Ascension Or Journey From World To World

Chapter 79 - Second Shinobi World War

More than twenty years have passed since the end of the First Shinobi World War. The term of the armistice treaty, which at the end of the First War was concluded among all the Hidden Villages, came to an end.

It was a long twenty years, and in the end, the tension between the villages reached its peak and point of no return.

This whole big bubble was burst by one single instigator of war...

This man gathered all his unemotional subordinates and attacked the Village Hidden by Rain. He wanted to capture this small and "weak" village, and then make it part of his great village. But he never thought that a real big monster was hiding in this small village, the provocation of which would become the trigger for the start of the Second Shinobi World War...



The streets of Konoha were no longer filled with the serene villagers and relaxed shinobis. The outbreak of the second war greatly influenced the atmosphere throughout the Hidden Leaf Village and the Land of Fire.

Although there was no shortage of food or basic necessities in Konoha, the war had already affected the economy of the village and affected all its inhabitants. After all, not every merchant can afford to hire several shinobis, who will guard and accompany the trade caravan. And for obvious reasons, the lack of trade between cities directly affects the economy of these cities and the whole country as a whole.

Since the war had just begun, the economic crisis was not too noticeable. But such a big war will not end in a few months. And in the near future, the economic crisis will become one of the biggest problems of all the warring countries.


The Uzumaki Quarter.

Despite the situation between the countries and the outbreak of war, the Uzumaki Quarter was shrouded in an atmosphere of calm and silence.

The whole quarter looked like an island of calm in the middle of an ocean of chaos called Konoha.

Ray, Kushina, and Mikoto enjoyed their daily lives and ignored the Second Shinobi World War and the situation in Konoha.

Ray continued to study the chakra and train his future wives.

Mikoto learned to control all her new power and was now she could defeat almost any elite jonin, and at that moment she was only twelve years old.

Sharingan really deserves its reputation as one of the great dojutsu. And this is confirmed by the fact that the awakening of the mangekyo sharingan instantly increases the user's power by several times, and can turn an ordinary average shinobi into a real elite, or even better, turn an elite shinobi into a kage level shinobi, as happened in the case of Itachi and Obito.

Kushina also continued to train and study fuinjutsu, as a result of which her power reached a new level, and now she could fight against jinchuriki and weak kages.

She learned natural transformation and improved her chains' control. She didn't even need to study some jutsus, because her chains were universal weapons and a shield. Kushina acted very wisely and focused all her attention on improving chains' control and improving the fuinjutsu art.

Ray was pleased that she had learned his first lesson very well and was not trying to become a novice in many specializations, but was trying to become a master of what she liked best and what she really was talented in.

Mikoto also learned this lesson and concentrated on natural transformation, kenjutsu, and shurikenjutsu.

But this does not mean that they do not know how to use powerful jutsus or do not train in taijutsu, they just spend less time on it.



Uzumaki Mansion.

In one of the large rooms of the Uzumaki mansion, on a large and soft red sofa, three people were sitting, two beautiful girls and a boy.

Of course, these three were Ray, Mikoto, and Kushina.

"Are you sure you want to go to war?" sipping a green tea, Mikoto asked.

She wondered why he should go to war at all, because in addition to upgrading his rank, Ray would not get any benefit from this, but would only draw unnecessary attention to himself. He could say that as the "last" man of Uzumaki clan, he refuses to risk his life and participate in the war.

"Yes. I need to get the rank of jonin and accept you into my team. In the end, war is a good opportunity to get you real combat experience and first blood experience," looking at Mikoto, Ray replied.

"Mmm," Mikoto simply nodded.

She understood what Ray was talking about, and could not but agree with his words.

Ray told them of many powerful creatures that possessed incredible power, but fell due to a lack of combat experience or inability to control this incredible power.

"Will you be under the command of Tsunade?" Kushina asked. She did not believe that of all the possible commanders, Ray would choose someone other than Tsunade.

They knew Tsunade well and considered each other as friends. She even had permission to enter the Uzumaki Quarter and she often spent her free time with them.

Ray looked at Kushina and nodded. The answer to this question was too obvious.

[Well, Tsuna is a good friend, and unlike her former team members or other commanders, she will never give me orders.] remembering the beautiful blonde with coffee eyes, Ray thought.


"Take care of her. She will not live long in the war if she behaves the same as she behaves in Konoha," massaging her forehead, Mikoto said with a sigh.

Hearing her words, Ray and Kushina smiled wryly.

"I don't think she will drink sake and gamble during the war. She's the commander... She won't do it, right?" Kushina asked doubtfully.

