Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 804 Peerless Mowing

"Use prison bullets! That guy is a natural ability user! Do you still need me to remind you?!"

In order to deal with people with abilities, the Navy developed special ammunition that launches sea stone nets. Because sea stones are fixed on the iron net that is fired, as long as it hits the people with abilities, it can restrain their movements and achieve the effect of a small prison, hence the name prison. bomb.

The rate of fire of prison bullets is slow, and it is usually difficult to directly hit pirates with a bounty of over 100 million. The navy's practice is still to use ordinary shells to burn off physical strength, and then consider using prison bullets.

Due to the price of sea floor stone, the price of prison bombs is also high. Even if the net can be recycled, it will still cause losses, so prison bombs are not commonly used equipment and the quantity of the equipment is limited.

If they use it up first, they will lose their countermeasures, but that is the way to deal with animal and superhuman ability users. When facing the natural system, the cannonballs have no effect on consuming physical energy.

Ace is their priority target to capture. Being able to intercept a supernova in the Shampoo Islands is considered a great achievement. In this case, there is no need to go head-to-head with the pirates of the New World.

According to the development of the original timeline, there are still vacancies in the Shichibukai at this time, and Ace, as a rising star and a rare natural ability user, was invited to the Shichibukai at the suggestion of the navy version Iska. .

Naturally, Iska in the original timeline did not have this ability. At this time, the report was seen by Garp. He originally hoped that Ace and Luffy could become marines, but they both embarked on the path of pirates.

Compared to ordinary pirates, Garp thought that the location of the Shichibukai was more suitable, so he secretly helped a little.

However, Ace was completely uninterested in the Shichibukai and directly rejected the invitation.

But it is different now. The expansion of the beasts has accelerated the struggle in the sea. The Shichibukai has already been full. At the same time, he has no guide. There is no possibility of accepting the invitation of the Shichibukai. He is just a pirate who threatens him.

It's just that from the navy's perspective, a pirate who has not yet entered the new world, even a natural ability user, is far less threatening than the officers of the Sea Emperor. It is best if they can be caught together, and if not, they will not force it, so Brought all the prison bombs.

"It seems you agree."

When the Navy began to replace ammunition, Ace did not get a reply from Iska, but he was not attacked.

In this case, he thought Iska acquiesced to this request.

"I admit that I have changed my opinion of you a little, but the pirates in the paradise are still so naive. Lamy, please deal with it, it's time to withdraw."

"Leave it to me, Sister Iska."

Different people have different priorities. Iska is not good at group battles. She lacks large-scale AOE skills, which is not to say that she has none, but it is difficult to control the aftermath of such an attack.

Iska doesn't like that. Unlike Iska, Rami is more suitable for such a battle.

"Move faster!"

There are also differences in strength between naval branches. There is no possibility of comparison between the Four Seas Branch and the Grand Line Branch.

But there are also great differences between branches of the Grand Line. For example, G-5 is the worst naval branch.

The navy of Chambord Land is not individually numbered, but they are definitely the most chaotic group of people in the Grand Line.

The sneak attack was ineffective, and the two groups of pirates even stopped fighting. This was not a good thing for him. The enemy's enemy could join forces. This was a simple truth that pirates also understood.

Of course, the development of things was completely different from what he thought. Just when he was about to direct his men to continue attacking, a girl suddenly appeared in front of him. Iska, who was in front of Ace just now, had now come to the major general. before.

"Bullets and punches."

The pair of pincers swung out a red afterimage, hitting the major general's chest with a series of bullet punches, and then kicked him directly into the dilapidated ruins beside him.

The already dilapidated and dangerous building collapsed directly under the impact of the impact, burying the major general inside.

"Your Majesty the Major General!"

Even the adjutants around him didn't realize what happened. During the battle, he didn't have time to check on his commander because there was already bigger trouble in the team.

A colorful figure flashed among the ranks of the navy, waving two liquid whips in his hands without any rules. However, as long as the whips touched the body, within 10 seconds, those soldiers would fall to the ground stiffly. .

The crowd fell like wheat. Whenever the soldiers' attention was focused, the figure would move to a new place. Although he couldn't use it, the adjutant could immediately see the movement. What is the way.

"Shaving?! Why do you people do this!"

"Are you the eldest young master who comes here to plating gold? How can any enemy give you such a thing as popular science?"

Iska didn't even mean to attack him, because a hand was already on his shoulder.

"Sleep peacefully, Mr. Marine."

Lamy's hand patted the back of his neck, and the liquid left behind quickly seeped into his skin. Within a few seconds, he felt the same feeling as the soldiers.

The numbness was transmitted to the central nervous system, and he soon lost consciousness and collapsed on the ground.

"Sister Iska, I am faster than you this time."

"I didn't do anything because you were here."

This is the cooperation between them. Iska handles the most powerful leader, and Lamy uses her ability to quickly clear out the miscellaneous soldiers. She is the first batch of Foz Fu students to successfully graduate, and can flexibly use the six moves. .

But due to her own abilities, she focused on shaving, using a near-teleportation method to reach the crowd, and then using the toxins synthesized in her body to knock down the enemies.

A team of several hundred people was only a matter of minutes to her.

At this time, Ace still maintained the posture of wanting to punch. Even he would choose to retreat when facing the navy. Originally, he meant to break out, but unexpectedly, Iska and Lamy directly destroyed each other. He didn't even have a chance to take action.

This is why Iska said he was naive. Facing a navy of this level, she did not need to join forces with others.

"Don't look, now the trouble is coming back to us."

"Deus? Are you okay?"

"I don't know. The girl just patted me and I was able to move again. It's not important. Don't you want to think about how this matter will end?"

After taking a few minutes to deal with the navy surrounding the place, Iska's eyes returned to Ace.

"Forget it this time, you can leave."

Seeing that the other party had no intention of entangled, Deus quickly tried to pull Ace away, but Ace couldn't pull him away at all.

"Can you tell me where you are taking those children?"

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