Ascend Another Day

Chapter 363: More blows down, corpses like rain

Xu Ying was originally in great grief, but even so, he still had to hold back his grief, and according to Xiao Tianzun's words, cut off the face of his disciple and refined it into a magic weapon of Tanshi.

The ancestral court needs Xiao Tianzun, and all living beings in the ancestral court must never know that Xiao Tianzun is dead. As a master, he will wear a mask made from the face of Xiao Tianzun, live in this world for Xiao Tianzun, and bring People in the ancestral court use hope to complete the cause that even the little Tianzun has not completed. However, Xuannv Xuansai's words made him freeze there, and all the previous psychological construction was useless.

"I'm looking to see if he can still be saved..." Xu Ying didn't care too much, and asked hastily: "The vitality has been cut off, the primordial spirit has been scattered, and the avenue has collapsed, can he still be saved?"

The reincarnation Xuannv stared at the sword energy in his hand, and said: "If you cut off his face and put all his energy into his face, then it will be hopeless."

Xu Ying was surprised and delighted, and quickly dissipated the sword energy, took two steps back, and asked Xuannv to rescue him.

Suddenly, he was alert again: "Haven't you asked the girl?"

The reincarnation Xuannv had introduced herself before, but at that time he was immersed in grief and turned a deaf ear to it.

The reincarnation Xuannv said: "People think that after the death of the ancestors, the souls have something to rely on, so they form the underworld. They also think that after the ancestors die, they will be reborn in the world one day, so there is reincarnation. I was born in response to people's expectations. Some people say I am reincarnated, some people call me Xuan Nu, some call me Empress."

In the sky behind her, the bright moon was getting closer and closer, and when she got closer, she realized that it was an incomparably vast place of reincarnation, like a halo!

Every moment, there are hundreds of millions of souls struggling in the samsara, falling into the deeper depths of the samsara!

Xu Ying looked, those souls were humanoid or non-humanoid, even flowers and trees, birds, beasts, insects, fish, gods and demons, and even dead immortals, if they fell into it, they couldn't get out!

This scene is really shocking!

The little Tianzun flew up and fell into reincarnation. The reincarnation Xuannv said: "Does Xu Daoyou still have Yaochi Xianshui?"

Xu Ying came to his senses and knew the purpose of her coming here to save people, so he hurriedly checked his Jade Lake Immortal Water, but saw that the Jade Lake Immortal Water had been used up, and immediately said: "In order to save Xiao Tianzun, I gave him all the last Jade Lake Immortal Water."

The reincarnation Xuannv was stunned, looked at the little Tianzun in reincarnation, and said: "It's really a clever calculation. Even this point has been counted."

She flew up and entered the cycle of reincarnation, and a faint voice came: "Please protect us, fellow Taoist. If this cycle of reincarnation is interrupted, I am afraid that Xiao Tianzun and I will die completely!"

In Hunyuan Palace, there is only a bright moon-like halo of reincarnation standing there, half of it is underground, and half of it is on the ground.

In the cycle of reincarnation, countless souls spun and fell to the depths, missing.

Xu Ying looked into the depths of samsara, as if he saw a vast world, infinite time and space, but when he looked closely, he could only see rotating lights, as if he wanted to swallow his mind into it.

He didn't dare to look any further, and thought to himself: "What does the Empress mean by magical calculations?"

What Xuannu reincarnated was referring to the sorceress, and she praised the sorceress for her clever calculations, so that Xu Ying used the last fairy water of Yaochi on Xiao Tianzun.

But Xiao Tianzun can't dissolve the fairy water of Yaochi, so no matter what, he must rescue Xiao Tianzun, and use the fairy water of Yaochi in Xiaotianzun's body to revive himself.

She is not the real body of the reincarnation Xuannv, but the primordial spirit. Her real body is still hidden in the reincarnation, falling into a state of death.

Therefore, after sending the little Tianzun into reincarnation, she also had to go to reincarnation, so that she could revive her real body after rescuing the little Tianzun.

All of this was obviously within the calculations of the sorceress.

Xu Ying didn't know this, so naturally he didn't have any feelings, but for Xuannu reincarnation, it was really shocking.

Suddenly, Xu Ying felt something and walked out of Hunyuan Palace. @重量\\/书阁 j·h·s·s·d·c·o·m first update~~

The wind blew up outside at some point, and the wind was very noisy, Xu Ying looked towards the sky.

I saw that the clear sky was cloudy at some point, and the wind was blowing like a knife. The wind in different places was fast or slow, and the fast places even pulled out long smoke.

+ Xu Ying raised his hand to block the blowing wind, suddenly there was a bang, something fell from the sky and hit the roof of Hunyuan Palace, the sound was very dull.

Xu Ying was about to fly to the palace to see what was falling, when suddenly there was another loud bang, something heavy fell on the east side of Hunyuan Palace, causing the ground to tremble.

When he came to the east side, he saw a large pit smashed out of the ground. In the pit, there was a person in a state of drowning, with his feet down and his face up. His face was pale, and his eyes were also pale.

