Ascend Another Day

Chapter 359: bad for me

The little Tianzun walked towards the Hunyuan Palace, which is still hundreds of miles away from the Hunyuan Palace. There are many mountains along the way. Suddenly, fairy artifacts rose from the mountains. Suddenly, the sky seemed to have leaked countless holes. .

One end of these fairy artifacts is in the ancestral courtyard, and the other end is in the distant fairy world, between the fairy world and the ancestral courtyard, like a passage connecting immortals.

Immortal artifacts are also like the tentacles that the immortals of the fairy world control the mortal world.

Taos of fairy light sprinkled from the fairy world and fell on the fairy artifacts, making the fairy artifacts large and small emit dazzling brilliance.

Xu Ying looked at those fairy artifacts and frowned slightly, sensing something was wrong.

He is good at sensing the heavens, and his spiritual sense is extremely keen. Although these immortal artifacts are powerful, it is not these immortal artifacts that make him feel uneasy, but something else!

"It's dangerous near Hunyuan Palace!" Xu Ying thought.

Xiao Tianzun walked towards Ziwei Hunyuan Palace, the atmosphere was extremely oppressive, but no one moved.

Pairs of eyes fell on him. Under those fairy weapons were masters from all heavens and worlds, with extraordinary cultivation and strength.

These people have long been famous in their respective worlds, and they are famous people from all over the world. They got the golden seal celestial script of their respective patriarchs, and came to kill Xiao Tianzun to compete for this spot to become an immortal.

The way they looked at Xiao Tianzun was not like looking at a living person, but like looking at a tool that made them soar!

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Ever since the great villain cut off the way to heaven, and the great devil caused a super cataclysm, no one can ascend. Now, there is finally a place for ascending, and they must firmly grasp it!

Murderous aura filled the wild, filling the world.

Suddenly, a Taoist with a high bun flew towards this side, with a fairy bell on his head, he said loudly from a distance: "Is the comer the little Tianzun of the Demon Realm?"

Xiao Tianzun walked forward unhurriedly, his white clothes stood out against the background of many treasures from the immortal family, and said with a smile: "The ancestral court is not a demon realm."

He flicked his sleeves, and a majestic primordial spirit appeared behind him, standing upright, flicking his sleeves at the same time.

Before the Taoist with a high bun could speak or take any action, the fairy light curtain hanging from the fairy bell above his head shattered, and the Taoist exploded with a bang, turning into a cloud of blood mist! Faced with such a strong man, the masters of the heavens and myriad worlds felt a chill in their hearts. The Taoist with a high bun even exploded his body and spirit, turning him into dust!

"The devil!"

An angry voice came from the fairy bell, and then the fairy bell roared and charged, the bell rang loudly, and attacked the little Tianzun by itself!

This celestial artifact has a spirit, it has been enshrined for an unknown period of time, and it has become extremely powerful. It is backed by the fairy world, and the bells contain fairy sounds.

Xiao Tianzun raised his hand and punched out, suddenly the bell sounded dull, the fairy bell was pierced by his punch, all kinds of fairy runes on the clock wall were distorted and disordered, flickering indefinitely!

Xiao Tianzun retracted his fists, with a smile on his face.

And the various fairy runes on the clock wall of the fairy bell dimmed, falling from the sky like scrap copper, and there was one less fairy passage in the sky.

There was a complete silence all around, but no one stepped forward.

At this time, there was a sound of pipa rushing past, broken and broken, as if urging people to move forward. In the sound of the pipa, there is a bleak murderous look.

With a smile on his face, Xiao Tianzun walked towards Hunyuan Palace.

The sound of the pipa became more and more urgent and tighter, but the sound was very low, like a beautiful woman's jade hands hurriedly plucking the strings, and the sound urged people's heartbeat to speed up.

Xiao Tianzun walked into the ambush circle, but in fact it can no longer be called an ambush circle. The masters who came here from the heavens and the world have shown their fairy weapons openly, ready to harvest his life.


Suddenly, the obscure sound of the piano sounded, simple, ethereal, and melodious, but it made the murderous intent stronger.

The moment the sound of the zither sounded, a strong man from the Yuanfeng World couldn't help but let out a long cry, urged by the murderous aura, raised his hand to grab the fairy artifact, the dragon staff, urged the fairy artifact with all his strength, and killed the little Tianzun!

Originally, he shouldn't have shot at this moment, he should have waited until Little Heavenly Venerable was in deep ambush, all heroes rose together, and all kinds of immortal artifacts were urged to press down on Little Heavenly Venerable, then he would be safe.

But the murderous aura inherent in the sound of the pipa is inspiring, and the murderous aura hidden in the sound of the zither fuels the murderous intent in his heart. The moment the sound of the zither sounds, his Dao heart is already in chaos, and it is hidden by the sound of the zither and the sound of the pipa. Motivated by his murderous aura, he couldn't help but make a move!

When he made a move, the masters of the heavens who stood still outside couldn't bear it any longer, and they also sacrificed their immortal weapons one after another, and came to kill the little Tianzun!

"Clang, clang, clang!"

