Ascend Another Day

Chapter 333: Dao is infinite, heaven and earth primordial spirit

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The Sanqing Palace has been empty for a long time. In the ancient times, the immortals crusade against the Demon Realm, conquered this place, and destroyed everything here.

Xu Ying walked into this treasure hall and looked around for a while. There were only rubble left in the hall, and light leaked from the top of his head. When he looked up, even the roof of the hall was half lifted.

Where there should have been a statue of the god, there is no trace of the statue of the god.

"There should be three statues of gods here, and I think they correspond to Sanqing. I don't know Sanqing, which three demon gods are they referring to? Or are they three kinds of demons?"

Xu Ying checked, but found nothing useful, went out to check on Hu Zhuojun and others, only to find that they were still in a coma.

He waited patiently, and said in a low voice: "This is obviously an ordinary Taoist temple, why is it called the land of enlightenment? Before it was destroyed, the statues of the three major demon gods stood here, absorbing the incense of the demon realm. One There must be many old devils coming here to pay homage.”

Thinking about the scene of a group of demons coming to worship the three major demon gods, it is quite spectacular.

Xu Ying returned to Sanqing Palace, but still found nothing, so he simply sat down in the hall, thinking: "Since it is called the place of enlightenment, there must be something unique. I came to Demon Realm to understand the way of magic, since I can't see anything , then give it a try, maybe you will gain something!"

The place where he was sitting was exactly where one of the **** statues stood, but that statue had been pushed down and smashed to pieces, and it no longer existed.

Xu Ying sat quietly. It was strange to say that sitting here, his sense of the nature of the world was much sharper, and his state of mind seemed to be closer to the Dao.

"No wonder it's called the Land of Enlightenment. But just because of this, it's not justifiable to become a holy place in the Demon Realm."

Xu Ying radiated his spiritual consciousness, trying to communicate with the world of the Demon Realm.

Just as his consciousness spread out, suddenly there was a loud bang, and then the five-tone and twelve-tone Tao sounded, and a huge bronze iron appeared in the sea of ​​his consciousness, suppressing his consciousness!

Xu Ying was startled and angry: "It's a fairy artifact left by the gods of the past! Why did it appear in my sea of ​​consciousness when I comprehended the Dao of Heaven and Earth?"

He just thought of this, when suddenly a second fairy artifact appeared, it was a fairy cauldron, no smaller than that bronze pot, full of fairy power!

The sea of ​​his consciousness was violently turbulent, and his consciousness was like smoke and dust. With the swaying of the smoke and dust, one after another, immortal artifacts appeared one after another. !

There are a total of 1,300 fairy artifacts in Daoqiguan, hidden among the mountains and forests, or turned into mountains, or hidden in water, invisible to remove traces.

Xu Ying used his spiritual sense to comprehend the great way of heaven and earth in the Land of Enlightenment. The 1,300 immortal artifacts were originally left by the gods to suppress the world, so when his spiritual sense spread out, he suppressed it together!

Xu Ying was terrified and furious, and it was difficult for him to turn his consciousness: "Bastard, bastard! What a bastard! These fairy artifacts are not particular, and I can't even tell that I'm with them..."

At this time, a long cry came from far outside: "Chu Tiandu, do you still remember me, Li Pingsheng? Jing\\/Hua/\\Book\\/Ge... м.jhssd.℃ómFirst.Fa.More .New~~Since losing in the Battle of the Demon Realm’s Taoist Terrace, Li has learned from the pain, refined his master’s celestial arts, and finally made some achievements! Today, come to learn again!”

"Teach your grandma a leg!"

Xu Ying almost yelled, now his consciousness is suppressed by thirteen hundred immortal weapons, he can't move at all, and he can't get it back. If this Li Pingsheng came to kill him, wouldn't he feel sorry for himself?

"Wait a minute, I'm not Chu Tiandu, what am I afraid of... But those **** just say that I am Chu Tiandu!"

