
29 Chapter 30: Kelose- Does it ever end?

Chapter 30: Kelose- Does it ever end?

Things had been going well since we had moved to Celestial Peak...or at least, things for Kysael had been going well, anyway.

The Skyelf named Castiel was preparing her for the throne, while preparing Dragon to serve her as her advisor.

Although, I thought that Dragon was already serving her well enough, I thought bitterly.

She knew that I had no choice in her decisions. I had no claim over her but our Soul Bond, but what good was that when she was married to another? I wanted for it to be me. And it wasn't as if I had much else to do here, anyway. I could train with her armies, or I could go to the library and read. I could go to the stables and help care for the mounts there. But what purpose was I really serving for Kysael? Dragon was the one who she actually needed and had use for.

For her to insinuate that she made "requests" of him, and that he always obeyed, and never refused her, right in front of me, Castiel and her daughter.... that made me a bit uncomfortable.

I knew that it wasn't Dragon's fault.

There was absolutely nothing that he could do about the Blood Bond. That was forever, until the day he stepped foot into his grave.

And really, it wasn't Kysael's fault, either. She had not intentionally made him into her servant, she had only been trying to save his life. I couldn't be angry at her for that.

But it frustrated me.

She couldn't keep Dragon. Surely, they would not be married much longer. They would not be able to. I was Soul Bonded to her, and so, I was the one whom got to have her as my own forever.

But she was still so desperate to preserve their relationship, despite that we all knew how things would end.

It wasn't until her screams of passion during the night woke me that I felt drawn to her, pulled to come to her.

But why? If she were mating with her husband, that didn't make sense...

It was only a few days after we had arrived, that I awoke one night, feeling something in my body that caused me to stir....and then, I'd heard it. And despite what I had known that they were doing, I felt the pull in my soul, I had to go to her. I had no choice.

I got out of bed, and swiftly, silently made my way and out of my room, following the sound.

As I got closer to their room, I could hear muffled cries. I stepped to be just beside of the door, and I knew that the door was locked from the angle of the doorknob. I silently, ever so quietly, kneeled to look through the keyhole of the door, to see inside.

All of the rooms were essentially set up the same, so I knew that the bed would be in the center of the room, and thus, able to see from the keyhole.

Angry, hurt heat burned its way through me at what I found.

Dragon lay on his back underneath her. Her wings fluttered restlessly, brushing his legs and his legs shook from the sensation that I was sure made his legs tingle.

She rocked and bounced atop of him; her head thrown back in abandon. One hand covered her mouth, the other holding one of his hands for support. His other hand rested on her breast for a moment before it moved to her hip.

Choked, muffled gasps broke through her hand, and I could see his eyes squeeze tightly closed before he moved his free hand quickly to cover his mouth as he groaned deeply, finishing as she thrashed wildly on top of him, also at her peak.

He sat up, keeping her on top of him, and rested his back against his headboard as he pulled her backward with him, keeping her on him the entire time.

He gently pressed a kiss to her forehead, and she panted as she came down from her high.

He stroked her hair with one hand, the other stroking the feathers of her wings.

"Thank you," she told him softly. "Thank you, as always."

He shook his head. "It is my duty to obey your orders."

So, it was as I had suspected, then. She had been having him do this to her, ordering him.

And he was not capable of refusing her orders. He had been so tense, and he was such a private person on top of which. I knew that with me just down the hall, he didn't want to take her with me so close, considering our Soul Bond.

I knew what they were doing every time they did it. I could sense it, feel it almost. It sickened me but I derived sick pleasure from her pleasure as well.

He had been so uptight and tense that I knew that she was having to order him because he wouldn't be overly enthused to do anything with her otherwise, not right now. Her voice brought me back to the room.

"Look at me, Dragon...."

"I am looking at you."

"I mean really look at me."

His eyes looked intently into hers.

"Soon, this may all come to an end. And I know that it is unfair for me to keep using you this way. But you promised me, you promised that as long as I didn't end things, you would be here for me. We both know that I am Soul Bonded to him. If I lost him now that the bond has been completed....I truly think that it would kill me. The bond had only just been started when he left last time, and I nearly died, Dragon." Tears ran down her face.

He nodded, waiting for her to continue.

"I can't afford to die. I don't want to die. My life is finally going well for me. And I know.... I know that this.... what we are doing...we are married, so this is right. But I am Soul Bonded to him, even though it isn't right. I will always feel that pull. I can't be yours completely, but I can't be his, completely, either. And we don't want to be with each other. He is only here because of the bond. You, love me, and I love you. This whole thing kills me. This Soul Bond with him is something that complicates everything. And it's not fair of me to be with you this way, right or not. I'm so conflicted."

He nodded, and rested his forehead against hers. "I know, Kysael. I am here, now, doing everything that I can to protect you. I know that you love me, and I know that you love him."

"Had I not been marked...I would have...I would have truly married you, Dragon. Only you, and stayed that way. Stayed your wife, instead of...of this. But I was marked. And he needs me, too. He was banished and had a bounty put on his head. He had his home taken from him; he became a rogue. He has nothing."

Dragon smiled. "You have a very loving heart, Kysael. And I know, had you not been marked, it is I who would have you forever. But, at the very least.... I will be by your side until I die, because of the Blood Bond. And no one can break that bond. I will always care for you. If I didn't care for you, I wouldn't be doing this for you...well, not willingly."

She laughed. "You have always been too kind."

As they kissed, I pulled away from the door. I jumped when Castiel was standing there, watching me intently.

I rubbed the back of my head. "How long have you been there?" I whispered.

"Long enough to hear everything that you just heard," he told me in a whisper. He tilted his head, motioning me to follow him.

He led me through the palace, taking me away from the scene.

"So," he told me at a normal volume. "Lady Kysael was placed under a mating mark, from what I understand, by a Darkelf, correct?"

I nodded. "Yes. A few months ago, I finished a Soul Bond with her that had been started the better half of a decade ago, so that we could break the mating mark...however, she and Dragon had been married for quite some time before I came back into the picture, and had created a Blood Bond, and their feelings for each other were only held back by the mating mark.

"Once it was broken, I....I wasn't able to be with her because I was Rogue, and she finally got to have her time with him, to be able to finally experience what she'd been wanting for so long. And to be honest, though we have always had our immediate Soul Mate love, and the beginning of the Soul Bond....I think that she had always held a special place for him in her heart. She has been raised by the man. And I don't think she realized her feelings for him until after I had left her, because our relationship came to an end due to the sacred elven decree."

He nodded slowly, taking in all of the information. "I see. I could sense that they cared for one another. Quite obviously, from that display," he said with a sly grin. Then he sighed. "I know that this...must be painful, for you. And from the tone in her voice, though I couldn't see her face, it sounded to me as if it is very painful for her, and for him as well."

"I just...." I sighed. "I can sort of sense that she's been avoiding me so that she can have her love with him for a little while longer. And I think that's what hurts the most. She's delaying our future, to be with him longer. We don't even want a future with one another, but it seems like it is the only option for us. And it's painful."

He nodded. "I can understand why that would hurt the most. I can see that she has a very large, very giving and loving heart. I know that it must be the hardest on her."

"Yes, I imagine so." I sighed. "I've never had feelings for more than one person before. And this isn't even mentioning her thoughts on Mafrien, whom she kissed and told him she cared for him to push him into the transformation into a Skyelf." I shook my head. "I can't even begin to understand what that means!"

He looked away. "Dragon actually mentioned that to me, as well. You both have a lot of the same concerns, in truth. Both of you care so deeply for the girl, yet so much has happened to her that both of your Bonds to her make her feel conflicted. I've studied the Wraith's Blood Bond, and I can tell you the truth when I say that it is something that makes the servant stay dedicated until the day that the servant dies. Even staying by the master's grave until their own death.

