Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 916 Kingdom War, Difference between Father and Daughter’s Ideas

"Why does the word Master Lizard sound so familiar to me?"

After leaving the area where Kung Fu Manatees gathered, Weiwei felt more and more familiar with the word, but she couldn't remember where she had seen it.

"What's wrong, Weiwei? By the way, the royal capital is also on the other side of the river. Weiwei, have you seen the lizard master they talk about?"

"Those kung fu manatees say that Master Lizard is a weirdo who dresses like a human cowboy and can cut rocks with water just by waving his fingers.

Under Chopper's description, the figure of the lizard master gradually overlapped with the little lizard who was following Robin. She found that she could not understand this former teacher more and more.

But this did not delay their journey. In order to stop Crocodile's actions, they moved forward day and night in the vast sea of ​​sand.

After some time, Yamato and his party had arrived at the royal city of Albana.

According to Robin, they can just wait in the royal city for a few days, and she will be there soon after finishing some things.

As the royal city of Alabasta, even if droughts occurred in other areas due to Crocodile's actions, it still maintained a certain degree of prosperity.

But even the prosperous Royal City rarely welcomes such generous customers. They booked the most luxurious hotel here at a very low price. In fact, even if they didn't book the hotel, not many people would enter.

The rebels in Alabasta are on the move, and the country's economy has been slightly depressed in recent years. There are already very few tourists in the royal capital. Yamato, the eldest daughter of a wealthy family, has saved this hotel that was almost bankrupt and reinvigorated it. provided some working capital.

"Everyone, I heard that there are rebels active recently, but the royal city is still safe, but just to be safe, it is recommended not to go out at night."

Looking at the three people and some strange animals, the waiter of the tavern left the courtyard where Yamato and others were.

In Alabasta, the people here are extremely receptive to all kinds of strange creatures.

The fastest creature in the Kingdom of Alabasta - the running duck, a large duck like a chocobo, there is also a special team of running ducks in the country.

There are sea cats with strong symbolic meaning, water and land transfer turtles that are equally fast, plus a series of creatures with different personalities such as kung fu manatees, banana crocodiles, and deceitful birds.

Although Tutu Dog and Happy Egg have different appearances, they look very friendly. They think it is very common for rich ladies to keep some special pets.

At this time, Peggy Wan was studying the updated video games on Rotom's phone in the room, while Yamato was "bathing in the moonlight" with Ulti.

"It's so cold. This country is really not suitable for me to live in."

As night falls, the heat of the day dissipates and is replaced by waves of chill.

The air in Alabasta is very dry, with little precipitation and sparse clouds, which cannot absorb the sun's thermal radiation.

During the day, when light and heat from the sun hit the desert, the sand in the top layer of the desert absorbs the heat and releases it back into the air, superheating the air and causing temperatures to soar.

At night, most of the heat in the sand quickly dissipates, making the sand and its surroundings cooler.

Temperatures in the 30s and 40s during the day and below freezing at night are common in Alabasta.

The lack of rain was also one of the reasons why Crocodile chose this place. His abilities would be greatly weakened on rainy days. Compared to this, the huge temperature difference was nothing.

But Ulti doesn't like this kind of climate. This level of cold and heat can't help her, but compared to the comfortable environment in the past, the climate here is simply terrible.

In the summer, people will miss winter and express the emotion that they would rather freeze to death than be heated to death. But in the cold winter, this feeling will be reversed, and they will express the emotion that they would rather die of heat than freeze to death.

Ulti was in this state at this time. The only thing she liked in this country was all kinds of fruits.

"How on earth did Robin stay here for years?"

"Well, I remember that she didn't stay here all the time. She was exploring around in the first half of the period. According to her, spending other people's money to do her own things is reasonable fishing? No, what's that word called? I can’t remember.”

It was clearly on his lips, but Yamato couldn't figure out how to pronounce that word, so he just let it go.

"Speaking of which, this country is really depressed. I seem to have seen a lot of ruins along the way."

"It doesn't matter. There are too many countries in this world. It's not like you haven't seen anything worse in the new world. Can you handle it?"

"It can't be managed now, but it won't be possible later."

"Why didn't you think you wanted to take care of so many things before?"

"It's not that I want to take care of it, it's just that it's uncomfortable to see it like this. I wish I could be like Wano. As for before, maybe all I could think about was fighting with that bastard dad?"

"Be confident, you are thinking the same thing now. I'm going to see what Xiaopei is doing. You can do whatever you want."

With that said, he jumped directly to the second floor of the courtyard. Going through the window without using the door is almost a skill passed down to the new generation of beasts. Except for Jack because of his large size and lack of flexibility, everyone else has a flexible way to climb through the window. All thanks to Kaido.

After Ulti jumped back into the room from the window, a noise came from it, and Yamato also looked at the Tutu dog who was painting on the wall, and started a video for Happy Egg and the Happy Eggs on Onigashima. I continued to study the stars in the sky.

After dawn the next day, Yamato wanted to take in the scenery of the royal capital, but his thoughts were interrupted by an explosion.

The hotel waiter's words were not correct. Under Crocodile's instigation, a large number of rebels had surrounded the royal capital.

Originally, they were in a confrontation, but people from the Baroque Works Company had already infiltrated into the royal army. When he deliberately slipped his hand, the city's artillery roared, which also set off the prelude to the war.

The relationship between the two sides was already like a powder keg, and this shot directly caused the battlefield to explode.

Countless camel cavalry stirred up countless dust and braved the artillery fire of the royal army to attack the royal capital.

"This is war. Did your father grow up in this environment?"

Whether it is a battle between pirates or a fight between pirates and the navy, it is not a formal war in terms of scale, but this time is different. As a big country, Alabasta has great advantages in both land and population. .

The number of people affected by this war is far greater than Yamato previously thought.

"I really still don't like this environment."

Looking at Kaido's favorite war, Yamato didn't understand why Kaido was so obsessed with war. It was at this time that Robin sent her a new communication.

"Fairy, put down the knife first"

In the 5367th year of Tianyuan, there was a demon who bullied men and women, used his power to bully others, committed all kinds of evil, made people and gods angry, and wanted to turn the world into a purgatory.

Good news: With the development of the plot, a few years later, the son of destiny will lead the confidante to kill the devil.

Bad news: now... I'm the devil...

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