Xu Ying was so angry that his hands shook, but shaking was useless. He used his mind to think about how to solve the situation. Li Pingsheng is still far away from this place, and it will take time to rush here. As long as he can get rid of the suppression of thirteen hundred immortal weapons within this period of time, he will still have a chance!

He had to save himself in such a short time!

"These **** suppressed me for no reason, didn't they notice that I was cultivating the heavenly way of the heavens and the world?"

Xu Ying was the first to sense the bronze iron and tried to find the flaws in the bronze iron. Unexpectedly, as soon as he stabilized his mind, he immediately discovered the problem with the bronze iron.

There are many fairy runes on the bronze pot, which are extremely complicated.

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It is almost impossible to comprehend the mysteries of these immortal runes within a short period of time, and then decipher the immortal way contained in them!

But there are a few immortal runes on the bronze pot that he is familiar with.

"Prison! Prison! Confinement! Yu!"

Xu Ying's "eyes" fell on these immortal runes. He was very familiar with these runes, they were the immortal runes that sealed and suppressed him!

However, the four characters on the bronze pot are simpler than the demon-suppressing runes that suppressed and sealed him, and there are some omissions.

He "looked" at the other immortal artifacts, only to see that the four characters of "隆那圉" were also mixed in the immortal runes of the other immortal artifacts.

These four seal-type fairy runes are hidden in the runes of the fairy weapon itself, and are not eye-catching.

Moreover, the four-character seals on these fairy artifacts are the same as those on the bronze pots, and they all have the same gaps.

This shows that the person who wrote these four immortal runes is the same person!

"If it's one or two magical treasures used for sealing and suppressing, with these four words on them, it's justified. But if all fairy artifacts have these four words on them, then it's not justified."

Xu Ying had a flash of inspiration, and suddenly remembered what the bearded man Shen Baiyu said just now.

"Shen Baiyu said that the master of Chu Tiandu, Xiao Tianzun, sealed and suppressed 1,300 fairy artifacts in the Land of Dao Enlightenment, and said that Xiao Tianzun could not really seal these fairy artifacts. In this way, these fairy artifacts The four characters of Jail circle 圉圉 are written by Xiao Tianzun!"

His eyes flickered, and he immediately thought of the key point.

Xiao Tianzun rose up, in order to revitalize the Demon Realm and recover the lost land, so he came to the Land of Dao Enlightenment, and sealed and suppressed the immortal artifacts left by the immortal gods from the ancient times to suppress the world, in an attempt to revive the Land of Enlightenment.

However, Xiao Tianzun's attainments were not enough, and the four characters he wrote were not powerful enough, and he did not seal the thirteen hundred immortal artifacts thoroughly enough, resulting in these immortal artifacts still being the avenue of heaven and earth to suppress Daoqiguan.

The reason why Shen Baiyu inspired all the immortal weapons was to take advantage of Xiao Tianzun's incomplete suppression.

"Little Tianzun is indeed a heavenly genius, he even knows the seal of immortality. It's just that he doesn't understand everything."

Xu Ying admired and thought, "But I understand!"

He worked hard to move a little bit of his spiritual consciousness, and his spiritual consciousness worked hard to squirm, and slowly came to the side of the four characters "pictured" on the bronze plate, and filled in the missing parts of these four characters bit by bit.

He has been suppressed for more than 40,000 years. Although he still failed to decipher the Suppressing Demon Rune, what he needs now is not to decipher it, but to copy it.

He only needs to copy the demon-suppressing rune that suppressed him, and make up for the incompleteness of the prison.

"Chu Tiandu, when you arrive at the Land of Enlightenment, are you still a coward?"

Li Pingsheng laughed loudly, getting closer and closer to this side, and said loudly, "You dare not even answer my challenge. It seems that you haven't made any progress in this period of time!"

Xu Ying turned a deaf ear to it and concentrated on it, and finally completed the four characters on the bronze pot!

As soon as these four characters were completed, the bronze iron suppressed in his sea of ​​consciousness suddenly disappeared!

At this time, Li Pingsheng happened to come near the bronze pot. The power of this fairy weapon became more and more restrained. It should be suppressed by the seal of Xiao Tianzun, and gradually fell into a coma.