"It's a bit different with the Soul Bond, which is a holy bond. And I've heard the story of how and why that bond was created from Dragon. But it surely must be difficult, having both bonds and having such...strong feelings for both parties. And you're right, that's not even bringing up Mafrien. I would very much like to talk to Kysael about these things, and get her thoughts."

I smiled. "You care for her too, hm?"

He laughed. "Not in the manner that you do, but I care for her as a dear friend. She does happen to harbor my former best friend's spirit, afterall, so it's only natural that I would feel friendship with her. And she has told me that she feels that way, as well. Sometimes, friendships can even transcend lifetimes."

"So, I do have a question: When is Kysael going to be coronated?"

He smiled brightly this time. "Word has been sent to all of your friends and families, so that they could have time to prepare and journey up here, and so that the blizzard casters can have time to dispel the blizzard before they get here. It is set for seven days from now. Her coronation and your transformation are scheduled for the same day."

I startled. "My transformation...?"

He laughed. "Yes. Kysael and I have discussed this, and she can't have her mate and servant die centuries before she will. She has also intended for Dragon to be transformed, as well. And we already have two volunteers to perform the ceremony, realizing full well that it will end their lives." Before I could protest, he held up his hand, stopping me. "It is the wish of our Queen, Kelose. Our people are happy to give their lives for her. Afterall, she has earned it. This entire city cares about her, because of her deeds for the world, and her connection to our former king, Manwen."

Before I'd realized it, we were back to the North wing, back to the royal chambers hall.

"Go on to bed, now. And don't mention the transformation to Dragon."

I nodded. "Thank you, Castiel."


It was only one day away from Kysael's birthday, the day of her coronation. A coincidence that I was sure wasn't actually a coincidence, because Castiel had planned everything for that day.... for tomorrow.

Perhaps he'd known when her birthday was, and just planned everything for that day.

I hadn't talked to Kysael much in the past week. I'd seen her often, at all the meal and tea and snack times, of course, but not much outside of that....

Dragon had been following Castiel everywhere, and following his instructions to the letter. I watched as he observed Castiel, learning his duties and responsibilities around the castle and city....and around Kysael.

Of course, his Blood Bond caused him to have other duties to her as well, keeping her fed and happy and....sated.

The night before her coronation, I knew for a fact that she would be visiting me in my chambers.

She had been giving me long, meaningful stares that entire day, and the pull was growing stronger between us.

It would be the first time that we had been with one another since she had been transformed.

Dragon still wasn't aware of everything that was going to take place tomorrow, but I did.

And they were both good surprises. I knew that she didn't intend for us to know about the transformations.

All of our friends and families had been arriving to the city for the past two days, now, and everyone was here now.

Of course, Dragon did know about the coronation tomorrow, that's why everyone was here.

It was during the night that I felt it, sensed it, when she slipped out of her chambers, sticking her head out first to be sure that no one was around, and then silently, swiftly coming down the hall to my room.

I watched her as she silently slipped into the room, shutting the door behind her.

I knew that it was wrong of me, but I wanted this night of passion with her after having witnessed her night of passion with Dragon only a few nights ago.

It gave me a sense of closure each time we were together. It helped heal the strains of the chains pulling us to be together, even if just for a little while.

We were facing one another, and I got on my knees before her, my hands holding her sleeves.

Our clothes were still on, and I knew that we would talk before we began.

"Kysael....tomorrow, you will be the Queen that you deserve to be, finally. I would like to say, what an honor it has been to be see you and watch your journey to this day. You have been much. It makes me so proud to know that you will be able to change the world, after you have faced such hardship."

She smiled, looking away. "Thank you, Kelose. And....Castiel has made me aware, that he has told you.... about what else will be taking place tomorrow...."

I got somber, serious. "Yes. Dragon and I will be transformed into Skyelves." I felt the pain in my heart. But I smiled all the same. "I want it to be me, Kysael. I can't live like this. I can't be here, watching you two be with one another. I can't stand this pull. It gets worse and worse with each passing day. It gets stronger, and I feel that if it continues...if we don't obey it, one of us will die, and the other will follow shortly after. We may not want this, but we have to be together."

She nodded. "I hear what you are saying, Kelose, and I share your pain. Truly, I do. Our Soul Bond pulls and demands for us to marry, be with one another fully. But I can't. I cannot leave him. I love him."

"You have to, Kysael. It is unfair to him to continue to string him along when you know what is going to happen anyway, and it is unfair to both of us to continue holding back. You are the only one pulling away from this. I am here, I am ready. I am waiting. It rips my heart out to feel you pull away from me, Kysael. Please," I cradled her face in my hands, peppering little kisses on her face, and she cringed as tears ran down.

She sobbed into my mouth as I kissed her mouth.

"I can't!" She cried.

"Kysael," I used the Bond to call her vocally, and her legs caved in. I had to grab her back up, holding her steady. "You don't have that with him, do you? You don't have the Soul Bond with him. I will never be able to end your Blood Bond to him, but he will never be able to end your Soul Bond to me. You have to obey the calling in your soul, Kysael. It will only continue to grow more powerful, and it will only continue to cause us both great pain."

She took a deep breath, and reached her hand out to run it through my hair. "I would rather continue to suffer than to cause him unnecessary pain," She whispered. "Now...I don't want this, but for now...I've had enough.... of talking for the night." She motioned for me to sit on the bed, still dressed. I did so, my back resting against the headboard. She climbed to straddle my lap, and I gulped, and tilted my head to the side for her. She wanted to feed first. "This may sting. I intend to do everything" her words choked up in her throat for a moment. "As bitterly, painfully sweet as possible. Since this is our last night to show our love.... I want to show you...just how sweet the bitterness is."

I nodded, almost...frightened. I was afraid, I realized. I was afraid to lose her, even though she was not mine to lose. I was afraid to have this night with her. And I knew that their marriage more than likely would be coming to its bitter, unwanted end after this night. Somehow, we could both sense this.

Thunder clapped and lightning flashed outside the stained-glass window, and as the lightning lit up the room further than the few dispersed candles, I could see that both of us had tears streaming down our faces.

She gave no warning as she latched her teeth into me, and I gave a sharp gasp. I'd been on the receiving end of that bite before, when she didn't gingerly clasp in or even numb it first.

She struck like a snake, and it was always a shock.

After the pain had faded some, I relaxed a bit, letting the heat radiate through my body as I stroked her hair, my eyes closed.

She pulled away, my blood running down her chin, covering her lips and giving them an ethereal red glow in the lighting.

We kissed, tasting my blood on her tongue.

She gasped as we pulled away, and she clasped her hands in my hair.

"What is your order for me tonight, mistress?" I asked, my voice quiet.

She startled, before she realized the full implications and that I had seen her and Dragon together during their private time. She chuckled sadly, and shook her head. "No orders tonight, love. But I do have a request."

"Tell me," I implored.

She met my gaze, tears making the blood on her chin run further down, down to stain her nightgown.

"After I leave this room... I am going back to Dragon, to have him one last time. This is my one and only opportunity for this to take place, and I am about to be the queen... so tonight, and I want for you to follow me back to my room, and I want for both you and Dragin... to ravish me, together...," she pleaded.

I nodded intently. "Kysael," he whispered, my voice husky, a tone I'd never heard from my lips. And we undressed one another.

We pleased one another, tears running down our faces the entire time, and I could feel the bitter sweet passion practically radiating in of the room.

I couldn't tell you how long we were like that. It must have been quite some time, because both of got winded enough to need to stop for water a couple of times. It seemed to happen over hours, but in seconds. Finally, it was coming to an end.

It was only a while longer before we finished, and I felt her body shaking with her tears. She was heartbroken.

My body burned as she sobbed brokenly into my bare chest.

My heart ached for her.

I knew that after tonight, their relationship was probably going to change. Because Dragon knew that the Bond was taking its toll on her. You didn't need to talk to her about it. It was written all over her stricken face. She was so conflicted over her love and bonds with the both of us, that it was digging a wedge in her own mind between two halves of herself. She was about to break.

