Looking left and right, Jiang Ming found that the porcelain was no different, and he couldn't help but become troubled.

Is there anything special about this kind of porcelain?

Just as he was thinking this, people outside became impatient.

"Your Highness the Savior, are you in danger? I will come in right away."

With that said, the man opened the door.

Jiang Ming stepped forward, raised his hand and put his spiritual power on it.

With the blessing of spiritual power, the door cannot be opened at all.

The person outside the door couldn't help but be shocked, and then asked: "Are you really unable to resist those two people? The door seems to be unable to be opened. Your Highness the Savior, please open the door quickly so that I can save you."

Jiang Ming chuckled twice.

He managed to lock the door, but this guy was kind enough and wanted to act like a show to get him to open the door.

Since the other person wanted to act so much, he couldn't let him down.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Ming said quickly: "I was blocked by Sikong Wuyuan and Yuan Hehe, and I couldn't open the door at all. Otherwise, you can find a way to get in by yourself."

"These two people were like crazy. They kept trying to kill me. I felt like I was suffocating."

The people outside the door seemed anxious.

"Don't die, Your Highness the Savior. What will I do if you die?"

Hearing this tone, Jiang Ming couldn't help but feel strange.

Logically speaking, isn't it best to die by yourself? Why is this person still a little anxious? Could it be that you want to do something with him?

It was a wonder what else they wanted in him.

Jiang Ming couldn't help but feel doubtful. People outside kept knocking on the door, but he still couldn't help and couldn't open it at all.

He couldn't help but get angry.

"What's going on with this door? It opened fine before, why can't it open now?"


Jiang Ming couldn't help but become suspicious.

Could it be that he was the one who put down the porcelain? But what exactly does this porcelain do?

He simply continued looking at the porcelain.

He found that it still looked ordinary, and he couldn't help but become anxious.

He can't even do anything with an ordinary porcelain, it's really life-threatening.

Sikong Wuyuan and Yuan Hehe were roaring wildly at this time, and the door outside was knocking non-stop. Everything indicated that Jiang Ming's future situation was very critical.

At this moment, another person seemed to have arrived in front of the door, shouting: "Your Highness the Savior, how is the situation there? I am Princess Qingmiao."

"Do you want to leave through the window? There is a window in the back room of this house. Come out and I will pick you up."

This voice was indeed exactly the same as that of Princess Qingmiao, but Jiang Ming couldn't help but feel confused.

Logically speaking, they could also come in through the window, but why not?

Or are they unable to climb through the window at all and can only enter through the front door?

He became confused.

Immediately afterwards, the fox seemed to wake up and was about to speak, but Jiang Ming tapped his acupuncture point.

It can only open its mouth and cannot make sounds.

The fox couldn't help but feel resentful. His eyes were full of anger, and he said to Jiang Ming in his heart: "Let me go quickly, otherwise, you will suffer later! Everyone outside is my people."

"Oh, really? Why did I hear them saying they were mine?"

Jiang Ming responded to the fox in his heart.

The fox noticed something, and then said awkwardly: "Your Highness the Savior, there is no enmity between us. I just want to help you. Why do you do this to me?"

"If it weren't for me, you wouldn't be able to come to this house, let alone repair the porcelain, and they wouldn't be able to get in."

"You don't really think they can't get in because of this porcelain, do you?"

Jiang Ming felt that the fox was really talking nonsense, so he immediately raised his hand to release his spiritual power and stabbed the other person in the heart.

Blood gushed out, and the fox panicked again, begging Jiang Ming in his heart: "Your Highness, the savior, if you have something to tell me, why are you so tampering with me?"

"Do you wish you were dead?"

Jiang Ming got to the point directly.

The fox coughed and said, "Of course you don't want to die. Since you have a chance to live, why would you want to die?"

"Okay, I'll give you a chance to live. If you tell me something, I'll let you go and reunite you with those people outside."

Jiang Ming tried to reason.

The fox thought for a moment and said, "Who knows if you can do anything about it? I don't believe you."

"Then if you don't believe me, you will have no choice but to die. You don't think I really need you, do you?"

Jiang Ming stretched into his abdomen again.

The fox felt the biting coldness and couldn't help but feel uncomfortable, and then said: "I said, what do you want to know? Anything is fine, but if I don't know, there is really nothing I can do."

"It's very simple. Why do you want me to repair this porcelain? This porcelain is not meant to block people from outside."

Jiang Ming took the spiritual knife out and then asked in his mind.

The people outside seemed to be afraid of what he might do, and the banging on the door became louder, making it impossible for him to open the door.

"Your Highness the Savior, are you inside? Come to the window quickly. If you delay any longer, what will happen if they kill you?"

The person who said he was Zhu Asi spoke eagerly on the side.

Even the person who said she was Princess Qingmiao also agreed: "Yes, Your Highness the Savior, if you continue to act like this, what will happen if you die?"

These words were obviously gritted, and both of them were helpless about the door in front of them. This made Jiang Ming relax, but then he became nervous again.

Why don't they come in through the window?

He briefly thought about taking a look through the window, but thought it was too dangerous and began to hesitate again.

At this time, the fox sighed and said: "It's very simple. This porcelain can bring people back to life, so that's why you mend it."

"It's just a piece of porcelain. How can it bring people back to life?"

Jiang Ming was stunned for a moment and looked at the porcelain again.

"Dead objects still have healing properties?"

The fox seemed to see through his mind and smiled slightly: "How can this dead thing be cured? It's just because it can make people's bodies stronger."

"I still don't understand."

Jiang Ming couldn't laugh or cry.

After saying this for a long time, he felt that he didn't make his meaning clearly at all.

The two people outside were not satisfied with knocking on the door, but directly knocked on the door.

However, the door was frozen there, giving no chance for the two of them to enter.

Seeing this, they simply stopped talking to Jiang Ming. Instead, they used a new method and directly used spiritual power to blow open the wall on one side.

Because Jiang Ming only put his spiritual power on the door, the wall was immediately shaken open.

With such a shock, they naturally saw both parties and the tied fox.

Seeing this, the fox shouted loudly, wanting to ask for help.

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