The sound of the piano was played three times in a row, and in an instant, the battlefield was aroused, bringing endless bleak murderous aura, the sound of the pipa, and the sound of tearing silk, the murderous aura boiled back to the sky, resounding through the valley!


The crowd shouted and swarmed. ~~

The next moment, the fairy dragon stick was bent by a punch, and the scales of the dragon's whole body transformed into the dragon stick exploded, and the scales were shot backwards, making a whistling sound.

The dragon's muscles and bones snapped, and its muscles twisted into a ball. Xiao Tianzun's punch made the spirit of this fairy artifact loose, and Daowen shattered!

The hands of the master in the Yuanfeng world holding the dragon staff cracked, and the broken bones shot back, and his fleshly soul was pierced by the flying dragon scales, and it was riddled with holes.

The little Tianzun in white clothes like snow flashed past him, met the sword with his palm against the sound of the pipa, the sword hit his palm, and exploded from the tip of the sword all the way to the hilt!

And the hand holding the sword met the palm of Xiao Tianzun, and the palm also began to explode, and then the arm, from the wrist to the shoulder blade!

Half of the body of the master who sacrificed the immortal sword was evaporated completely by this palm!

At this moment, a small and exquisite mountain was sacrificed, and it turned into a golden mountain in mid-air, shining brightly, and pressed down on the little Tianzun. !

The body of Xiao Tianzun was crushed suddenly, and the master who sacrificed Jinshan was overjoyed, and shouted: "I suppressed him!"

The little Tianzun raised his hand to pat the golden mountain, and the ten thousand-ren golden mountain was twisted and twisted in layers, and pressed together, it turned into a huge golden cake in an instant, piercing the sky and going away!

The sounds of the pipa and the zither became more urgent and intense, with murderous aura filling the sky, more powerful men sacrificed their immortal weapons and rushed towards this side.

The figure of Xiao Tianzun flickered in the crowd, like a tiger, like a dragon, ferocious and ferocious, it is rare to meet an enemy. Wherever he passed, fairy artifacts exploded one after another, and every living body turned into nothing. Corpse of life!

In the Hunyuan Palace, Nalandu and Hua Cuoying stood separately, and the people sitting were not the two of them, but the incarnations of the Five Absolute Immortal King and the Ninth Immortal King.

The two immortal kings could not leave Weixu directly, they could only descend in their avatars.

But the incarnations of the two fairy kings also failed to take the main seat this time. The one sitting on the main seat was a young man in brocade clothes, with a purple gold crown on his head, fair face, eyes like stars and moons, very handsome.

"Someone is messing with the masters of the myriad realms, creating opportunities for the little Tianzun!"

Immortal King Wujue said, "This person saw our ambush, so he messed up the outer positions first, forcing us to launch ahead of time, so as to help Xiao Tianzun break out of the siege, and turn this siege into a chaotic fight. In the chaos, can we attack The people around Xiao Tianzun are, after all, a minority."

The young man in brocade clothes said with a smile: "This man is a smart man, but his ability is a little shallow. Although he wants to help the little Tianzun, but the melody of the zither and the pipa alone can't shake the heart of the masters in me."

The Ninth Immortal King smiled and said: "The Hua Family's Ten Thousand Immortals Five Jue Formation is extremely powerful, but it is not as good as the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Extermination Formation brought by Mr. Yuchuan this time. As long as the little Tianzun enters the formation, he can be wiped out. This credit."

Immortal King Wujue complimented: "With this credit, it is only natural for Mr. Yuchuan to ascend to the fairy world, and no one will gossip."

The brocade-clothed young master Yuchuan said solemnly, "If I want to ascend, do I have to worry about other people's gossip? Two uncles, I can't take the quota for ascending this time, it belongs to the two uncles. If I want it, wouldn't I be the invigilator myself? The official copied the answer by himself?" Wujue Immortal King and Ninth Immortal King laughed loudly, their eyes flickered, wondering if he was telling the truth or a lie.

Mr. Yuchuan laughed and said: "Besides, the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Annihilation Formation was not prepared for the little Tianzun. This immortal formation is going to be extinct, and there is someone else. This person, my ancestors wanted to get rid of him."

Xu Ying didn't enter the game, and was fighting on the outside of the formation, looking for the location of the killing formation that made him palpitate, when he suddenly heard the sound of the pipa and the piano, he immediately got up and looked around.

I saw clouds blooming above a valley in the distance, and on the clouds there was a jade platform, pavilions, and palaces.

Many enchanting demon girls walk in it, plant flowers and grass, and pick fruits from the trees.

There are also some girls washing their feet by the stream in the palace, fetching water with their white feet, and sprinkle it on other girls, laughing and laughing constantly.

In that palace, there is a tall building standing tall, surrounded by clouds and clouds, a girl in purple is playing the piano, and a girl in green skirt is playing the pipa.

Yan Zhenjun sat high on the terrace, embracing left and right, while the lady in red danced lightly, dancing her sword to the sound of piano and pipa.

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly, and he ordered the two black unicorns: "Let's go see Yan Zhenjun." When Yan Zhenjun saw the unicorn chariot approaching, he stood up, ordered a few girls to go downstairs to meet Xu Ying and Zhou Yashu Please go to the building.