He could sense it through their own bond, and it was putting a strain on him, as well. It would be better for her to let him go.

She finally stood, still crying, and left the room to go back to her husband, to go back to their bed.

I followed her after some time, going to watch them through the keyhole again. I found her cradled in his arms, his face sad as he pressed his lips to her hair, and her body was wracked with the force of her cries into his body.

I burned with pain at seeing her find comfort with him, but there was nothing that I could do for her in this moment.

His hand moved to her neck, pulling her closer to him, pulling her head to his neck, and she bit into him. I burned as I watched them feed.

After a few moments of feeding, she moved to kiss him, but he turned his head away, moving to kiss along her jaw instead, moving downward on her body.

He continued to undress and work on her, and slowly became one with her body while she clung to him desperately, pleading for him to make the pain stop.

And Then, I made my entrance. Dragon startled, unhappy to see me, but I saw Kysael lean forward, whispering her desires into his ear. He looked up at her, horrified, but he looked at me, nodding. And I disrobed, quickly, and came to join the in the bed. Dragon took her from the front, and I made my way into another part of her from the backside, and she crid out as she spasmed and thrashed as peak after peak rushed over her in waves as we took her in different positions and manners and speeds.

"D...Dragon! Kelose!" She cried, her body reacting with ferver to the both of us.

After we had both taken turns releasing ourselves into her, we all collapsed in the bed and we lay together, Dragon on one side of her and I on the other, as our arms wove around her body to embrace her as she hiccupped and cried.

After a few minutes of sobbing uncontrollably, his hand reached up to her head, and began glowing lavender with energy, and I knew that he was healing her mind.

She suddenly stopped crying, and her body went limp. I watched as he stood, and dressed quickly. He looked at me and I nodded, and I got up and dressed myself, quickly exitting the room. I waited a few moments before I bent down, and I watched them through the keyhole. I felt wrong for watching his final moments with her in this way, but I couldn't leave, for some reason.

He got her covered by one of his travelling cloaks, kneeled down beside of her on the floor as she was still on the bed, and then he shook his head, taking in a deep breath.

He was kneeling beside of the bed, his hand holding hers.

He was shaking.

"Thank you, Kysael...for the love that you have given to me. I know full well, that your love is special. I have seen it. You are such a passionate, caring girl who has lived a life of unjust hardship. I have been with you every step of the way, and I will continue to do so even as you become the Queen you're destined to be. I have always been, and will always be, by your side." He kissed her lips softly and stood to leave the room, and I went to stand beside of my bedroom door before he could even get out of their bedroom.

He startled when he saw me, my arms crossed, leaning on the wall beside of the door to my bedroom.

"Kelose," he said, his voice shaking slightly.

"Dragon..." I motioned him into the room, and he nodded, and I opened the door, letting him inside. I stepped into the room, and looked around. I saw the sweat--among other fluids--that still lingered on the disheveled bed. I smelled the blood and sweat and musk in the air. I knew that if I could see and smell all of this, then so could he.

"Did you enjoy your time with her?" He asked.

"So, you did know."

"Of course, I have known. I know everything about her," he told me. Before I could speak, he stopped me. "Don't misunderstand. I am not angry."

"I knew that you weren't. Neither of us had much of a choice in the matter."

He nodded. "I know. The pull and tolls of the Soul Bond are something that I can't begin to fathom the depths of, and I can see the toll it takes on the both of you. It is eating away at your minds. I know that neither of you had control. And I don't hold it against either of you."

"Did you enjoy your last night with her?"

He smiled. "I did. You saw it, didn't you? You were there, after all. Though, I did not enjoy your presence there, I enjoyed her. Just as I have enjoyed every night with her. But she told me what transpired between the two of you tonight, and she told me what you said. And you're right...I can feel the strain on her through her blood, I can feel her pull toward you. I can feel how terribly it distresses her. I can sense the pain it causes in both of you. And I am going to let her go peacefully. But don't misunderstand--I'm not doing this for you." His eyes were sad.

I nodded. "Of course not. You have waited a long time to be with her. You even married her, for her own sake. I know about all of it. And I know that your feelings for her are conflicted, somewhere between love and duty and friendship and family bond. But you can trust me, now. I will not hurt her again. I will fully dedicate myself to her."

He looked away. "I suppose I should have expected you tonight. I thought I sensed you outside of our room."

I decided not to tell him that I'd watched their intimate nights before. I nodded.

He chuckled, and we grasped hands, shaking firmly. "I am going to let her go peacefully so that her Soul will not suffer because of being trapped away from you. So you had better take care of her," he said softly.

"I will. And you will be there with us throughout the future."

He bowed slightly. "Of course."


The next morning came, and I awoke in a strangely good mood.

Today was the day. Kysael was going to be coronated, and we were going to become Skyelves.

I got up and bathed, and when I was finished, I had a man waiting for me outside of the washroom.

He held a solid white, floor reaching tunic, white cloth pants, and a fancy, floor reaching overcoat that had embroidered stars and suns and clouds and moons on the sleeves.

It was traditional Skyelf wear.

He left them on the bed for me, and I had another man come in, asking me if I needed help with anything.

I gave him the negative answer, and I was left to dress and pull my hair into my ever-constant wolf tail, my hair short on the sides and back, cut down to my head, but the top long and pulled back into a small tail in the back.

Not quite long enough to be a pony tail, known instead as a warrior's wolf tail.

When I'd finished prepping, I looked in the mirror and hardly recognized myself. The only thing missing were wings, I thought quietly to myself.

Everyone met in the dining hall, and we all sat and waited for food to be placed before us when we were all called to stand, for Kysael's entrance. I was sitting on one side of her seat, and Dragon was sitting on the other.

She walked into the hall, escorted by Castiel. Castiel had informed me earlier that this would be his final action as her advisor, escorting her to the breakfast on the day of her coronation. Everything else that was the advisor's duties would be passed on to Dragon after this moment.

I beamed at her in pride.

She wore a high collared gown with slightly poofy shoulders, and tight sleeves that hugged to her wrists delicately.

The gown cut off just under her private areas, another, different colored gown underneath which reached to the floor, and there were the same embroidered designs on the under gown as there were on my overcoat.

The gown drug the floor behind her.

Her hair was pulled up, several long braids wrapped into a large bun on the back of her head, pinned by a sun-shaped hair clip.

Golden powder sat upon her eyelids, giving her silver eyes an entirely different look, and her face was glowing with radiance. Golden powder also lined her bottom eyelid, and her lips were the color of blood.

Her Wraith markings stood out proudly against the combination of gold and silver, giving her a strange, regal look that was odd but worked somehow.

Castiel pulled her chair out for her, and tucked it under her as she sat down. He made his way to his place at the grand table, in the middle.

"Everyone," he said loudly and clearly. "I would like to extend my warmest welcome to all of the friends and families of the honored three, the one to be corinated, and her chosen advisor, and her chosen partner in which to help her rule this great nation. It is my honor to serve and protect her and this nation."

Everyone cheered, and Kysael's cheeks flushed slightly.

"After breakfast, we shall have three ceremonies. First, the coronation, and then, the last two are meant to be a surprise for us all," he said with a chuckle, glancing at me.

I knew what he was talking about, but of course, the only one who didn't know that I was aware of the situation was Kysael at this point.

Dragon glanced at me, meaning laced in his eyes. I gave a barely perceptible nod.

As Castiel had said, after breakfast, everyone was led to the throne room.

I was motioned to stand by Kysael's right side, and Dragon at her left. Castiel stood before us, between us and the crowd of citizens and family.

"And now," Castiel began. He motioned a priest to come before us, and motioned Dragon to also come to his side. Castiel nodded to Dragon, and Dragon swallowed thickly as he nodded. Then, Castiel went to stand among the crowd, and Dragon took a deep, slow breath, before his eyes met Kysael's.