Ray and Mikoto could not answer this question. They themselves doubted that Tsunade might refuse to gamble and drink...

"It doesn't matter. I will make sure that she fulfills her duties," taking a cup of tea from a small table and taking a sip, Ray said.

"Will you leave tomorrow morning?" Mikoto asked.

"Yes, we will accompany and protect the genins from the supply squad," Ray nodded.

"When will you be back?" Kushina asked.

Ray looked at the ceiling and thought.

"I'm not sure. As far as I know, chunins and above can ask for a weekly break once every six months, or if they get seriously injured. The rest of the time they must be at the front and take part in hostilities," Ray replied.

"Now I understand what you meant when you said that shinobis are soldiers and weapons of their villages. At that moment I didn't think about it, because our village never fought and always valued its shinobi. But now I fully understand the role of the shinobis and the reasons for their existence," putting her index finger on her cheek, Kushina answered.

"Since you are leaving tomorrow morning, let's have a party and have a good rest," getting up from her seat, Mikoto suggested

Kushina nodded approvingly and getting up from her seat.

"Umu. It's a good idea. Let's cook Ray's favorite meals!" Kushina said cheerfully, after which she went to the kitchen.

Mikoto agreed and joined Kushina.

Ray smiled and closed his eyes. He liked this pleasant atmosphere, and he always loved to eat the food cooked by his wives.


Konoha. The morning of the next day.

A large group of people gathered near the main gates of Konoha. Among them were young genins from the supply squad, chunins, and several jonins.

Chunins and jonins were small reinforcements that should help improve the situation on the battlefield.

The leader of the group was a jonin from the Nara clan. No one ever doubted the abilities of the members of this clan, so everyone very easily accepted him as the leader of this group.

The distance between Konoha and the battlefield was about one day's journey, but due to the presence of genins in the group, the journey will take at least two days.

Therefore, they did not waste time and moved forward after the remaining members of the group arrived.


The situation on the battlefield was not in favor of the Hidden Leaf Village.

Due to the location of the Land of Fire, Konoha was forced to divide all its forces into three parts, two fronts, and the main camp.

One of the Third Hokage's students, Jiraiya and one of Konoha's strongest shinobi, Hatake Sakumo, were responsible for the first front.

On this front, they fought against the shinobi of Village Hidden by Sand.

Suna shinobis were very dangerous and unpredictable opponents, their main weapon was poisons and puppets.

Since Tsunade was still in the main camp and did not study the poisons of Suna, Konoha suffered serious losses. In addition, Tsunade has not yet put forward her proposal to add one med-nin to each ninja team, which also affects the number of losses.

Until she becomes the commander of the Suna front and begins to create antidotes, Konoha will continue to lose most of the battles against the Suna.


Another Third Hokage's student, Orochimaru and the head of the Nara clan, Nara Shikaru, were responsible for the second front.

The situation on this front was much better than on the Suna front. Orochimaru and Shikaru were good commanders and were able to prevent big losses and possible sabotage.

On this part of the battlefield, Konoha fought against the Hidden Stone Village.

Iwa Shinobi were masters of the earth release. They were dangerous in that they could secretly move underground and arrange sabotage behind enemy lines.

One successful sabotage could inflict huge damage on Konoha. Indeed, the inability to prevent the hidden attacks of the enemy will directly affect the moral state of the shinobis.

In addition, Iwa had two experienced and very strong jinchuriki. jinchuriki of the Four-Tails, Roshi, and jinchuriki of the Five-Tails, Han. Their power was not in doubt and was at a low kage level.

If Iwa had not fought against Suna, but entered into an alliance with them, then Konoha would have lost the war without any chance.


The commander of the main camp was the last Third Hokage's student, Senju Tsunade. But she was not the only commander, she had assistants, heads of the Uchiha and Hyuga clans, and strategists from the Nara clan.

The main camp acted as a command center and a field hospital, where all the wounded shinobis were brought.

The shinobi group Ray was moving with reached the camp without any problems. Most likely, Iwa and Suna sabotage squads have not yet been able to sneak into the Konoha's territory.

As soon as they reached the camp, Ray ignored jonins and chunins and began to look around.

The camp was an ordinary campground.

Genins and chunins lived in small tents, while the jonins had larger tents.

A part of the camp was a field hospital, in which there were already a huge number of wounded. The war had just begun, but there was already a shortage of med-nins in the Konoha camp. If the situation continues in the same vein, the number of losses will increase several times...

Ray used Observation Haki and immediately found Tsunade's aura.

