Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 42: Dead in the sun

   "Wang Liu dare to change the military policy agreed upon by the generals based on his own likes and dislikes for no reason?"

  If you can find the ancient road, conquer the raven’s mouth, and even go down to the seven cities, it will be a marvelous achievement. With this credit, Qin Sang was directly promoted to the admiral, and no one dared to say anything.

   Qin Sang knew that Wang Liu was not pleasing to his eyes, so he definitely didn't want him to do meritorious service.

"It's not for no reason," Deputy General Feng sighed lightly. "The day before yesterday, the soldiers caught a medicine man who went into the mountain to gather medicine. They said that a few days ago, the ancient Ling Mountain was shaking, the mountains shook, and the beasts ran away. It lasted for a long time, and this became Wang Liu’s excuse. Wang Liu claimed that even if there were ancient roads in the Guling Mountain, it was buried by rocks, and it was useless to find it. It would have missed the military opportunity."

   "Is the earth dragon turning over?" Qin Sang frowned. He had just entered Guling Mountain and just started to act. He really didn't know about it.

   "It's not..."

   Lieutenant Feng's tone was a little weird, "The medicine man vowed to say that he saw two celestial beings flying over his head and that the celestial being fought in Gulin Mountain would cause an earthquake."

   "He really saw the gods?"

   Qin Sang's eyes lit up suddenly.

Vice-General Feng sneered: "Brother Qin, don't listen to the nonsense of the medicine man, Zhuojing is a nearby person, and there has never been a fairy legend in Gulin Mountain. This medicine man originally had several companions, all of whom were killed. He was the only one who ran out with a panic face. He was probably frightened insane. Wang Liu is not stupid. He believes in one-sided words. The real purpose is to target you and me."

   Qin Sang declined to comment, and thought for a while and said, "Can I meet that medicine man?"

  Vice General Feng was wrong, "Do you want to use him as a breakthrough? He is being held by Wang Liu's men now, I am afraid it will not be easy..."

   Before the words fell, there was a sound of footsteps outside, and only someone said: "General Feng, but General Qin is back? The final general is ordered by the admiral to ask General Qin to go to the Central Military Account to discuss matters."

   Qin Sang and Feng General looked at each other, and it seemed that Wang Liu couldn't wait.

   Following Wang Liu's soldiers, Qin Sang entered the army's big tent, and heard a chuckle first in his ears. When he looked up, Wang Liu was sitting behind Shuai's case, hugging left and right.

   Wang Liu is debauched, his two hands do not know where he went, two beautiful maidservants nestled in his arms, one serving him wine and the other serving him vegetables, eating happily.

   "At the end, you will see the admiral."

   Qin Sang clasped his fists in salute, and Wang Liu seemed to have not heard him, playing with his maidservant, making obscene language and unbearable.

   Qin Sang stood there silently, his expression free from sadness or joy.

   "Oh! It turned out to be General Qin!"

After drying Qin Sang for a while, Wang Liu seemed to see him, pretending to be surprised, and full of yin and yang. "General Qin is a dragon and phoenix. He has already joined the generals under the age of twenty. You have to make good friends, if you can worship. Brothers and sisters, sisters and brothers, and husband and wife, you can just get up and down, you don't have to laugh at Laozi! Do you think it is, Qin! General! Army!"

   The two girls smiled and disobeyed.

   These two women are very dusty, and Wang Liu asked them to bow down. This was a deliberate insult to Qin Sang.

   Qin Sang's face still has no waves, "The admiral is joking, but Qin Sang dare not."

   "Don't dare? How could you not dare?"

Wang Liu said with a playful smile: "General Qin, like He Ning County this time, has made an unworldly feat. Lao Tzu will have to make way for you. What else would you dare not dare to? What a pity, pity, you Said that those **** gods usually see the head but not the tail, but at this time they come out to fight and disturb General Qin’s good deeds. Isn’t it too disappointing? Ah? Haha..."

Qin Sang put on an attitude of lying down and ridiculing. After a while, Wang Liu felt that he was not very interesting, his face changed, and he said sharply: "You are not allowed to mention things about the ancient ways. I will use this information to fool this admiral in the future! Now I am ordering you to enter the ancient Lingguan to spy on the military situation. If you miss the military opportunity, you will not forgive!"

   Qin Sang's eyes flashed, Gu Lingguan was guarded heavily, and the walls were cleared. Going in to spy on intelligence was no different from sending him to death.

   "I will obey at the end!"

   Qin Sang took the order, exited the big account, and took a deep look back.

After walking a few times in the camp, Qin Sang returned to his military tent and whispered a few words to the water monkey. The water monkey led the way. Qin Sang sat in the tent and meditated for a while, before practicing Classics.

   A whole day passed, the clouds were blowing and raining, and the twilight was all over.

The water monkey hurriedly returned to the account, holding a note in his hand, and whispered: "General Qin, Zheng Kun sent a letter. Three days ago, there was indeed a shock in Gulin Mountain, but they did not find anyone who saw the gods. , A team of scouts found the location of the suspected ancient road, and Zhang Wenkui was going to check it out in person."

   Qin Sang took the note and glanced at it, burned to ashes on the candlestick, waved his hand, "I see, you can go back."

   late at night.

   There was only the footsteps of patrolling soldiers outside the tent, Qin Sang stopped practicing, the fire from outside the tent shone in, Qin Sang's eyes were extremely bright.

   Qin Sang took out the Yama banner, attached the divine sense to the Yama, closed his eyes slightly, and ordered the Yama to sneak into Wang Liu's military account, as if his eyes were on the Yama. This feeling was very magical.

   The Chinese military camp is not It is easy to find Wang Liu's military account. The guards who are guarding outside can't even think of it. There is an evil spirit sneaking into the account under their noses.

   Seeing the scene in the military tent, Qin Sang frowned fiercely.

   Now there are three people in the tent, but during the day the two dusty women don't know where they are going. They are replaced by a young girl and a young woman. The girl is **** with a rope, and her face is full of horror and even despair.

  Wang Liu took the wine glass and forced her to drink with a lewd smile.

   The girl had a strong temperament. She shook her head and didn't drink. Her teeth bit her lips. She was taken in two mouthfuls. She opened her mouth and spit out Wang Liu. She was slapped severely.

   "Smelly bitch, toast and not eat fine wine!"

   Wang Liu was furious, and the young woman slapped Wang Liu like a water snake, with a charming voice, "The general calms down, the little girl is ignorant and annoys the general. The slave family will help you fight the fire first..."

Wang Liu picked up the medicinal wine on the table and took a big mouthful, and squeezed it forcefully in the arms of the young woman, "It's better that you know how to make the master comfortable first. Take care of the master, and when you finish your work, let go of your dead husband. , Let your husband and wife reunite, haha..."

   The young woman replied again and again, taking the initiative to embrace her, with tears in her eyes.

   Qin Sang looked coldly, he recognized the identity of this young woman.

   Some time ago, Xuanweiying captured the small town in front of Gulin Mountain. After being arrested, the county magistrate swearing to die, she was tied behind a horse by Wang Liu and dragged to death. The young woman was the magistrate’s wife.

   In a blink of an eye, Wang Liu snorted, and when he was shaking, he took the opportunity to rush up.


   In the middle of the night, the Xuanwei campfire was brightly lit, and the generals gathered in front of the handsome account, including Qin Sang.

   Wang Liu's body was covered with a white cloth, and the guards knelt down below, shivering, and some even peeed their pants in fright.

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