"And now," Dragon picked up where Castiel had left off. "As my first act as Kysael's chosen advisor, I decree unto all of you, that we coronate the new ruler of Celestial Peak." He motioned to the priest, who began to recite a long prayer in song.

Dragon took the tiara off of the pillow the priest was holding in his hand even as the prayer continued. He slowly turned to face Kysael, and her face was nervous.

Dragon smiled at her. His face radiated with pride. He went to stand behind her, and instructed her to kneel.

She did so, and he held the tiara of golden and silver stones high into the air. "It is my absolute honor and pleasure to present to you," Dragon paused for a moment, and brought the tiara to nestle into her hair. He went to stand at her left side again. "Queen Kysael of Celestial Peak!" He proclaimed in a shout. Trumpets filled the air with fanfare, and the entire room erupted into cheer.

And as she stood, the entire room kneeled.

I saw her new family in the crowd; her father, her father-in-law and mother-in-law, her brother, her daughter in the crowd. Her daughter crying happy tears, her brother looking at her with a warm smile.

Her father grinning at her, and all of the other happy faces.

My family, however, was filled with nervous glances and not so happy.... especially my father.

I idly wondered how he would react when I was transformed into a Skyelf.

"Rise!" Kysael's voice proclaimed to the crowd, and everyone stood. "As my first act as Queen," she smiled at me, and then at Dragon. "I call to have two very special Skyelves come forward to us."

Two Skyelf men, whom I assumed were the volunteers, stepped forward, kneeling before their new queen.

"These two brave, wonderful men," Kysael's voice almost caught in her throat, but she pushed past the weakness, her voice only mildly cracking instead. "Have come forward today, to fulfill a request that I have made to them that is of the utmost importance." She motioned for me and Dragon, whose face was completely confused and shocked, to sit on our knees before her, facing the two who were kneeled further in front of her. "These two incredibly loyal, wonderful men have accepted my request to create for me two new, most important Skyelves."

At that moment, Dragon startled, his face surprised as he glanced back at Kysael from over his shoulder, a look of amazed shock on his face.

She smiled down at us, and the entire room erupted once more, only this time into oohs and awes, shocked murmurs.

Before we had a chance to do anything, the two of them both bowed to us, repeating, "May you both honor and serve the Queen," softly, before they ripped their own hearts out of their chests, handing them out to us. "Eat," They told us, and then laid their glowing hands upon our chests, over our hearts.

I had seen Kysael do this, on the battlefield. I knew that it was part of the transformation process, and necessary to be able to become one of them.

Dragon glanced at me, his face hesitant and obviously uncomfortable, before he looked over his shoulder at Kysael, pleading with his eyes.

She shook her head.

"Eat," she ordered. Her tone left no room for argument.

Reluctantly, his body automatically obeyed, and I followed.

It actually.... wasn't as disgusting as I was thinking that it would be. It had a rich flavor, though the action itself made me want to vomit.

Once we had eaten the hearts, I was aware of the fiery pain rushing through my body, the burn around my chest.

And as their hands glowed all the brighter, I could feel it.

And I was suddenly hyper aware of the radiating fire that rushed through my body, the core of that burning heat beginning at my chest.

If this was what Kysael had felt, this was almost overwhelming and painful.

I could feel my entire body tingling, and I felt like I was cold, but at the same time, I felt like I was on fire.

My eyes burned the worst.

I was an assassin.

My eyes were golden with my darkness, border lining transforming into a Dahrahm, a Darkelf, already.

That was a danger with my profession. I had known the risks, of course. But transforming now into a Sahyeen, a Skyelf, my entire body was changing.

Did that mean that my eyes were too?

But then the pain changed.

Soon the worst of the pain was from my chest, and my shoulder blades.

And I immediately began preparing myself for what I knew was about to transpire. I had already seen two transformations into Skyelves, Mafrien's and Kysael's.

I knew what was fixing to happen.

I could feel every single solitary rip through the muscles, as new muscles began forming into the stubs of the wings that I knew were fixing to burst through my shoulder blades.

But nothing could have prepared me for the pain.

At nearly the same time, Dragon and I both began to cry out and scream, thrashing as wings shot out of our backs.

Every rip of flesh and muscle as the wings shot out, and the wings felt like newly burned skin themselves, tender and sensitive.

I could feel every wisp of air that touched each individual feather.

It was almost too much to bear.

I could feel everything.

I realized that I'd had my eyes closed the entire time through this.

I opened my eyes, and startled at how much clearer my vision was. I could already see very fine details from long distances before, but that had been nothing compared to what I could see now.

I could see every speck of dust in the air. I could see every individual hair on someone's head, clearly enough that I could count each strand.

I could count someone's eyelashes. I could count each individual strand of thread in each piece of clothing on each person.

My ears, freshly enlarged to account for the Skyelf hearing, twitched as I could hear very specifically every whisper of amazement and shock, every word that was negative in anyway.

My father's words of skeptical negativity.

My wings rustled, and I cringed.

They were very, very tender.

Everyone was staring at us, and the Skyelves glanced around at each other, looks of confused, stunned surprise on their faces. I could hear their whispers, something about our wings.

But I put it out of my mind for now. I would see my wings later.

Dragon's face reflected what I was sure my own did; overwhelmed amazement.

And then I noted that two soldiers came and carried away the dead bodies of the two Skyelves that had given their lives to bring about our transformations.

"I present to you, now," Kysael said with uncontained joy. "Kelose and Dragon of Celestial Peak!"

Everyone cheered, and Dragon and I both stood on somewhat shaky legs.

Power coursed throughout our freshly transformed bodies.

I could feel everything. I could see everything. I could hear everything. I could even smell everything. I could taste every perfume in the air.

It was amazing.

"We will adjourn momentarily to allow Kelose and Dragon to get cleaned up," Kysael announced. "I am fairly certain that they would like to get out of their bloody clothes for the next ceremony."

I couldn't figure out what the next ceremony could be. I had thought that each one of our transformations would be its own ceremony, not tied in to one another.

Now, I was finally in the dark about something that Kysael had managed to keep hidden from me.

My Skyelf ears could hear every single murmur.

I had to shake myself of the overwhelming changes.

Dragon and I both returned to our chambers. As we walked, he chuckled, his voice sounding different to me than before, richer and stronger, softer at the same time.

"I wasn't...." Dragon laughed softly. "I was not expecting this. I did not expect to be transformed myself," he said. "I knew about your transformation, but I'd had no clue that she had planned one for me, as well."

I smiled. "I knew about both. You should have seen your face," I snickered, noting the difference in my own voice.

Both of our voices had deepened fractionally, gotten smoother, calmer, steadier.

But my voice held a darkness that disarmed and disturbed me, considering what I had just become. I said nothing of my concern though.

He chuckled. "I can imagine what it must have looked like. All of this," he pointed to a dust speck in the air. "This is so.... wild. It's overwhelming. I can't even imagine what Kysael-" his voice cut there, his eyes darting to glance at me.

I smiled. "You can't imagine the overwhelming pleasure that Kysael's newly transformed body must have felt when you mated," I finished for him.

He nodded. "Everything has heightened. I can feel every wisp of air, I can feel every dust speck as it hits my flesh."

I laughed. "It really is amazing, isn't it? To imagine that we had been so proud of our senses before, because we'd been so much more sensitive and powerful than humans, but in truth, we'd been weak compared to what we feel now!"

"Yes, truly. Its humbling to see through these eyes.... these special eyes that were given to us."

I hmmd. "What color are my wings? I can't really see them, I'm too overwhelmed with everything else.... I'm almost scared to look at them."

He looked at my wings. "They are black, with golden feathers here and there," he said with fascination. "I certainly haven't seen any like that anywhere around here," he smiled. "It suits your personality quite well. Dark with spots of shining light," he said softly.

