes full of disbelief.

I can't believe that my former comrade can be so cruel, without any nostalgia for the old feelings, and at the same time, there is a trace of regret.

"Stop pretending, you like acting so much, just quit your job."

Looking at Porusalino who was extremely weak and could die at any time, Kuzan's expression did not waver at all. If anything, the proportion of frost on his face became even greater.

At this time, he had arrived in front of Porusalino, and waved his right hand towards Porusalino's face.

"Frozen time capsule!"

The sharp freezing air surged towards Porusalino, and an ice sculpture in the shape of Polusalino soon appeared on the cross. However, this ice sculpture was just an empty shell. When Kuzan's ability first began to take effect, Poru Salino has already reached a safe area through elementalization.

At the same time that Porusalino disappeared, the ice cross generated by Kuzan also began to fall downwards. Ice cubes cannot fly. Kuzan's explosive pheasant beak and two-thorn spear can be suspended in mid-air because of the influence of his ability. But it is only a short-term stay in the air and does not last long.

The ice cross just now was able to remain suspended in mid-air. It was Porusalino's ability that held it up. He elementally avoided damage, pretended to be penetrated, and then showed off his acting skills in front of Kuzan.

A large amount of cold current surged under Kuzan's feet, and the temperature of the surrounding environment dropped a few points again.

The fallen cross was frozen again during its fall, and Kuzan stopped where he was.

On top of the tall icicle he had made, he was level with Porusalino flying in the air.

"It's been so long since I last saw you, and you're still like this, Porusalino."

"To each other, do you know that Sakaski had someone get a tattoo some time ago, and you left him a lot of scars?"

"Compared to my leg, that injury is nothing, right?"

Kuzan lifted his trousers up, revealing the prosthetic legs made of ice underneath. Different from the body brought about by elementalization, the sunlight reflected on the smooth ice legs could even be seen in Porusalino's sunglasses.

"Maybe, but Kuzan, what exactly are you going to do?"

Porusalino's voice still had a bit of playfulness, but Kuzan, who was familiar with him, knew that Porusalino had become serious at this time. Before Kuzan could say anything, Porusalino had already transformed. It became a dazzling spot of light.

"Eight-foot beautiful magatama!"

Intensive laser beams were fired around, and Vegapunk's sea beast weapon suffered a huge disaster. After being frozen by Kuzan, it was now blown into pieces by Porusalino's laser. Even if it could be thawed, it would have been scrapped. .

Under intense firepower, the giant robot driven by Lilith was unscathed and even began to thaw under the high temperature caused by the laser explosion.

It may seem like there is no accuracy, but in fact Porusalino's attacks are very measured. He can accurately beat people into sieves, or he can hit people with thousands of rounds without even scratching the edge, showing what a stroke of jade is.

As the body thawed, the robot's internal facilities began to operate again, and the temperature inside the cab began to heat up. Lilith, who had been frozen into an ice sculpture, regained her freedom.

"Is this that guy from Aokiji? Why is he here? It seems that the system of this robot is not perfect enough. It was actually frozen directly. It needs to be strengthened later."

From the internal monitor, Lilith had already seen the people fighting outside, and then saw several more sea beasts being beaten to pieces by Kizaru's attack.

"Hey, hey! Please pay attention to me! Those are all expenses! You have to reimburse me for damage!"

Vegapunk has always been short of funds. Although the six clones were created by him, they have their own independent consciousness. Among them, Lilith has the least scruples about rules and the like because she represents evil.

Among all Vegapunks, she is the most concerned about funding.

After all, the World Government is not a pure fool. They provide funding to Vegapunk in the hope that Vegapunk can research something useful to them.

Pacifists, flying dragons, these types of weapons are what they need.

But Vegapunk himself doesn't like to study weapons of mass destruction. His ideal is to create an eternal energy source that can be used by all mankind.

Whether it's an island-wide air conditioner or a food-making machine, these are all products he created in this process. As for the source of funding for these things, they naturally come from the World Government.

However, 99% of the things made by Vegapunk cannot be mass-produced due to technical problems, so he can only make them himself. This means that he cannot directly profit from his inventions, and there is always insufficient funds.

Lilith was out robbing nearby pirates every day for funds. She felt very distressed when she saw the sea beast weapon that was completely scrapped by Kizaru.

Lilith's voice reached the ears of Kuzan and Polusalino through the loudspeaker, but none of them took it to heart.

"Kuzan, it seems that there is no winner between ice and light."

"That kind of thing doesn't matter anymore. Just stay here and reminisce with me."

It is difficult to determine the winner among natural ability users. The more powerful the natural ability user is, the more difficult it is. But Kuzan’s purpose is not to determine the winner. After Shaina and the others finish their own affairs, This operation ended naturally.

"Although I really want to do this, I can't, Kuzan. Now that you have made this choice, we are enemies, Bachi Mirror."

Porusalino, who turned into a flash of light, refracted several times in a row. He had no intention of fighting Kuzan. His mission was to protect the safety of Vegapunk, and nothing else was important.

For example, Vegapunk's clone Lilith, Porusalino is not interested at all in what a clone will eventually become.

In addition to Kuzan, there are two equally dangerous guys who have rushed to Egghead. He has to deal with this matter. Although he doesn’t know what the purpose of the beasts is here, as long as he goes against the enemy’s ideas Do it, and it's right most of the time.

If there is really no other way, then his mission may be to kill Vegapunk. Those who cannot be in his hands must not fall into the hands of the enemy.

After temporarily getting rid of Kuzan, Kizaru also picked up the phone and planned to notify the headquarters. One Kuzan was enough to keep him busy for a while, plus Shaina and Zeraora, he couldn't handle it alone.

But for some reason, his phone bug couldn't receive any signal at all.

"It's strange. We didn't use bug bugs this time. Why can't we get out?"

Porusalino does have a habit of using black phone bugs to communicate, but that is more like the persona he has set for himself. As long as he often uses the wrong phone bug, he can give reasonable explanations when others cannot contact him.

When necessary, he could still distinguish between ordinary phone bugs and eavesdropping phone bugs, but no matter how many times he tried, all that came from the phone bug's receiver was a busy signal.

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