The corpse hit the air, half of its body was buried in the ground, and the back of its head landed on the ground, showing a strange floating posture.

"In Weixu, the fairy corpse drowned in the eyes of the monster!" Xu Ying was startled.




The sound of heavy objects falling to the ground came from all directions. Xu Ying looked around and saw drowned corpses falling from the sky, hitting the ground hard, some hitting rocks, some hitting pillars, Some fell on the fragments of the fairy artifact, smashing their heads and bleeding, or amputating their limbs on the spot.

"Master, what's that voice?" Zhou Yashu wanted to leave the palace to wait and see.

Xu Ying raised his hand to stop him, motioning him to guard the palace gate.

Only then did Zhou Yashu see the drowned corpses falling from the sky. He was startled and hurriedly looked up at the sky, only to see black raindrops falling one by one in the sky. The raindrops were getting bigger and bigger, and were about to hit the ground. Only when they are on the ground can they see clearly that they are drowned corpses!

Zhou Yashu shivered, those corpses actually exuded immortal light, and around the corpses, abnormal immortality gradually spread out, polluting the space around Hunyuan Palace!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The sound of heavy objects falling to the ground became more and more urgent. It was like a prelude to heavy rain before, but now it seemed to be raining corpses. Corpses fell from the sky and landed near the Hunyuan Palace!

This squall and rainstorm was extremely violent, and in just a short moment, an unknown number of immortal corpses fell around the Hunyuan Palace.

These immortal corpses emit a burst of immortal light, polluting the surrounding area and forming an abnormal area.

The sound of heavy objects falling to the ground gradually stopped, but these fairy corpses slowly floated up from the big pit, tall or short, floating around the Hunyuan Palace.

Xu Ying laughed and said: "Fellow Daoist of Weixu, these immortal corpses are just those immortals who died in my hands back then, what? A group of defeated generals, let alone after death, they still want to use them against me?"

The haze in the sky suddenly disappeared and became extremely bright.

Xu Ying's heart sank, it wasn't the sky that was bright, but Weixu's strange eyes.

At this moment, Weixu reappeared on the sky, and it has been opened, turning into an incomparable giant eye, covering the zenith!

The light of this strange eye made the world extremely bright!

"Xu Ying, do you think these immortals are the immortals who died while besieging you? Wrong."

The voice of Immortal King Wujue came from that strange eye, and said leisurely, "The number of immortals who died because of you during the encirclement and suppression was only about two thousand. Those immortals can't fill Weixu. These immortal corpses have another origin!"

Xu Ying looked up, and saw a fairy king standing in the giant eyes, with incomparable stalwarts, and the five breaths piercing the sky behind him.

Five Absolute Immortal Kings.

His heart sank slightly, the thing he was most worried about still happened.

In the eyes of Weixu monsters, Xiao Tianzun defeated the Five Absolute Immortal Kings and defeated the Ninth Immortal King, which shocked the world and inspired countless ancestral Qi refiners.

But how powerful are the two fairy kings?

They saw through the flaws in Xiao Tianzun's seven-turn magical skill, and looked for a gap to attack. Although they were defeated by Xiao Tianzun, they also knew exactly how serious Xiao Tianzun's injuries were.

At this time, the Immortal King Wujue made it clear that he had decided on Xiao Tianzun, and came to get rid of Xiao Tianzun completely!

Xu Ying quickly looked at the fairy corpses all around. The fairy corpses floated motionless in the air, like a drowned person floating on the water.

The costumes of these fairy corpses are extremely ancient, not like the costumes of the immortals in the fairy world today, but somewhat similar to the costumes of the fairy corpses in the abnormal area of ​​the ancestral fairy way!

"These fairy corpses come from ancient times! How could there be immortal corpses from ancient times in Wei Ruins?" he thought to himself.

From the strange eyes of Weixu, many small figures flew out, like mosquitoes, and they could only be seen as people when they got close.

They are living people, they should be Qi refiners of the Hua family, and they have the same background as Hua Wuying.

These people did not descend, but floated above the sky,

Under the strange eyes of Wei Xu, he was doing strange postures, like a dance, but also like a formation.

Suddenly, the fairy corpses suddenly straightened up and stood upright in the air!

Thousands of immortal corpses seemed to wake up from death suddenly, they all turned their heads and looked at Xu Ying!

Immortal King Wujue smiled, and said: "Little Tianzun thought that the ancestral court was incomplete, that he could compete with the Immortal King only with the level of a half-immortal, and that he could compete with the Immortal King with his incomplete skills. He really underestimated the Immortal King. His If I use this incomplete technique once, I will see its flaws. If you use this method to confront me, wouldn’t you be seeking your own death? Xu Ying, you guard the Hunyuan Palace, so he must be healing in the palace, right?”

Thousands of immortal corpses suddenly moved together and rushed towards the Hunyuan Palace!

"Why don't I give him a ride?" The laughter of Immortal King Wujue came.