"That is...very kind of you to say," I said. I glanced at his wings, and I smiled. "Your wings are unlike any I've seen around here, as well."

"Really?" He asked, surprised.

"Yes. They are white, with silver feathers here and there."

He laughed heartily. "It seems that we have been given completely opposite yet similar wings, and somehow, that corresponds to our opposite yet similar roles in Kysael's life!" He laughed hard enough that his body bent over, and he slapped his leg, laughing hard. I smiled at him. It was true, what he said, and it amazed me with its irony.

"Castiel said that silver wings are a sign of spiritual purity. I wonder what silver feathers in white or golden feathers in black wings means," I said. He nodded in agreement.

We went to our respective rooms, and when I was finished, I stepped outside to wait. I wondered what could have been taking them so long.

I watched as Kysael quickly exited the room, and made her way down the hall after giving me a quick, sad smile, and then she was gone. I could hear her sniffling, and I could almost picture her wiping tears away. Something was wrong. I watched as Castiel and Dragon came out, Dragon's eyes rimmed red as if he'd been wiping away tears.

I couldn't understand what was happening, but I had a certain.... feeling about it. There weren't many things that could cause the almighty Dragon to shed tears. I could only imagine what had happened in that room. I'd focused out of their conversation, so I had not heard their private words.

We both walked to the throne room once again, and Castiel had me move to stand beside of him. Dragon walked to stand to my right side.

And it suddenly dawned on me.

I was fixing to get married.

I had chosen a black tunic that fell to the floor, black pants, black boots, and a black overcoat with, yet again, the same designs embroidered onto the sleeves.

Dragon had chosen a loose-fitting black shirt, tied simply in the front, and black pants with black boots.

Though, I figured his reason for all black was a bit different than mine. I had chosen these clothes because I knew that it was suiting to me, that, and my wings were black with golden feathers here and there, giving my wings a golden shine on top of the black.

His reason for choosing all black was more than likely out of secret mourning of the loss of Kysael, as black was also used as a color of loss and mourning and despair.

And from his body language and the look on his face, I could somehow sense that this was in fact the reason behind the unusual all black look for him.

His eyes, even brighter lavender than they'd ever been as a Woodelf, were full of sorrow and remorse, that he was trying hard to mask with a forced smile as he looked toward the entrance to the throne room.

Everyone got back to their places, and I noted that Kysael was nowhere to be seen.

Castiel and the priest moved, coming to stand there with us also, and since I already figured out and knew what would be happening, I prepared myself for her entrance when the trumpets began to sound.

The crowd turned to face the doors, and they opened to reveal Kysael, arm looped with her father's.

My heart pounded in my chest at the sight of her.

She had gone and changed as well, into a gown that drug the floor behind her only slightly.

As my eyes traveled upward, I noted the embroidery and beading along the bust of the gown, and the lack of sleeves on the gown, two black straps of lace coming up from the center of the heart shaped neckline, tying around the back of her neck, and then coming back around to hold the corners of the dress at where her arms rested.

I could see that black lace ribbon tied the corset on the back of the gown.

My heart filled with pride and joy. It seemed as if it had been forever ago, that we had met and fell in love.

Dragon's body was tense, but he smiled a genuinely warm smile at her entrance. Dragon and I both knew how beautiful she looked.

Moserre led her by the arm slowly as trumpets played, and it seemed to take forever for him to finally get her to me.

With a pitying glance shot at Dragon, Moserre smiled at me awkwardly before he placed her black-lace-gloved hand into mine.

Kysael's eyes darted to look at Dragon for a moment, her eyes apologetic and sad. He gave her a soft nod, and a sad smile.

And then she looked at me, and her breath came out shakily. She smiled brightly at me. "I suppose you understand what this is," she whispered softly.

"You did a good job keeping it from me. I've only just now figured it out," I chuckled at her pleased expression.

Then the trumpets stopped.

"We are gathered here today to join this Skyelf to the Queen," the priest began. "The lady Queen has informed me that she would like for the two to be joined by their own personal vows rather than to repeat traditional vows," he said with a smile of warmth to Kysael. She smiled back at him. "And after a word from her chosen advisors, the ceremony shall commence."

Castiel stepped up. "I have had the privilege of getting to know these two over the past week, and I can see how strongly they feel for one another, going to.... quite desperate lengths to love one another," he said suggestively. I was thankful that no one else was aware of the situation, because Dragon's body tensed as did mine, and I felt hot. "It is an honor for me to witness their union on this incredibly special day." He stepped back down, and motioned for Dragon to go ahead.

Dragon caught my eyes for a moment, and I could feel him struggling internally. I could see the struggle in his eyes. His body shook ever so slightly. But he cleared his throat.

He turned his eyes to Kysael, as if speaking directly to her. "I delivered a child, a couple of decades ago....and she is the Queen that you now see before you. I have had the honor of raising her, watching all of her battles and struggles. I can tell you that it has not been an easy road to get here. I can tell you how hard this young woman has worked for this day. And now, it is time for me to.... release her over to another man," he said, wincing slightly at his mistaken choice of wording.

Several around the room took in small gasps, those who could understand what he was really saying, what had really been implied.

Kysael's eyes were filled with tears as she forced herself to hold in her feelings. Her hand squeezed mine tightly, shaking softly.

Dragon continued on. "It has been my privilege to serve her, and I will, forever and always, continue to serve and protect her." He kneeled, and kissed her free hand that I wasn't holding. Then he stood. "Long live the Queen and her chosen king!" He proclaimed; his eyes sad but proud.

"Hail!" Everyone chorused, and Dragon went to sit beside of his father in the crowd.

Drakul patted his back, giving him a look of sympathy. Kysael's father also gave him a somewhat sad look, but they said nothing.

"Now, for the vows," the priest said. "My lady, you may proceed."

She turned to fully face me. Her eyes were sad, but her expression was happy determination.

"I waited a very long time for this day," she said. "I met you what seems like forever ago," she laughed. "We were so young then. Things happened and led us away from one another, but now, after everything that has transpired, we have been led to this day.

"I give myself over to you in marriage. I vow to love and care for you always, and to be honest and truthful with you. I vow to honor and respect you."

My heart raced; my eyes burned. The priest nodded to me. "Now you may proceed, my lord."

I looked at her for a moment, really taking her in. I smiled at her brilliantly, and she laughed softly at my renewed heart.

"I never thought that we would get to this day, that we would be here," I told her. "After everything that happened in the past, everything that has happened since I came back into your has felt as if time were mocking me, purposefully dragging on slowly. And now, we are here. I remember the first time I saw you, how I had been so immediately drawn to you and your exotic beauty. You were unlike any woman I'd ever seen. I remember being slightly afraid, your Wraith markings in plain view, your hunting gear equipped. I remember everything.

"I am proud to receive you, and I give myself to you, truly and fully. I vow to love you, as if I had not already proven that I do-" I glanced quickly at Dragon, and she tensed. Her eyes filled with fresh tears. "I vow to honor and respect you, and to be truthful and honest. I vow that no matter what has happened, and no matter what may happen, I will always be by your side.... until the day that we depart through death."

Tears spilled down her face, her shoulders shaking slightly.

Her eyes were slightly fearful, but happy. Her body was still tense.

She quickly glanced at Dragon, and back to me.

There were several soft murmurs in the crowd, and knowing and questioning glances flying all across the room.

The priest, whose face was a little skeptical but still holding a warm smile, cleared his throat. "I now pronounce you married. You may kiss your bride," he said.

Her eyes, still filled with tears, her eyes burning with mixed emotions.... she leaned up as I leaned down, and our lips burned with the intensity of the sensitivity of our kiss.

The priest placed a crown upon my head, made of gold with silver and white gems woven into it. The gold was molded into the shape of suns and clouds, interlocking to make a circle.

And the room filled with trumpets and cheers and fanfare.

