Assassin’s Adventure

Chapter 97: landing on the island

When the time came to evening, the island that Coolidge mentioned appeared in Gordon's field of vision.

He took out his binoculars and looked at the towering rocks on the island, and even a waterfall fell into the lush jungle. From time to time, birds took off, looking extremely alive.

"Ellen, determine the scope of the island base!"

He retracted the telescope and called to Alan on the observation deck above.

"There are still two hundred meters, Captain!"

"Prepare to stop, the sailor pulls up the sails and ties it up, we may stay here for a while."

"Yes Captain."

The sailors took action one after another, and the ship slowed down as the sails decreased, until the whole ship stopped at the edge of the island base with the sound of clattering iron chains.


Gordon looked at his docking boat, which was very outstanding. They could even walk on this shallow water island that was submerged in their waists without using a small boat.

"Hi! Hi..."

Suddenly there was a cry from the shore, and a man with no clothes on his upper body ran frantically from the beach, barefooted, looking a little thin, but running at an astonishing speed.

This man kept reaching out to get the attention of the crew, and he did.

He stepped on the water and kept getting closer to the boat. The sailors were still wary of this kind of stranger who ran out of nowhere. Some people put their hands on the machete to see if the island would still rush. out other people.

"Relax the sailors, it's just a sailor in distress. He only has a machete in his hand and has no threatening ability."

Gordon looked at the people in front of him with some relief. As a person who was once on a deserted island, he could understand his carnival heart for the people in front of him, and the joy of seeing hope in times of despair.

The man in distress climbed up from the stairs on the side of the ship, then took Gordon's outstretched hand and boarded the deck of the ship.

"Welcome to the Jackdaw boy."

"Thank you, thank you." The distressed sailor cried with joy and fell to his knees on the deck. "Almighty Lord, thank you for guiding me to find the way to survive, I pray to you..."

One lasted for a while, and the sailors looked at the man curiously. Someone handed him a towel and asked him to wipe his body.

"I'm Captain Gordon, what's your name?"

"Thomas, Thomas Jon, sir." Jon wiped the tears from his face, then looked up at Gordon.

"Sir, it's very important that I need to return to England as soon as possible to visit Duke Strange!"

Gordon took a look at the man in front of him. He had dark skin and a thin body. He had no shoes or upper body clothes, but his trousers still seemed to have the style of the Royal Navy.

Gordon nodded: "Okay, Mr. Jon, the destination of our trip is London, and we will leave after supplying some fresh water on this small island."

"Mr. Gordon, I think I can help."

Jon, who has lived on the island for a long time, is familiar with this place, but fresh water is not difficult to find.

"Forget it Jon, you need to take a good rest now, have some rum, or a cigarette, trust me, we'll set sail soon."

Jon took the rum that Gordon handed over, nodded, and continued: "Sir, the only thing to be careful about on the island is a group of wild boars and jaguars. I hope you have enough weapons."


Hearing this, Gordon's eyes lit up, he remembered that the skin of a jaguar could make something.


He meditated in his heart, then found the production line, and found what he wanted.

Life upgrade:

Consumption: Two leopard skins.

Effect: Increases HP by 2 points.

Yes, that's what I want. Gordon now only has three health points to have a super-high injury recovery rate. If he gains two more points, he can reach a height of five points.

"Get your boats ready, weapons, sailors, ready to go ashore."

"Yes Captain!"

The sailors began to get busy, hoisting more boats from the lower cabin through the winch, emptying the wooden barrels containing the smelly fresh water, and making the final preparations before landing on the island.

And Gordon hummed a little tune, and then returned to his captain's room.

Mickey followed Go onto the boat, along with 30 sailors, paddling the boat towards this unknown island.

"Captain, what's in your bucket?"

Mitch looked at the barrel in Gordon's arms and asked curiously.

"Of course it's clothes. All my clothes smell like sea water. They're about to stink, so I need to wash them well."


The group finally came to the island. Gordon looked at the location of the waterfall in the distance, and then walked in that direction with his hands.

"Be vigilant, there are jaguars in this area!"

Of course, there is no need to remind Mickey, all sailors are careful, and no one wants to lose their lives in this place.

Two sailors opened the way with machetes in front and cut the canes blocking the road. Most of the people behind were carrying wooden barrels. Gordon stepped on a shallow depression with some Looking at the waterline spreading in the distance, and the echo of the waterfall getting bigger and bigger.

After finally pushing away the last bush, I saw a waterfall with a loud noise right in front of me. Thousands of tons of water dripped down from here, and then hit hard, splashing a large amount of water mist, even at dusk. , a dim rainbow can still be seen above the waterfall.

"Yo hoo!"

Seeing such a spectacular scene in front of him, Gordon shouted and jumped directly into the river.

The cool river water soaked his body, and finally washed away the dirt, and the whole person felt a lot cooler.

However, the current here was very turbulent, and Gordon rushed downstream for a considerable distance, and then climbed ashore again.

"Happy, Mickey! Don't you jump down and wash?"

He looked at the sailors upstream and shouted.

Then Mickey rolled his eyes, there are so many stones under the water, we are not you, and if we hit something, we will die.

Some sailors filled the wooden barrels with fresh water, and then drenched them from head to toe, cheering continuously. In the sea, this scarce fresh water is extremely precious.

The sailor's door, which had been cleaned, began to walk a little upstream, so that the wooden barrel was immersed in the water and filled with fresh water.

Gordon began to take his clothes out of the bucket one by one downstream, and threw them in the water to wash them. In this era when there is no soap and washing powder at all, it can only be washed in this simple way, which is better than Don't wash it at all.

Some sailors began to carry the barrels and walked back, and there were also sailors who were vigilant around them. They kept rotating, and almost every sailor on the Jackdaw came to a baptism.

And so, it continued until the night came.

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