Immortal corpses swarmed towards Xu Ying and Hunyuan Palace. Without thinking, Xu Ying immediately activated the Heavenly Dao Dojo and the Realm of the Six Immortals. Hidden scenes such as Chaotic Star Sea and Burial Daoyuan emerged, and the heavenly talisman seals hung all over the sky, and then disappeared!

The Tiandao Dojo had just started running, and Xu Ying was suddenly stunned. For some reason, he actually sensed the Penglai Wonderland!

However, shouldn't the Penglai Fairyland be far away in the great world at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty?

"Bang bang bang!"

Immortal corpses collided with the sky, and then the immortal way polluted the sky, infecting the heavenly dao talisman, and in an instant, the heavenly dao field was eroded into big holes.

The immortal corpses fell from the sky and fell into Xu Ying's hidden scene.

At the same time, there are still many immortal corpses emitting immortal dao that pollute the surrounding world, turning the Hunyuan Palace into an abnormal area of ​​immortal dao!

Some of those fairy corpses were extremely powerful, and most of them were fairy kings in life, which brought great danger to Xu Ying!

"The Hunyuan Palace must be guarded, and these guys cannot interrupt the resurrection of Xiao Tianzun!"

Xu Ying didn't think much about it, and suddenly let out a long roar, and the power of the Zhuxian Sword burst out, and the sword light swept towards the killed fairy corpses.

However, at the same time, in the sky, the Immortal King Wujue has already made a move, and the five-color fairy light sweeps down!

As soon as Xu Ying's Zhuxian Sword Qi killed a few immortal corpses, the Dao of Heaven and Dojo was completely shattered, and the domain of the Six Immortals was also broken. The brilliant five-color immortal light swished towards him, destroying the five elements and destroying everything!

As long as anyone who doesn't jump out of the five elements, they will be subdued under his fairy light, and their internal organs will be smashed to pieces!

Xu Ying gritted his teeth, no matter why Penglai was nearby, he directly activated the Heavenly Dao of Penglai Wonderland.

This urging was no small matter, he actually noticed that Penglai was close at hand!

Three thousand heavenly dao, surging heavenly power, almost overwhelming! Browser *search* search: @重量\\/书阁…Fastest update!

The next moment, the incomparably bright heavenly rays of light rose up behind Xu Ying, turning into a supreme **** of heaven, raised his hand to meet the falling five-color extinct immortal light, and fought head-to-head with the Five Absolute Immortal Kings.

In the sky, the five-color celestial light shattered, rushing towards the sky with terrifying force, startled those Hua family powerhouses to run away in all directions!

Immortal King Wujue fought hard with Xu Ying, his breath fluttered, and he was horrified, thinking that Xu Ying had recovered the memory of his first life, and almost ran away.

At the same time, thick smoke was billowing behind Xu Ying, and flames appeared in the thick smoke. A huge basalt tortoise spewed out strong fireworks from its nostrils and emerged from the smoke.

The basaltic tortoise is huge, like a moving continent, and on the back of the tortoise is impressively carrying the Penglai fairy mountain. The celestial dao on the fairy mountain is transformed into pillars that stand tall and hidden in the fairyland. The three thousand heavenly talisman civilization is destroyed indefinite!

The Huabiao of the Dao of Heaven practiced by Xu Ying III was completed in this life, forming the Penglai Dao of Heaven!

And in this dojo, there are more than a hundred immortals floating in the air. Although the number is not many, they are living immortals, not dead people.

All the immortals are fighting with high spirits, waiting to fight Weixu.

Only Fairy Gushe quietly returned to her own fairy mountain, first tidied up her things, packed her bags and put them in the Xiyi area, thinking: "If the situation is not good, run away immediately."

She tidied up, and then came to join the immortals.

The basalt tortoise, carrying the Penglai fairy mountain on its back, rushed forward, trampled on it, knocked those fairy corpses flying in all directions, and many of them were directly trampled to death, or crushed in one bite!

On Penglai Immortal Mountain, the immortals immediately went on a killing spree, killing those scattered immortal corpses!

The sorceress shouted: " We are guarding the Hunyuan Palace this time, and we cannot let these fairy corpses step into the palace!"

Patriarch Yan Yu was about to speak, when the sorceress looked at her murderously, Patriarch Yan Yu quickly shut up.

Seeing this, Xu Ying suddenly stood up from the ground, rushed to the sky, and said in a long voice: "Everyone, I will leave this place to you first!"


Behind him, the Penglai Tiandao Shenren rose up, and rushed towards the strange eye of Weixu in the sky with him.

"Six Secret Ancestral Laws, Congenital Oneness!"

Xu Ying yelled violently, Taiyi's innate gong was running, and the six great ancestors Dongtian appeared behind him, spinning slowly, and at the same time, the phantoms of the six ancestors Dongtian faintly appeared behind his Heavenly Dao God.

"Five Absolute Immortal Kings!"

Xu Ying rushed into the Wei Ruins, broke into this restricted area that he dared not set foot in before, "Let me see your Wujue Tiangong!"

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