Kysael and I faced the room, and we exited the room through the cheering crowd.

That evening, a great feast was held, and there was music and dancing.

I danced with her, and when Dragon came up to us, his face was.... sincere.

He held out his hand for her.

"Do you mind if I dance with the Queen?" He asked me, his eyes questioning. He was sincerely looking for my approval, and not just hers.

He was showing me respect, as her husband.

"You may," I told him, and I gave her a quick kiss before I went to dance with my mother, who had managed to make it from Elsael for the occasion.

My mother and father had split up when I was still a young child, and had went their separate ways. It was good to see her.

As I talked with her, I did tune in my ears and eyes to watch and listen to Kysael and Dragon, but still kept my attention on my mother well enough to hold a conversation.

"Kysael," Dragon whispered softly. "I am sorry for my.... mistaken wording before."

She shook her head. "'s alright. You said the right thing. I could sense how hard you struggled. I understand."

He smiled at her. "I didn't expect for you to have me transformed," he told her slyly.

She laughed. "Well, I couldn't very well have a chosen advisor to help advise me in my ruling of a city when he was going to die centuries before me, could I? I had to do something. So, I asked around and the two who you saw volunteered. Neither of them had families, and they were very honored to accept my request."

He smiled. "I see. That makes sense, I suppose. I wasn't expecting it, and I certainly didn't realize just how dull my senses had been until I got this wake-up call."

She laughed softly. "Yes, it is a bit overwhelming, isn't it?"

"A bit? I haven't been able to take everything in yet," he chuckled.

Finally, the song came to an end, and he bowed to her. "Thank you for the dance, my lady."

"Thank you for everything," she told him. And she kissed his cheek.

He returned it, kissing her forehead instead.

And then he returned to me.

He held out his hand for mine, and I took it, grasping his forearm in a warrior's handshake.

"Thank you for everything," I repeated her earlier sentiment. He smiled.

"I should have figured you were listening in," he said softly. "She's all yours."

I grinned triumphantly. "Yes, she is."

He nodded, a small smile on his face.

Everyone finally went to their respective rooms once the night began to wind down, as everyone would be leaving tomorrow except for the Leaders of the cities, the kings and queens of the other races and their individual cities.

Kysael had wanted to have a meeting to discuss the future before they left back to their homelands. There was much to discuss, and not much time to do it.

Kysael and I were upgraded to the royal suite at the very end of the royal hall, finding that all of our things had already been moved into the room.

It was much larger than the other bedrooms, as was the washroom inside of it.

Kirinae, knowing what would be taking place, decided to move to the opposite end of the hall, her room right across from Dragon's room.

She knew what her mother and I would be doing.

Kysael, suddenly a bit nervous, shut the door behind us.

Her face still looked beautiful, despite the smudges of makeup from her earlier tears that day. And I walked around the spacious room for a moment, before I saw something that I'd seen last night...and picked it up, holding it out in a questioning gesture for her to see, though it wasn't a question on my part.

Just an affirmation of my knowledge of the situation.

"Dragon knows about all of my secret visits to you. And I went to him after I was with you last night. You know that," she said softly, looking at Dragon's travelling cloak that I held.

Her statement wasn't a question.

I nodded. "Yes." I tossed his cloak to her, and she caught it, and shielded herself with it for a moment, closing her eyes and sniffing it deeply and obviously relishing the smell, before she sat it down gingerly on a nearby chair, caressing it with deep emotion swirling in her silvery eyes. "I talked to him about it."

She sighed. "Yes."

"He wasn't angry."

She startled; her eyes surprised. "...What...?"

I smiled at her. "He wasn't angry with you. And he wasn't angry with me. He knows why you did it. You love him. But you were Soul Bonded to me. Neither of us had a choice in this, or I know.... I know that you would have chosen differently. I know, Kysael, that he is the one that kissed you all those years ago, that it wasn't your fault. But nothing has ever changed the fact that you returned that kiss, and that you have always loved him, that you have fallen in love with him...And I know and accept that. We both do."

She nodded. "Yes...."

I went to her, and took her hands in mine. "Thank you."

"What for?" She asked, confused.

I kissed her softly. "For loving me enough to rip his heart out by asking him to let you go so that I could finally be the one to fill your desires. Even if you weren't entirely willing."

Her eyes watered, and she kissed me hesitantly.

Her kiss had changed and matured, it was no longer the kiss of an inexperienced girl, but rather, it was the kiss of a woman married and having been touched by man.

It was the kiss of a woman who knew what it was that she wanted.

I untied her gown, and we left it in a heap on the floor, along with my clothes, as we stumbled to the bed.

And I made tenderly sweet love to her throughout the night.

Tears ran down her face, but I could feel the effort that she put in to focusing on me, and I loved her all the more for it. I knew that this would bother her all her life, and that I was lucky to have had this chance at all.

But were it not for me, none of this would have happened.

She would still be under the Mating Mark of the Darkelf Prince Mafrien, and she would still be doomed to a life of his slave. And the world would still be the dark place that it had been, ruled by crazed Dark Realm overlords.

Now, we had a chance for a new future. It was our time. Somehow, I felt as if I were finally getting what I had deserved all along, and I felt.... almost selfish.

And somewhere, in the midst of our throes of passionate cries and gasps, I could hear cries of another kind from down the hall.

And I could feel Kysael's gut-wrenching sorrow pour through into my own soul, overwhelming me with her burden.

The burden of her love.


The next morning came too soon, it seemed to me.

A quiet knock on the door woke us, and I slowly got up to answer the door. I had to remind myself that, since Kysael and I were in the same room now, the chosen advisor's duties would come to me, as well, since I was now the king.

The had a strange ring to it, and it felt far away, like a dream, as if it couldn't possibly be true. And yet, here we were.

And so, I already knew what sight was awaiting me at the door.

Dragon was kneeled at the door, a carefully blank expression on his face.

I could not see his eyes, but I could imagine the hole that his eyes must have been burning into the floor at our feet.

"Breakfast is prepared, the army is ready and waiting to be looked over and introduced to their queen and pledge their service to her, and the Council room has been prepped for Kysael's meeting, my lord," his voice was cautiously neutral. For him to call me "lord", was also a strange and overwhelming new thing. Dragon had been a nobleman in our homeland, and his station had been much higher than my own. For him to be in a reversed position.... well, it was somewhat disconcerting.

I could feel the effort he was putting in to being calm.

And I could feel his body tense when Kysael, wrapped in the cloak that he'd given her for their last night, the one that she had loved since she was a child because it was so beautiful and special to Dragon, got out of bed behind me.

I could see his eyes glance at her, and narrow in barely restrained, tortured pain.

And I could feel Kysael's skin prickle, her flesh rising and the hairs standing with the power of his gaze upon her.

I had not entirely realized just how much influence and power he held over her, and it was dizzying to my mind. I could feel it in my own body, and I was overwhelmed by how gut-wrenching their love truly was for one another.

I idly wondered if we'd made the right decision, getting married.

"Huh...?" She asked, groggy from lack of sleep the night before. Her movements were sporadic, stumbling.

Heavens, she could barely walk!

My cheeks suddenly felt hot. I was embarrassed for Dragon to see her this way.

"Dragon has come to let us know that breakfast is being served, and that the council room has been prepared for your meeting with the other kings and queens," I relayed to her still stumbling form.

"Oh," she said, her voice thick with sleep. "Thank you, Dragon," she called from the washroom.

He cringed and took a deep breath, but he stood.

His eyes were aflame with feelings, looking quickly around, bouncing off the walls.

He was looking at anything but us...but his face was still blank, and his tone was still neutral.

He bowed to me, and swallowed thickly before replying. "I will see you two shortly," he said softly, before he quickly turned on his heel and practically fled the scene.

I felt sympathy for him. I knew that this was going to be a long, painful road to recovery for him.

