Assassin Simulator: I Deduced The Accidental Formula!

Chapter 7 [Ambulance Arrival: Target Death] The 1 update!

It seemed that everyone's reaction was delayed for a few seconds.

Then a stone stirred up a thousand waves!

All of a sudden, there was a commotion, including the employees in the store, who were stunned to see the car accident in the distance.

"My God!"

"This...this is horrible!"

"Should we call the police?"

One-third of the residents around turned on the lights and came to the window balcony to look downstairs.

The scene of the accident was horrific.


After a scream, the whole building was woken up, and everyone came outside with tired sleepiness.

Others quickly went downstairs to help.

"Quick, quick, call the police!"

A large number of people rushed towards the scene of the accident, first of all to rescue the driver in the dump truck.

The driver's injury was not serious. To be precise, he was only slightly injured. After all, seat belts and airbags protected important body parts.

Many people took out their mobile phones and took pictures, taking pictures of the terrifying scene of the car accident.

Many people covered their mouths and talked in fear: "It's horrible."

"Yeah, this little car is squashed!"

"I guess people are gone!"

Li Mo was also mixed in the crowd, matching the atmosphere: "Yeah, it's too scary, I don't know if it's drunk driving!"

About fifteen minutes.

beep, beep-

The traffic police and ambulances also arrived at the scene from front to back. Everyone gathered the strength of the masses and began to rescue the car driver who was under pressure.

Li Mo naturally participated in it, and he said seriously: "Come on, I count one, two, three!"

"Let's work hard together!"

"Raise the car and save the people!"




Not to mention, the power of the masses is huge, and a dozen people at the same time forcefully lifted the squashed car up.

Unfortunately, the doctor shook his head as he hurried up to check for signs of life.


"Dead on the spot!"

"No breathing, no pulse!"

"And the injuries are very serious, with broken legs and most likely a fractured sternum."

"The initial diagnosis is that the rib was crushed, directly injuring the internal organs, and died after squeezing the internal organs!"


Three thirty in the morning.

Li Mo was standing in his room, still in an indescribably complicated state.

Still hunting.

Although he didn't do it himself, he actually did it.

Of course, he didn't think there was anything wrong with what he did. Originally, that guy had hurt so many people, and he should be punished!

And looking back 10,000 steps, someone has already issued a death bounty.

Even if you don't do it yourself, there may be other assassins who take on the task, and the other party is still dead.

As the mood slowly adjusted, it was replaced by the joy of having researched an accidental formula and achieved a proud result!

There was an indescribable excitement in his eyes, and he took a deep breath.


"Let me see what to do next!"

He took out his laptop, then logged in to the mysterious "Dark Net Organization" forum and entered the account password on it.

He jokingly whispered, "Then how do I get this death bounty?!"

"Three hundred thousand!"

"Not much to say, not much to say, but it can also meet my expenses!"

He tapped his fingers lightly on the desktop and carefully read the trading rules of this website.

The platform entrustment method used in "Dark Net" is guaranteed by a third party. Those who spend money to post a reward will only randomly generate a set of code names, and pay the amount of the entrusted reward first.

And the "Dark Net" platform will release the relevant death assassination tasks according to the client's needs after receiving the money!

Once the mission is done!

Assassins performing the mission need to log in to the account at the first time, and post the photo of the target's death, and wait for the review of the "Dark Net" to confirm the authenticity of the photo.

After confirming the death of the target through the relevant intelligence network, 15% of the handling fee will be deducted, and the remaining bounty will be transferred to the assassin's "Dark Net" wallet!

Assassins can choose a variety of channels to withdraw the bounty in the wallet!

[Channel 1: Express parcels! Just fill in the recipient information, and the staff will disguise the bounty and send it out]

(Hint: This channel withdraws the bounty, and we are not responsible for losing the platform on the way!)

[Channel 2: Make a payment by leaving a bank account and the name of the bank card holder! 】

(Hint: The dark net will never reveal the identity information of the assassin, otherwise it will not be able to gain the trust and support of everyone!)

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Old author's new book quality assurance! Ask for a review ticket! Ask for a monthly pass! Ask for flowers!

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