It fell slowly, not fast.

Shen Baiyu was still under the bronze pot, sitting cross-legged, trying to suppress the Tao wound on his body, and there were still flames on his body, which was so hot that his body was dripping with oil.

"Fellow Daoist Shen, you're almost familiar!" Li Pingsheng joked. Shen Baiyu snorted, but kept his eyes closed, and said, "Your cultivation and strength are improving, and Chutiandu is also improving. Li Pingsheng, you may not be Chutiandu's opponent!"

Li Pingsheng sneered and said, "Brother Shen, you are defeated by Chu Tiandu, but it doesn't mean that I will follow in your footsteps."

He looked at the dilapidated Taoist temple in the distance, and said calmly: "Just now, Chutian actually used the magic power of the Demon Realm, the Eight Desolation Sun Furnace, which actually aroused my fighting spirit. If Chutian hadn't Only when I improve a little will I be disappointed.”

Shen Baiyu laughed, laughed and coughed again, panting and said: "Chu Tiandu is in that Taoist temple, the purple-clothed devil, his real face is a fourteen or five-year-old

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juvenile! You go to die! "

Li Pingsheng was surprised and said: "The prince in purple is a boy of fourteen or fifteen years old..."

As soon as he finished speaking, a bronze iron suddenly fell from the sky, and with a loud bang, Shen Baiyu was pinned down.

Li Pingsheng exclaimed, and hurried forward: "Brother Shen! Brother Shen! How are you?"

From the foot of this bronze mountain came Shen Baiyu's husky voice: "I'm fine! My waist is broken, let me dig a hole, I can climb out..."

Li Pingsheng saw that his body was folded together under the weight of the bronze iron, and his buttocks were exposed, so he took out a bronze mirror and took a picture of him.

This bronze mirror is called the photo mirror, which can reflect the scenery into the mirror, leaving images and sounds.

Satisfied after taking the photo, Li Ping put away the photo mirror and continued walking towards the dilapidated Taoist temple.


Another celestial artifact the size of a dense mountain fell from the sky and fell to the ground, causing the ground to tremble.

Li Pingsheng was surprised, and looked towards the place where the celestial artifact fell. At this time, there was another thud, and the sound of the heavy object falling to the ground also came from his right side.

Before he could see which fairy artifact it was, suddenly there was another bang, and another fairy artifact fell from the sky and hit the ground. Immediately, another fairy weapon in the air lost all its power and fell downwards, but it hadn't touched the ground yet.

"This is…"

Li Pingsheng was surprised, and then he saw in the sky, one after another floating fairy artifacts swayed, unable to stabilize their shapes, and fell from the sky one after another!

With 1,300 immortal artifacts, Daowei rapidly decreased, becoming like ordinary iron, without any power, falling from the sky like raindrops!

On the surface of these fairy artifacts, the immortal rune civilization could be extinct, but they were quickly extinguished one after another, leaving only four bright runes!

This scene made Li Pingsheng, a master who had seen the big world, be puzzled, not knowing what had happened.

"Thirteen hundred immortal artifacts, why did they lose their power all of a sudden?"

His eyes flickered, and he said in a low voice, "I heard from the seniors in the teacher's school that Jing/\\Hua\\/Book/\\Ge... м.jhssd.℃óm无.例.First.发~~ These immortals The artifacts seem to be used by the gods in ancient times to suppress the Great Dao of Daoqiguan. If these immortal artifacts lose their power, wouldn't it mean..."

He shivered violently, his eyes couldn't hide the horror, and he looked up and looked around.

At this time, Chu Tiandu was also leaving to rush to the dilapidated Taoist temple in the Land of Dao Enlightenment. The immortal artifacts lost their power and fell from the sky, which shocked him too.

"The magic weapon used by the evil gods to suppress the Heaven and Earth Dao has failed?"

His heart was beating wildly, his lips were dry and his mouth was dry, "Could it be that Master's seal has succeeded? If these magic weapons fail, doesn't it mean that the Dao of Heaven and Earth here is about to recover?"