I went to the washroom and helped Kysael get ready, helping her to also get woken up with some heated kisses before we were fully dressed, and went down to the dining hall to have the amazing breakfast that the kitchen staff had prepared.

Dragon had taken to his new role as Kysael's chosen advisor flawlessly.

He came to her side and bowed to her to tell her news quietly, and was busy rushing around and taking care of things while Kysael and I watched in astonishment.

She smiled at him with a sad, sweet smile on her face.

Dragon first escorted us to the courtyard outside, where Kysael's new Skyelf army stood at the ready, looking like statues with their perfect stillness and silence.

I watched her in awe as she came to stand before them at the head of the companies. I would guess there were about three thousand altogether. They lined the entire courtyard, and down the staircase into the city of stone.

She stood proud in front of them, and suddenly, her wings shot out.

It was if they were on a silent command, and all of their wings unfurled from their bodies and shot out, their tall stances straightening even further. I wondered if they could possibly get any taller.

"Soldiers!" She called out, and their left arms came to bring their shields in front of their chests, all in unison. She studied them, before she shouted again. "Battle!"

As if they were all one person, they all unsheathed their swords and started sparring one another in a graceful, powerful clash. Kysael stepped down the steps and down onto the courtyard floor, walking and weaving her way through the crowds of sparring soldiers as if they were standing still. She studied them, watching them. I could tell that she was analyzing their movements, judging their performance. She was carefully assessing who had what skills, who to rely on for what talents and where others needed to improve.

After all, it had been many centuries since the Skyelves had seen true battle.

I could see their eyes watching her carefully, trying to gauge her reaction to them and be careful of her presence at the same time, but still focusing on their own individual battles.

She gave a nod, turning back to come up to the platform. She held up a hand, and everyone halted, waiting for her command.

It was an awe-inspiring thing to witness.

"All of the officers, step forward."

A good-sized group, probably around thirty men, stepped forward and came up to stand before their queen.

"Starting with you," She pointed at a seasoned fighter on her left. "Tell me your name and rank, and then spar with me."

We startled, looking over the scene with surprise. The officer seemed surprised as well.

But he did was he was told. His tan wings rustled as he stepped up to her, weapon at the ready. "I am Koven, General of the first company."

"Swing at me," she said.

He looked stunned, puzzled for a moment. "Swing at you?" He asked.

"You heard me correctly. I want for you to rush me with everything that you have. Swing as hard as you can. Do not concern yourself with my safety, I can take it," she said, power radiating from her tone. We could feel her energy push out from her flesh, and he shivered. "Go on."

He took a breath, and backed up several paces, meeting her gaze for a long moment before he disappeared. He rushed her, bringing his sword down with a frightening speed and power. I would have missed it were I not gifted with Skyelf eyes.

The loud clang of their swords echoed throughout the courtyard, and the general was startled to see how fast she had unsheathed her weapon and defended herself. His blue eyes were wide, his eyebrows high in shock. His arms shook with the force of the blow, the force of his body trying to strike her, but her body was rock solid and perfectly still. It was effortless.

She pulled back, sheathing her sword again. "You are strong. That's good. How old are you?" She asked.

He gave a tight laugh. "I was not prepared for you to block me so swiftly. Truly, you are malevolent. As to answer your question, I am aged one thousand, one hundred and forty-eight years."

She gave a nod. "You are a seasoned warrior, absolutely. If your company is as strong as you, we are all in good hands."

She took the time to continue this routine with each of the company leaders, letting them swing at her with all of their might and speed, showing her their battle strength in one blow. She always blocked them, of course. They all were surprised by her grace and poise, each one surprisingly shocked by her ability to engage them so fluidly, effortlessly.

Finally, she was getting a little tired and worn down, and I could see that this was, in fact, taking its toll on her. She may have seemed invincible to us all, but I could feel it in her bones, the creaking. I could feel the draining in her body, the pull in her muscles to keep up with this new form of hers. No matter how powerful or magnificent she may have become, the truth was that she simply couldn't keep this up forever. She took a deep breath, sheathed her sword, and stepped back up on the platform.

"Soldiers!" Dragon called out. "Swear your allegiance and service, now, to your rightful Queen, Kysael."

All of them went to one knee, their right hands fisted above their hearts.

"We vow our service, great Queen," they all said in unison. "Our allegiance belongs to Kysael. We vow in confidence that we shall protect and serve to the best of our ability, to the end of all of our days," they all echoed.

Kysael gave a nod. "I vow not to ask any services of you that would dishonor you or your families. I vow not to forsake any of you, and I vow not to take any of your lives for granted. I vow this, as your queen."

"Queen!" They all shouted, bowing their heads further before standing at attention again, pumping their right fists in the air. Then, she dismissed them with a nod and they were on their way.

She took a deep breath, and she went to go change clothes before we were led to the council room. I wanted her to go and to rest, but she was in a hurry and ended up deciding to go ahead and get this meeting out of the way so that the Kings and Queens could all travel home with their people.

All of the rulers of the nations were here.

Kysael and myself, of Celestial Peak.

King Mafrien and his mother Arenatha of the Dahrahm, the Darkelves, of Barrenwilds. Coal also stood by their side, in his humanoid form.

Chief Ireena, of the Sprites in FaeIsle. I noted that Kysael tensed a bit when she saw her, and I thought it odd but paid no heed to it. There was an attendant by her side, obviously a drake in her humanoid form. She looked much like Coal did in his humanoid form, only with different colorings. She looked to be from the wind wyvern clan. She had blonde hair in two high buns, and her eyes were bright green, with catlike pupils. She was thin with a large bust, and she was tall for a woman, taller than I was.

I noticed that she and Coal stared at one another, obviously interested in one another.

King Ekabat and his mate Mosarra, of the Wraiths of Lykra were there.

The dwarf king of Dolinmuul, Coalus.

The Yahrayne, or Mountain elf king of Irasil, Verdius, and his wife Helga.

The new queen of Atlesian, the Coraleye, or the Ocean elf city, Aquatara. She, too, had a drake attendant, and I wondered how common it was to be able to accomplish such a thing. This drake was a dragon, not a wyvern, and he was from the water dragon clan. He was in his humanoid form as well, of course. He had short gray hair, with eyes as blue as a sapphire, and he had a long, thin goatee on his chin.

There were Emron and his wife Herin, of Havengrove, the Nae or Woodelf city.

The Raheine, or River elf king of Riviv, Welshore.

And then there was the queen of the Orks of Lotar, Korsharin.

The Chief of the Wolf-clans in The Warrens, Redclaw and his mate, Raven.

The Chief of the Barbarian city of Karok, Korchak and his mate, Barasi.

The king of the human city Arthene, whom was actually an elf, Coralus.

The queen of Elusil, the human city, Kiryn.

The king of the human city Elrien, Kail and his wife, Leira.

And finally, the king of the half and quarter elf city Elsael, Shahng. I felt a pang of unease around him, because he had been Lunariel's father....and Stefrana's father.

I could only hope that my past involvement with them would not be brought up here.

"So, what is the purpose of this meeting?" Aquatara asked.

"As you all know," Kysael began. "I defeated Kellerok, the previous Darkelf king, a little over a month ago. Since then, king Mafrien has taken his place and has already began the project that I spoke with him about, Project 'Skies of light'. Since Mafrien has been transformed from a Darkelf to a Skyelf, he has agreed with me and has taken steps to-"

"Excuse me," Coalus butted in. "What exactly is the objective of project 'Skies of light'?"

Mafrien pulled out a piece of parchment with the plans on it. "We are trying to either contain and suppress, or.... kill off, all of the dangerous members of the Dark Realm who will not cooperate with the new laws and regulations that we are trying to put into place."

"And what laws and regulations are those?" Ekabat asked in a dangerous tone.

