Assassin Simulator: I deduced the accidental formula!

Chapter 134 [Suffocated to death!] 2 more!

Li Mo knew in advance that only Xia Rongzai's minions were left in the antique shop's house.

So he didn't have any burden to operate, and what he saw at this time——

It was originally separated by a wall that Li Mo couldn't see the antique shop where Ha Youngjae was.

But now those houses are directly bombed.

Exposing an empty scene.


He smiled so.

By the way, a perfect picture scroll was instantly frozen in his hands.

"Although the smoke is thick, it's enough that the manual review of the dark web can understand the meaning."

"This is unparalleled art! 35

And then for Xia Rongzai, at this time, he experienced the most unwilling situation in his life.

He was about to die.

And it wasn't because the killer instantly took his life, it was obviously an extravagant hope.

Instead, he slowly suffocated to death in an extremely painful way.

Of course, not only suffocation, but also pain all over the body and metal poisoning, including fractures and bleeding under the huge impact.


He reluctantly struggled to say something, but it aggravated himself even more, the oxygen in his body dissipated, so he helplessly closed his mouth.

This is the survival instinct.

But at this time, he felt like he was in a capital punishment.

Even if I started to regret why I was so afraid of death on weekdays, I often exercised.

It leads to excellent physical fitness and will not breathe in a short time.

You can only continue to suffer in such unbearable pain until death.

And this old man has not yet figured out why everything happened so far.

Obviously, everything was fine just a minute ago.

To be exact, 13 seconds ago.

"There is no problem with the surrounding road conditions. We have already received the specific schematic diagram of the previous oil tanker, and it will not crash. Don't worry, this small problem will occur, and we are not qualified to serve you." .


Ha Young-jae accurately received the rumors from his men who were escorting gold for him.

"You are doing well.

This was the last complete sentence he uttered.

Because the next second is the very heavy transport truck carrying gold, after passing the antique shop, about a distance of several tens of meters.

A flash of lightning fell, and it happened to be incomparably attracted by the billboard stuck directly above the fuel tank of the fuel tanker.

This pure metal substance can barely be regarded as a lightning rod, so the thunderbolt fell.

This moment does not need any explanation, even under the influence of the typhoon, the torrential rain falls.

That oil was also necessarily ignited.

Then came a bang!

Of course, Li Mo couldn't hear the thunder, not only him, but even those Xia Rongzai's teeth-grabbing ears on both sides of the street near the antique shop were temporarily deaf.

I only heard the first half second of the explosion, and the content behind it has completely fallen into a state of deafness.

To make an inappropriate analogy, it is like the accurate hitting of a baseball player.

The transport truck loaded with gold was directly knocked out by the force of the explosion and slammed into the antique shop.

Xia Youngjae's eyes reflected the shadow of the transport vehicle, which was rapidly falling towards him.

And the glass on the surface of the transporter reflected the owner to which it belonged, and the horror and fear in his eyes were incomparable.

But at this time, the manager of the antique shop reacted extremely quickly, and slammed out the object of his true allegiance.

As a matter of course, he was crushed into meat sauce by the overturned vehicle, but Xia Rongzai was not lucky, because in this violent impact, the rear storage part of the transport vehicle was directly knocked open!

A huge amount of gold, like he was submerged, smashed him to the ground with a huge impact, and buried Xia Rongzai in an extremely small space inside the antique store.

Needless to say, the other members of the shop were basically killed by the intrusion of the vehicle.

As for the rest of Xia Rongzai's subordinates, the closest part was affected by the explosion, some of them were killed directly, and some of them rolled on the ground full of pain.

Reluctantly, there were some people who were still able to maintain the ability to move freely, so they frantically ran in the direction of the antique store, and then opened their mouths in the blaze of fire.

They were temporarily speechless.

However, their idea of ​​saving their master was completely in vain.

Not to mention that the transporter has already covered most of the antique shop area, and Xia Rongzai himself is also buried in gold, unable to send out any distress signals at all.

When his subordinates found out that their boss was also the casino owner who once stunned the situation in Y City.

Xia Rongzai has now turned into a corpse, with an extremely miserable look on his face. In fact, his body functions have not completely stopped.

He was tortured to death!

"" "Are you....Are you okay?" The strong man at the head showed an extremely unbelievable look, he thought it was unbelievable.

You must know that the boss of the family has been assassinated countless times. How can this time he was smashed to death by gold without any resistance or the like under all preparations?

"Wait a minute, don't guess, this might just be a stand-in. No one knows how much preparation our boss has done."

Soon someone mentioned such a sentence in this dull atmosphere, and suddenly everyone seemed to have a few more hopes in their hearts.

And more people's eyes flickered. Before that, they never thought about what the death of their leader would bring.

But there is no doubt that the ground covered with gold has calmed down everyone's hearts a little, and then endless greed has arisen.

"Then let's take this gold away first, it's not safe to keep it here.

It's very (Nuo Nuo's) that someone proposed this very soon.

Then only a cold corpse responded to these people, the devil who once overcame countless lives and deaths, could no longer make a sound.

Perhaps before he died, Xia Rongzai finally understood the inexplicable voice that came from his heart in the morning.

Isn't this little man who gathers wealth and fears death in the end the gold he loves?

In the end, he also asked for benevolence.

"It's so perfect and artistic to die under this precious metal that I've deliberately collected."

Li Mo flipped through the photos he took, and felt that although it was not shocking enough without the use of filters, he still felt that if this photo could be judged, it could have won a Pulitzer Prize.

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