He was shaking with excitement.

As the disciple of Xiao Tianzun, the reason why he has been hanging out in the hinterland of the Demon Realm has defeated many strong heretics who have penetrated into the hinterland of the Demon Realm, but he has never dared to go out of the hinterland.

Because he knows that when he arrives at the Land of Dao Enlightenment, if the Heaven and Earth Avenue is suppressed, his strength will not be as good as before.

But now that the immortal weapon suppressing the Heaven and Earth Avenue here is invalid, it means the recovery of the Heaven and Earth Avenue!

"The silent Heaven and Earth Avenue has revived. Is this our fate coming back?"

He looked around, but saw that the Daoqiguan suddenly fell from the sky, golden springs gushed from the ground, the vegetation suddenly became lush, and the orchids were everywhere!

In just a short moment, the vitality of the heavens and the earth became abundant, and suddenly a long rainbow flashed across the sky, leaving a rainbow shadow in the sky, colorful and gorgeous!

There were still thunderclouds forming in the sky, the spring thunder was shaking, and soon it began to rain.

That rainwater is not ordinary water, but is filled with the vitality of the world, soaking everything, and nourishing the world!

Chu Tian was in a daze, and in this short moment, Daoqiguan seemed to come back from death, making the gray world colorful again!

In the drizzle, Chu Tian knelt on the ground, kissed the wet ground, and wept deeply.

The Holy Land is being restored to its true colors!

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In the dilapidated Taoist temple, Xu Ying filled in faster and faster, and finally completed the four characters of the picture in the 1300 fairy artifacts, and his spiritual consciousness was freed from the suppression, and he was relieved.

His consciousness is connected with this world, at the moment when he got rid of the suppression, suddenly this world seemed to become his body, the avenue of recovery, resonating with him, with his soul, with his primordial spirit, Let's dance together!

Xu Ying only felt that various Dao methods came to him. He never imagined that entering the Dao and enlightening the Dao would be so simple and easy!

Every moment, he has endless perceptions of the Tao, as if he has become very close to the Tao of Heaven and Earth at this moment.

His attainments in the magic way in the primordial spirit are advancing by leaps and bounds, as the tide rises, all boats rise, and his cultivation base is improving at a rapid rate!

Xu Ying was immersed in the vast Taoist sound, feeling as if he was in heaven. At this time, he only heard a vicissitudes of life voice from the Taoist sound: "Tai Chi judges that the universe is formed, Qian is the father, Kun is the mother, and Zhao is the father." Make Qiankun Zujie."

Another voice full of Dao rhyme came: "The two instruments are divided into Yin and Yang, Yang belongs to the sky, Yin belongs to the earth, and the embryo is the primordial spirit of heaven and earth!"

Xu Ying looked at and saw two young and thin Taoists approaching, dressed in white and Tsing Yi, with an immortal demeanor.

The two Taoists bowed to him, and suddenly heard a Taoist voice like a fairy voice: "Heaven and earth are born, traced back to the ancient lamps in the pavilion, and the ultimate is infinite; as the ancestor of Taoism, I look up to the clouds and hold the five platforms." , mysterious and mysterious!"

The third Taoist approached, and suddenly the three of them turned into one, and said with a smile to Xu Ying, "Thank you for your help, fellow daoist. Fellow daoist helped me out of this predicament, and I will teach you how to transform the three qings in one breath."

The man pointed at Xu Ying's eyebrows, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Xu Ying's sea of ​​consciousness returned to calm, he restrained his consciousness, and woke up from the samadhi, wondering in his heart, "Who were those three Taoists just now? What is the primordial spirit of heaven and earth, what is the ultimate infinity, and what is the ancestor of Taoism? Well done!" Big cowhide! People in the Demon Realm, do you like to brag like this?"

At this time, Li Pingsheng's voice came from outside the Taoist temple: "Chutiandu, the purple-clothed devil, your lifelong rival Li Pingsheng is here. Are you coming out, or shall I go in?"

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