"Those laws and regulations are different, varying upon different peoples. Say, for Lykra....a city in which I lived for quite a while, if you'll recall," Kysael explained. "For Lykra, one of the laws I intend to pass is that they may not force anyone to give them blood, and they cannot kill anyone who willingly volunteers their blood to them."

He sputtered. "That is outrageous!"

"Is it?" She countered. "King Ekabat, my grandfather, your guards capture humans from neighboring cities all the time to harm, violate, and kill them. Remember my mother, whom your son raped and impregnated with me? Just to allow her to go free with her life and that of her child son?"

He stood, and the guards by Kysael's side stirred, cautious. He sat back down. "And what makes you think that any of these kings or queens will allow you to pass laws over their respective nations?" He asked, and there were a few murmurs of agreement.

"Because, grandfather, none of these laws or regulations are unfair or unjust, and certainly not too much to follow."

"May we each see a copy of the laws you are trying to pass for our lands?" Verdius asked.

"Of course, you may," Kysael smiled warmly at him, and motioned for Dragon to pass out laws for everyone.

I was impressed. He was on his game here. Everything that he'd already managed to accomplish, and it wasn't even lunch time yet.

"I don't mean to alarm you," the Ork queen said. "But there is no feasibly way that my people would allow even a single one of these 'laws' to pass in our homeland."

"It isn't the peoples' job to decide the laws that govern our nations, it is the ruler's," Kysael reminded softly. "And if your people will not allow it, then you aren't a very good queen. And if you and your people absolutely refuse to follow those simple, easy requests, then you are scourge in this world and will fall into project 'Skies of Light', which will leave your race up for destruction." The ork woman stood, tall and mighty in her own right. "You have no right to say that I am not a good queen for my people, and you have no right to try to force people to abide by these silly laws!"

"Silly?" Kysael asked. "What laws are silly, I ask you?"

"'Orks are not to raid neighboring homes or towns, even if they look abandoned'? We are Orks! That is how we find most of our clothing, our weapons, our-"

"How many times have Orks claimed that a town looked abandoned, and began raiding only to find that they were, in fact, inhabited, but the Orks just slayed all of the townspeople and took what they wanted anyway? I am giving you a chance to change that now, before it is too late. I will not accept anything less than peace as long as I am this land's overseer."

"You are a fool!" The queen shouted.

"This goes for anyone in this room," Kysael stood, arms crossed, her tone leaving no room for argument. "If anyone refuses to agree to these reasonable and doable changes, then you will fall into the jurisdiction of the Project Skies of Light, and you will be exterminated, along with any of your people that follow you and your decision."

"You cannot just come in here, a farce of a queen who isn't even a full-blooded Wraith nor a full blooded Skyelf, and demand for people to begin following your orders!" Ekabat screamed before he disappeared.

I had not been prepared.

I had not been on guard.

I had not been ready.

And before I could move, it was too late. He was faster than even the Skyelves that I had seen, and his power was awful but awe inspiring all at once.

It would simply never end, would it?

Blood gushed down Kysael's chin as she doubled over, clutching the dagger that was shoved through the wound that Dragon had spent so many months healing and repairing only a while ago.

He had known exactly where to strike, and in his ancient age, he had obtained a speed that none of us were old enough to comprehend yet. Unlike the rest of the races, Wraiths' power increased with age, until they eventually withered away into dust from old age. But until they were languishing, they were terrifyingly powerful. None of the other races had that ability. And Ekabat may have been ancient, but he was far from languishing.

He was even older than Kellerok had been, and he was said to be on par with if not more powerful than Kellerok.

Ekabat was beheaded by Mafrien's sword in an instant as Dragon rushed to catch Kysael, her eyes wide in surprised pain.

The room erupted into chaos as others tried to get in blows on her, and Mafrien quickly dispatched anyone hostile as Dragon rushed Kysael out of the room.

I rushed after them, flying down the hall and to my shared chambers with Kysael. The pain in my body was almost too much to bear, and I had to force myself not to cave in, to stay strong to support my wife.

Dragon set her on the bed, ripping the clothes off of her hip to inspect the wound.

" burns," she gasped. "I've been stabbed before! It doesn't normally burn like this. It burns! I'm on fire!" She cried. "What is the fire?!"

Dragon slowly pulled out the blade, but oddly left the wound open. He stuck his tongue lightly to the blade, and spat out the saliva which had been contaminated.

"It's poisoned," Dragon said angrily.

"What?" I cried out, furious. "I wish that I could bring that decrepit old fool back from the dead to dispatch him myself!" I shouted.

"Kelose...." Kysael whispered weakly. "I'm sorry, I should have...seen it coming.... known better...." she mumbled.

"Will the atrocities against you simply never end?" I asked, holding her hand. I slipped to my knees beside the bed. I was burning. All I could feel were flames, burning, nipping at my flesh as if I had been lit a fire.

What was happening to me?

I was vilely, viciously angry.

"Dragon, I heard what happened!" Castiel said as he rushed in. "Is there anything that I can do?"

"I need Arthenia, of Arthene. She is the most skilled Poison expert that I know. I don't know nearly enough about poisons. Kysael is beyond my skill to heal at this point."

I startled. "Then we have to get this lady, right away! I can't lose her!" There was a ferocity in my tone that I wasn't used to hearing.

Dragon nodded gravely. "Neither can I."

And my rage...I could feel it, barely leashed. I could feel myself slipping.

And the moment that Kysael lost consciousness...

I snapped.


The air began shifting, and I felt the change immediately. The aura changed. The air around Kelose was shimmering.

His eyes were glowing a dark, eerily dark golden color, his skin darkening, his hair lightening.

I immediately knew what was happening.

Kelose had already been a hair's breath away from transforming into a Darkelf while he had still been a Woodelf, due to his profession.

He had been getting closer and closer to losing himself in the assassinations.

And now, he was beginning to transform.

"Kelose! No!" I shouted.

His head whirled around to face me, but when I saw the wild, murderous heat in his eyes, the chaos...I knew that there was no reaching him. It was simply too late.

Castiel startled, also feeling the change, the shift in the air.

And Kelose grabbed a hold of one of the girls trying to help with Kysael, strangling her.

He was lost. He was going to transform into a Darkelf, and Kysael was going to lose him forever.

I didn't know what to do.

All I could do was to try and shield Kysael from the powerful wisps of aura whipping around the room, slicing and burning everything that they touched.

I startled at the sheer force it burned and sliced into my forearm with. It was painful, and I couldn't imagine how much it had to hurt him. Throughout all of this, I could only think of protecting Kysael and how much pain Kelose had to be in. My heart broke for Kysael, but for Kelose, also. I had heard that transformations into Darkelves were excruciatingly painful, awful to experience.

Kysael, even unconscious, shifted and moaned, her face clenching in agony, and I watched, horrified, as Kelose changed.

Castiel struck Kelose hard across the back of the head, and his body fell hard to the stone floor, unconscious.

"What on earth...?" Castiel was out of breath, shocked, disbelieving.

"Kelose has been an assassin for many years, now. He had been on the edge of this for quite some time. But seeing Kysael lose consciousness after being attacked like pushed him over the edge."

"He must love her desperately to go into such a state," Castiel said sadly. "To have been transformed into a Skyelf, only to transform into a Darkelf from the darkness and anger eating away at him from the inside."

"If he hadn't been turned into a Skyelf, I fear that he would have transformed into a Darkelf much sooner than he had."

Kelose's body continued to transition, even as he lay unconscious on the floor.

"There is only one thing that I can do for him. Maya," he addressed the girl that Kelose had attacked. "Go and fetch Colatara. She will know the spell that we need."

She nodded and ran out of the room, and he lifted Kelose's body and left the room in a haste.

What were they going to do to him?

You couldn't stop the transformation into a Darkelf...could you?

There was one thing that I did know. Kysael needed help. She was fading quickly.

And now, her husband wasn't even going to be here when she awoke.

.... And, I thought sadly, perhaps she had married Kelose too soon.

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