The charred corpse was Xue Wuhen, and the other body that was beyond recognition was Zhan Wei.

More than two months ago, they were still two living people, representing the hope of the Demon Palace. If he continues to grow up smoothly, he will at least become a Dao-slaying expert and an elder-level figure in the future.

But now, they died outside, which dealt a very heavy blow to the Demon Palace.

This was especially a heavy blow to the Great Elder and the forces behind the other lineage.

Because they really can no longer find two such outstanding talent representatives.

The leader, Leng Wuqing, sat high in the hall and said with a solemn expression:"Elder Mengli, please explain to me exactly what is going on, and don't leave out anything!"

"Yes, the leader!"

Then, Elder Mengli explained in detail what he knew.

A month ago, he had led all his disciples to the secret realm. The two candidate saints each brought 50 disciples into the secret realm to explore..There are also other sect forces,Send people into the secret realm to explore.

After entering the secret realm, the two of them not only explored the opportunities in the secret realm, but also invariably provoked disciples from other sects and formed many grievances.

But this is nothing. As a disciple of the Demonic Way, this is how you behave.

However, during a provocation, before both parties could take action, a divine thunder suddenly fell from the sky, killing Xue Wuhen who was standing in the most conspicuous position.

Zhan Wei thought that the other party had secretly murdered him, so he launched an angry counterattack and the two sides fought.

Originally, Zhan Wei was the strongest among everyone.

Moreover, he had the body of a mad king, and the more he fought, the harder he got, and the more he was injured, the more crazy he became. As a result, for some reason, he was stunned during the battle, and then he was hacked to death by others.

The two backbones were both dead, and the remaining disciples could only snatch their bodies and escape from the secret realm.

After hearing this, everyone was filled with grief

"Okay, now is not the time to be sad!"The leader Leng Wuqing shouted loudly:"Let's carry the bones of the two saints down and bury them first. After all, they died for our Heavenly Demon Palace, and they are the good sons of our Heavenly Demon Palace. Bury them generously!"

Everyone listened and nodded.

"Next, we will discuss how to avenge the two Holy Sons! Our two holy sons cannot die in vain. We must find out the people behind them and kill them. Otherwise, we will only make others laugh at our Heavenly Demon Palace!"

Everyone nodded again.

There is revenge and there is injustice for injustice. Once there is a hatred and the whole family is slaughtered, this is the style of their demon disciples.

Elder Mengli handed over his hand:"No need, master. I have investigated clearly afterwards. That sect Its name is Huayimen, and it has been eradicated by me! However, the Huayi Sect is only a second-rate sect. Except for the leader, the others are only in the realm of immortality and have limited strength, so I suspect that the Huayi Sect is not the real culprit behind the scenes!"

"Then check it out for me! Investigate strictly! Once the real culprit is found, use the power of the entire palace to kill him!"Leng Wuwu sternly

"In addition, I hope to send another pair of people to explore the secret place! Elder Mengli said

"Why? Haven't enough of us died?"One of the elders said dissatisfiedly

"That's not the case, but there may be immortal matter in the secret realm!"

"What? There is immortality!"Everyone exclaimed.

It is not easy for anything to be related to the word immortality.

No one in the world wants to die, and no one does not want to live forever.

Even those who have cultivated to their level can only have a life span of more than 2,000 years. , when the time comes, you will have to hang up your hair.

But if you have immortality substances, you can extend your life on this basis.

You can make yourself live longer, and you may have the opportunity to glimpse a higher realm.

If a sect has immortality Substances can extend the lives of many strong men who have little life left, allowing sects to continue to prosper.

In short, longevity substances are what everyone needs

"Elder Mengli, are you serious about this?"An elder couldn't help but ask

"Although it is not confirmed, it is almost certain! Elder Mengli stroked his beard and said in a deep voice:"Disciples from other sects brought out a kind of white spiritual liquid from the secret realm. After swallowing it, the whole person became thirty or forty years younger. It was very magical." This matter has spread among other sects, and each sect has sent disciples into the secret realm to search for immortality substances! Elder

Meng Li held up his hands and said,"Master, and all the elders, we are already one step behind. If we don't hurry up, we may not be able to get the immortality substance!" The great elder immediately said:"

I also suggest sending disciples to search for immortality substances!" The second elder said:"

Second the proposal!""

"I agree!"


The leader, Leng Qingqing, felt that he could not delay and said:"Immediately select outstanding disciples and enter the secret realm to search for immortality substances!"

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