She was alone in her tent, which Ray had given her before the war.

He immediately headed toward the Tsunade's tent, while ignoring the gazes of the shinobis.

Although Tsunade was the chief commander of this camp, there was not a single guard around her tent. This is not because she was an arrogant and self-confident woman, but because her tent was surrounded by a powerful fuin barrier.

Ray did not pay attention to the barrier and the mocking looks of the nearby shinobis and continued to walk toward the Tsunade's tent.

"Hehehe. Look, this idiot wants to go into Tsunade's-sama tent," said a shinobi with a big red nose.

"Guuhuuuhuuhuuh. Let's enjoy the show," laughed the man in the chunin's vest.

"Tsk. How many times have I told you, stop laughing like a perverted monkey!" shouted the ape-like jonin of the Sarutobi clan.

Hearing his words, all the present shinobis looked at him with strange looks...

Ray went to the barrier and... went through it, and then entered the Tsunade's tent.

The shinobis were shocked and looked at this with wide eyes. They thought that as soon as he touched the barrier, lightning would strike him and knock him down, as happened with all the fools who wanted to enter Tsunade's-sama tent without her permission. But that did not happen! An ordinary chunin was able to pass through the barrier as if there was no barrier at all around the tent.

While the shinobi were in a state of shock, Ray had already entered the tent.

Entering inside, he smelled a pungent smell of alcohol. Ray frowned and waved his hand, ridding the tent of this bad smell.

Tsunade's tent was quite large, it had a living room, kitchen, bathroom, and two bedrooms.

Now Ray stood in the living room and looked at the dozens of empty sake bottles that lay on the floor, on the table, on sofas, and elsewhere.

Ray did not stay in the living room and went to Tsunade's bedroom, in which he sense her aura.

Entering the bedroom, he saw Senju Tsunade sitting on the bed and looking at one point.

Her beautiful blonde hair was a mess. Her usually bright and life-filled eyes were empty and lifeless and there were bags under them.

Ray didn't like the way Tsunade looked.

Looking at Tsunade, he began to think about what could cause her sadness and sorrow.

[Could this be… Nawaki's "death".] seeing the First Hokage's necklace in Tsunade's hands, Ray thought.

Ray went up to Tsunade and took her chin with two fingers, after which he lifted her head and looked into her coffee eyes.

Tsunade did not resist and looked into Ray's eyes with an empty look.

"Hey, Tsuna, you need to sleep. Sleep well. Everything will be fine," using genjutsu on her, Ray whispered.

"Ray..." Tsunade wanted to say something, but her eyes slowly closed and she fell into a dream.

Ray sat on the bed next to Tsunade and put her head in his l.a.p, after which he began to gently stroke her long hair.

"So this snake bastard didn't tell you the truth that he couldn't find Nawaki's body. Tch. Don't worry, your little brother is alive," stroking her silky hair, Ray said quietly.

Ray had no problems with Orochimaru, he did not consider him a bad person or his enemy. Yes, he is cruel and very ambitious, but he never pretends to be who he is not and does not wear a mask. If you compare him with Danzo or other old bastards, then Orochimaru is a holy and honest bastard.

This cannot be said of Jiraiya. Ray despised him and thought of him as toad garbage sage. He generally did not like toads and all their followers. Toads have too much impact on the history of this world. It was the toad that caused Kaguya to be sealed by her own "children". Toads influenced Jiraiya's mentality and made him believe in the "chosen one" and devote his whole life to this faith. Even Minato did not escape this influence and believed in the toads' prophecy, otherwise, he would never have sealed the nine-tailed fox within his own child, especially knowing how the villagers would relate to him.

[Several key events should happen in the next few months. The first is the death of Sasori's parents at the hands of Hatake Sakumo. And the second is the birth of the Sannin. After these events, Tsunade will become commander of the Suna front and Konoha will begin to win more and more battles.

At this time, one of the strangest and most suspicious events should happen... an attempt to abduct jinchuriki of the Nine-Tails, and its prevention by an ordinary genin. It doesn't matter, it has nothing to do with me.] looking at Tsunade's pacified face, Ray thought.

Ray always doubted this event, he did not believe that Kumo would try to abduct jinchuriki of another village when their village received significant damage from the war against Uzushio and was wage a small war against Kiri. It is simply unreasonable and stupid. And he did not believe that if they wanted to abduct jinchuriki, they would send shinobis on this mission who cannot even defeat the child.

Ray decided not to think too much about the future and closed his eyes, after which he immediately fell asleep...

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