Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 826: Succession to the throne honestly!

Following the guidance of the life card, Yangjisi Khan gradually came to Baiwu from Jiuli. According to the guidance of the life card, the moment should be nearby, just in front of him.

[Onsen for women, only for men]

A huge sign stood in front, directly blocking Yangjisi Khan's footsteps.

There are many hot springs in Wano. Although there are places for mixed bathing, most areas are divided into men and women. Even if there are mixed baths, most of them are middle-aged and elderly people from Wano.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Yangjisi Khan. He is not interested in mixed bathing. He just wants to capture Setsuna and succeed to the throne.

The good news is that Setsuna is still in Wano, and at least she hasn't completely lost her integrity. The bad news is that she is in a place that she can't enter at all.

At this time, Yang Jisi Khan's expression had not changed much. It was a hot spring, just a bath, nothing more than a few hours.

Finding a tree stump nearby, Yangjisi Khan waited silently for the other party to come out. His life was stuck in his hands, and it was impossible for her to disappear out of thin air.

But until sunset, he didn't see Setsuna's figure.


Several Meili sheep passed by nearby, looked at the sheep Jisi Khan who was sitting next to him in a daze, and sent him a wave of greetings.

"Well, this lady, can you please go in and help me find someone?"

After waiting for a long time, Yangjisi Khan finally couldn't sit still. He looked at the shepherd girl passing by and sent an application for assistance to her.

"Ah, but there"

Looking at where Yangjisi Khan was pointing, she looked hesitantly.

The identity of the fur tribe has been smoothly integrated into the country of Wano, and no one will think that they are monsters.

Under the ruling system of the Hundred Beasts, there has been a surge in the number of people with animal-type abilities, and the appearance of animals has become a symbol of strength. In addition, the fur tribe who often stay in Wano Country are either high-ranking officials or family members of officials, and they have long been accustomed to all this.

"What's wrong? Isn't it a female hot spring?"

"That's true, but it is a high-end club for cadres. Only cadres, their families, and staff can enter. Ordinary people cannot enter."

After explaining the situation to Yang Jisi Khan, the girl took the sheep and left here, leaving Yang Jisi Khan at a loss.

Men were not allowed to enter the cadre-only club, and they couldn't enter without a cadre with them. He felt like he had been tricked.

At the same time, inside the hot spring, Setsuna was also looking at the life card in his hand while soaking in the hot spring.

"Sure enough, it's here. It's just on time."

"Sister, I heard from my mother that you always wanted to be a duke when you were a child. Why do you not want to succeed to the throne now?"

"Wanda, people always change. Do you still remember your childhood dreams?"

As a sister, although she doesn't have the aura of a sister, she can still rely on this status to teach others.

"I really don't remember when I was a kid. I didn't really want anything in particular at that time, but now I want more things."

"So people always change. I used to think that the Duke's position was so high and powerful that he could command the entire Zuowu. But later I discovered that the Duke's position has too many responsibilities.

Yangjisi Khan can remember everyone's name, but I don't have that ability. Except for a few acquaintances, I can't remember the names of so many fur people. "

"But sister, you are strong enough. Both you and Zeraora are stronger than the previous Dukes. The stone that can make people enter the moon lion state, and the ability to communicate with the Elephant Lord, these are things that I never dared to think about before. .”

"That is the power of Lord Arceus. Without his power, none of us would be able to do this."

As he said that, he used the power of the waveguide to grab the ice tea on the table dozens of meters away and drank it all in one gulp.

"So Wanda, you should work harder. Don't always stay in Zou. Go out and fight more. This way I can ask Zeraora to talk to Lord Arceus and find you someone with similar abilities."

After saying that, he stood up from the hot spring, came to a ground covered with hay, and used electricity to dry his fur.

"Huh? Sister, are you going out now?"

"Yeah, I don't want to spend the night here."

"I thought you were planning to make Yangjisi Khan quit here."

Setsuna had dragged her here early in the morning. She thought that Setsuna was planning to implement the dragging technique so that Yangjisi Khan would never find her.

"It's useless. He hasn't left for a whole day. He just wants to wait. After all, this isn't the first time he's urged me to succeed. It's not the same thing to waste time like this."

"Hey, where's your sister?"

"She go to Yanggis Khan to discuss the succession."

When Ling returned here, Setsuna had long since disappeared, leaving only Wanda with a look of astonishment on her face. It can be said that this sister had gone to great lengths not to succeed to the throne, so it was abnormal to be so happy.

"I'm afraid she has thought of some new tricks. Yangjisi Khan is really working hard."

Even though Setsuna ran away from home at a very young age, Ling knew that this daughter was very playful and would never stay in Zou as a king like Yangjisi Khan.

But she didn't know what kind of rhetoric Setsuna had prepared.

"Senior Yangjisi Khan, what are you doing sitting here alone?"

Setsuna appeared in front of Yanggis Khan with an innocent face, but Yanggis Khan didn't believe this innocent face at all. This date was agreed upon when they left last time, and he didn't believe that Setsuna couldn't remember it.

"What do you think?"

"It's boring, senior. How about you think about it and I just hand over the position of Duke to someone else?"

"Do you think anyone other than you would agree to sit in this position now?"

The Duke of Zou has great power, and he can designate his heir at will, and the people usually won't object. However, Zou has brought too many changes in an instant, and it has set a precedent for being able to communicate with the Elephant Master.

Even if she personally appointed her, without any meritorious achievements, it would be difficult for others to convince the public.

"Don't play tricks on me! I don't want to harm you by letting you succeed as Duke. When you were clamoring for my position every day when you were a child, why didn't you think about today?"

"You didn't promise me then!"

"But I agreed a few years ago, and don't forget, you signed a contract with me!"

As he spoke, Yangjisi Khan took out the receipt from that year, which also had Setsuna's signature and fingerprints on it.

[Returned to Zou after seven years to inherit the position of Duke. 】

Yangjisi Khan looked at the particularly bold fonts on the document and showed a satisfied smile, and the same thing happened in an instant.

"It seems you are finally ready to take over the throne."

"Ah? You are ready. I will succeed you in seven years."

"What did you say?? This document was signed seven years ago!"

"But there is no date written on it. It only says that he will succeed to the throne in seven years."

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