When Xu Ying came to the front, Zhenjun Yan bowed in vain, and said, "Brother Xu Dao, please sit down. Does Brother Xu say the word of sworn brotherhood?"

Xu Ying said with a smile: "Zhenjun wants to take advantage of Xiao Tianzun?"

Yan Zhenjun showed a smile, nodded slightly, and said: "You are the teacher of Xiao Tianzun, you and I are sworn brothers, and I am Xiao Tianzun's uncle, even if I can't be the number one expert in the ancestral court, I can still anger him."

Xu Ying laughed out loud, but didn't mention the matter of marriage. Browser *search* search: @重量·书阁…fastest update…

Zhou Yashu was astonished to hear this, he couldn't speak. Only then did he know why Xiao Tianzun did not allow Xu Ying to accept him as a disciple. It turned out that after accepting him as a disciple, he and Xiao Tianzun became brothers.

"Then, isn't Xu Ying my uncle?"

He was stunned again, thinking, "Why did the master kill the master? Is it the tradition of our school? Or did the master do something outrageous?"

Xu Ying sat side by side with Yan Zhenjun, watched the battle of Xiao Tianzun, and said: "You let these two girls play to arouse murderous aura, so that the enemy has no choice but to attack before the ultimate move, it is really extraordinary."

Yan Zhenjun said: "This is the song of entering the battle, and the killing intent is overwhelming. It's just that the killing intent of the two girls, Zijuan and Liuqing, is not enough to attract more people. Only by attracting more ambushes can the opponent's killing intent be resolved. The game, let the inner ultimate move exposed in advance.

Although he and Xiao Tianzun are rivals, competing for the title of the first person in the ancestral family, he is still willing to help Xiao Tianzun in the face of big right and wrong.

Xu Ying looked at the two girls who were playing the qin and the pipa. The two girls were also top-notch Qi refiners with extremely powerful mana. Although Zijuan playing the qin was full of murderous aura, she was a little weak. Liu Qing, who played the pipa, was sonorous and powerful.

As for the girl in red who was dancing the sword in the arena, her swordsmanship carried a murderous aura, but she was the best of the three of them. "

"Although this girl in red is the most murderous, she is not enough to drive Zijuan and Liu Qing."

Xu Ying stood up, walked into the arena, suddenly leaned forward, the red-clothed girl's hand suddenly emptied, and he took the sword away.

The girl in red was taken aback, and was about to **** back the sword, Yan Zhenjun waved his hand, motioning for her to step down first.

Holding the sword in his hand, Xu Ying said: "I perfected my sword skills a few days ago, and today I am showing my shame in front of you."

He closed his eyes, wanting to kill the immortals with a broken sword, suddenly a monstrous murderous intent gushed out, a powerful murderous aura rushed out, all the girls in the palace could not help but shudder suddenly, feeling fear in their hearts.

Xu Ying opened his eyes, raised his hand, and pointed his sword at the Hunyuan Palace. Above his head, a huge shadow emerged. It was the phantom of Zhu Xian's remnant sword, which was also pointing at the Hunyuan Palace!

Xu Ying holds a sword On the jade platform, in the building, the sword light is like lightning, criss-crossing, accompanied by the roar of dragons!

The sound of the zither and the pipa was driven by his killing intent, and the sound of killing suddenly became louder, noisy and eager, directly attacking the heart of the Tao, causing visions from the sky, the world was blood-red and killing, and even the hearts of the people gave birth to demons, causing demons in the air to dance wildly!

The sound of the zither and the pipa fueled Xu Ying's killing intent even more, and the sword spirit of Jade Immortal became stronger and more real!

The killing spirit that destroys the world, kills all the immortals, kills immortals, peerless people, destroys the world and recreates the universe, goes straight to the Hunyuan Palace, and wherever it passes, the top masters from all walks of life are maddened by Taoism The murderous aura messed up the Dao heart, each committed suicide, and killed the little Tianzun!

All of a sudden, all the masters in Ziwei's remnant realm came out. That Mr. Yuchuan originally set up the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Annihilation Immortal Formation, and all the masters in the formation were also confused by the endless murderous aura, and rushed out of the immortal formation one after another, and went straight to the little fairy formation. God go!

Mr. Yuchuan stood up abruptly, his face was livid, and he looked at Zhenjun Yan's Yunxia Palace in the distance!

"Who spoiled my good deeds?"

Xu Ying danced his sword on the Weiyue Tower of Yunxia Palace, and the sound of the zither and the pipa complemented each other. He suddenly felt that the murderous aura was hard to restrain, to the point where the arrow was on the string and had to be fired!

He saw that the formation against the little Tianzun was in disarray, so he couldn't bear it any longer, and with a slamming sound, he stabbed at Hunyuan Palace with his sword!


The sword in his hand couldn't bear his murderous aura, so it exploded and turned into dust, but above his head, the Taoist image of the Immortal Execution Sword disappeared in a flash, disappearing from Yunxia Palace!

The brilliant sword energy traveled hundreds of miles in an instant, and came to the Hunyuan Palace. It plunged into the palace with a chirping sound, and then the towering sword energy exploded!

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