Artificial Mates

Chapter 67 - A new Element

"What element?" Demos said aloud. Liliane looked up at us with curiosity.

"What are you two talking about?" I glared at him for speaking out on purpose.

"There's a team installing a new AI in the lobby," Liliane got to her feet.

"What do you mean? What about Jil?" she asked in hast. We must have omitted to tell her that part. I exchanged a knowing with Demos.

-Tell her. I don't want her to hate us...hate me.

I kept my lips sealed. He let out a raspy breath of exasperation and turned to face her.

"They switched her off while you were away this weekend," he explained making her gasp in shock.

"Didn't you notice she wasn't there when we got back?" I hammered the final nail. She slowly shook her head.

"I had other things on my mind, I guess. What exactly happened?" I peeked at Demos who somehow was determined to tell her everything. I felt that this might become a problem for the future.

"This building wasn't the only one with a new AI. The one next door also replaced their's two days ago," announced Demos with a frowned.

"Three others down the street were decommissioned this past week," I added dryly when Demos urged me to participate in the revelations. His little game was rapidly turning into a dangerous one.

"The one managing our office also changed last week," she murmured. "However, that was scheduled a while ago. It can only be a coincidence," she appeared lost in her thoughts. Could it be she was picking up on the many clues?

"Liliane, we don't want to alarm you, but, I think it's best to stay home today," she absent-mindedly nodded then moved in front of her plate waiting for her on the coffee table. She fetched the remote control and switched on the TV. She browsed through the channels and selected the local news. After a quick weather forecast announcing a beautiful sunny day, a blank-faced woman dressed in black appeared with images flashing behind her. We joined Liliane on the couch. I knew exactly what the footage contained. Still, I watched with a certain detachment as the lady spoke. She seemed faker than an early model. I was amazed at how a human could displayed such vacant eyes.

"Good morning, the breaking news, about the tension in level twenty-one, has died down yesterday, late in the night. One hundred and fifty protestors were arrested, and two casualties among the crowd of onlookers. There is no need for alarm. Additional patrols are despatched in the area to make it safe," The image changed to the patrol agents marching a deserted street.

"What about the shops set on fire, the forty-five armed Real humans arrested and the twelve artificials clubbed to scrap?" muttered Demos with irritation. I gave a quick peek at him then reverted to the screen.

"A curfew will be apply for the following levels by the Public Safety Bureau. Level twenty to twenty-three. The south section of Level nineteen and the region on the sub-burd of Kumari R2, Saint John also know as Level three. We advise all citizens to consult their local police for more information," Demos mumbled again about the Real human's deeds. I ignored his comments and focus on the news anchor. "Anyone caught during the curfew will be detained for unlimited interrogations," she smile. The subject turned to a much cheerful one. "A new shopping area was inaugurated in Level twenty-three, with two hundred and fifty shops..." Liliane muted the sound and turned to me.

"Is it true?"

"What is?" I pretended not understanding her question. Her eyes dropped on the already cold plate in front of her.

"The war? There's nothing... I've checked earlier on the forums...but," her voice was shaking slightly.

"Yes, and we can't stay here. We have to get out of town as soon as possible. With that curfew it will be troublesome," Demos cut in before I could answer. She frowned at the food.

"But, there's nothing in the news. And I can't just leave. What about my job...about Anna? I need to pay my bills. We can't run away from Sognare. They'll find us and...and will take you back. We can't run away from reality," she shook her head in denial.

"Liliane," said Demos in a gentle tone, he got close to her and rubbed both sides of her arms. He peeked at her distress expression. "When it will start, all of this won't matter. The bills, the apartment or your job. We..." he looked up at me before he went on. "We don't want anything terrible to happen to you," she kept staring at the table.

"Will you kill people to keep me safe?" she voice was so small it was hard to make out.

"Of course, we will if we have to," I added in a cold tone. She didn't seem to grasp the gravity of the situation. "We are leaving at six, you better pack the extreme necessities. We won't even bring our pods," silence reigned around us when a sudden knock on the door snapped us back to reality. I got up to answer the door.

"Let me," called Liliane behind me. "It's my house, afterall" she added. I stepped aside and allowed her to pull the door open. A cheerful woman in a flowery robe bounced forward and through herself arms around Liliane's neck. she yelped at the sudden demonstration of affection.

"Oh my god, Lili, you can't imagine the hell I went through," she giggled. Liliane stared at her with utter shock. "What is going on in this town. I had to cross like a dozen security search to gain access to the damn airport. There were like thousands of patrol agents of all the place," she pushed away from her with a wide smile.

"Lyla?" was the only thing Liliane could muster.

"I told you I was coming back, didn't I?" she peeked over her shoulder towards us. Demos had got up from the couch and joined me by the door. The new woman narrowed her eyes at us.

"So, it's them, the two artificials giving you a hard time," she pulled her sleeves up and placed her fists on her h.i.p.s. She glared at us with open animosity.

"I'm here to fix your attitude issue."

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