Astral Douluo

Chapter 27 - Talk With Xu Xiaoyan!

"You like her don't you?" Gu Yue said inside Tang Xingxi's room, overpowering him and leaning him onto the wall.

"Huh?" responded a surprised Tang Xingxi.

He truly didn't realize a woman's instinct was so powerful, even at this age! "Well, Gu Yue is more than a thousand year old so…' Tang Xingxi thought as Gu Yue shot him a questioning gaze.

"Hey, are you thinking of something rude?" Gu Yue asked, making Tang Xingxi sweat lightly.

"No," he quickly replied, fearing her wrath.

"Hmmph! Better be!" Gu Yue said, puffing out her c.h.e.s.t and turning around before finishing, "You know, I am fine with your harem plan, but you know that I have to approve of her first right?"

Before Tang Xingxi could even respond, Gu Yue left the room saying, "I'll be watching… "

Stunned for a moment, Tang Xingxi chuckled before sitting down on his bed. Suddenly, his stomach growled, and Tang Xingxi started to feel hungry. Checking the clock, Tang Xingxi sighed and got up thinking, 'Makes sense. It's already 6 anyways. I hope the canteen has enough food left…'

Arriving at the dining hall, Tang Xingxi was about to line up before seeing his brother waving to him on the other side of the room.

"Bro! Come here! They made a separate stall for us!" Tang Wulin said as his brother went closer.

Leisurely walking to the stall, Tang Xingxi looked at it. Seeing his brother get a literal pile of food, Tang Xingxi smirked slightly before going to the stall and asking for his usual portions.

"Umm, miss? Can I get 100 bowls of soup, 96 plates of vegetables, 150 salmon sashimi platters (How the f.u.c.k does that exist here!?), 95 pork buns and 50 almond jellies please?" (TX)

"Wha-what!? Umm, yes, it'll just take a while," replied the woman manning the stall, horrified by the amount that the blue-haired young man was eating.

"Oh, then, can you deliver it to my seat?" Tang Xingxi asked.

Panicked, the woman replied yes, before rushing to the back of the stall, into the kitchen and hurriedly ordering the chefs to work.

Walking to an empty table by the end of the room, Tang Xingxi relaxed as he waited for his food. No one dared to sit next to him as everyone else knew that even though a literal mountain of plates was not right in front of him yet, it would be there soon enough.

Walking to the mess hall, Xu Xiaoyan was looking for a place to sit. She wasn't hungry as she had a snack bar before coming here (Snack bar? Seriously?). Instead, she was looking for someone. Specifically, Tang Xingxi. He didn't seem very approachable, and even though he never gave off an aura, he seemed like the most powerful person in the room. And during his last attack, Xu Xiaoyan thought her Starwheel Ice Staff was exposed to nighttime as she felt that she could use star energy.

Looking around, Xu Xiaoyan found him at an empty table. 'Oh, is he a loner? No one's at his table, even Gu Yue who claimed to be his 'girlfriend' earlier in class today. Well, I have my own questions anyway,' Xu Xiaoyan thought as she took the seat in front of him.

"Hi! Can I take this seat?" she asked cutely.

Everyone watching this scene stared at her thinking, 'No! Don't! It's impossible to sit with him! His food will take up the whole table and he'll look like a gluttonous monster! He's even worse than his brother!'

"Yeah, sure. What else can I do? You're already seated," replied Tang Xingxi nonchalantly.

Not even minding the lackl.u.s.tre response, Xu Xiaoyan asked, "So, why did your power simulate my spirit's mode at nighttime?"

Eyes widening at the words, Tang Xingxi sat up straight and carefully examined her. About to ask something, he was immediately silenced by the steaming hot mountain of plates in front of him.

"H-h-here's your food!" the unlucky waitress said before running back to the kitchen swearing, "Please don't let this guy come back here again…"

'New recruit huh?' Tang Xingxi thought before gorging himself on the 415 plates of food stacked up like a mountain.

As he gorged himself, Xu Xiaoyan was inwardly sweating. 'W-what is going on? How can someone possibly eat this much! He's actually ignoring me! I bet he won't even be able to finish half of that!'

But, reality proved her wrong. By the time he was eating the last bowl of almond jelly, Xu Xiaoyan was hanging her head by her side, thinking, 'What is life?'

"So…you want to know why my last attack made your spirit seem like it was nighttime?" Tang Xingxi asked, the last spoonful of almond jelly in his mouth.

"Y-y-yes! But first," Xu Xiaoyan said, still spooked by Tang Xingxi's display, "How the hell is your stomach not bloated!"

Looking at her with surprise, Tang Xingxi laughed before saying, "So, me not being fat is more important to you than your own power? Perhaps…you are starting to care for me?"

Hearing this, Xu Xiaoyan blushed before bashfully replying, "Come on! Just tell me the answer to my first question!"

"Alright, alright," Tang Xingxi replied as he signalled her to calm down, "My first martial spirit is a star-related one. It, combined with my bloodline basically makes my spirit the sovereign of light and stars."

"What?" Xu Xiaoyan was sweating slightly, yet also slightly elated. Tang Xingxi had just told her that he had control over star energy. That meant that what happened during the spar wasn't a fluke! It could happen again! She might actually be able to use star energy at any given time!

Putting her hands together, Xu Xiaoyan did a small bow in her seat and said, "Teach me!"

"H-huh?" Tang Xingxi said, surprised at her outburst, "What do you mean?"

"U-um, you said that your spirit is star-related and that you have control over star energy. Considering you could even shape your energy like that, c-could you teach me how?" replied Xu Xiaoyan, albeit a bit shakily.

'Hmm, thoughtful and determined. Well, I want her in my harem so… alright, I'll teach her,' thought Tang Xingxi, his head resting on his chin.

"Alright, I'll teach you theoretical stuff, upgrade your spirit and give you practical training. Just don't give up later got it?" A deadly grin radiated from Tang Xingxi's mouth as he said this. An invisible aura of terror fell upon a ten-meter area around him causing some students to tremble in their knees and light-hearted ones to faint.

Xu Xiaoyan was shaking in her seat too. 'What kind of training is this madman going to make me do?' Shaking her head, Xu Xiaoyan shook off any unnecessary thoughts and said, "Yes!" in a surprisingly cute voice.

"Alright then. For theoretical training, do you want me to talk about ice, or stars because I can evolve your spirit in either direction," Tang Xingxi said.

"O-okay." 'Hmm, which one indeed. Ice might be good. I got Tang Xingxi surprised by it… but maybe my starlight shackles would be better. Seeing as how I'm more powerful with star powers and we already have an elemental… alright, star powers it is!'

"How about stars?" Xu Xiaoyan cheerfully replied.

"Alright! First though," Tang Xingxi leaned in a bit as he spoke, "what do you already know about stars?"

Xu Xiaoyan started to answer, "Umm, they are really shiny, far from us and u-u-umm…" 'Crap! I don't know anything about stars!' Xu Xiaoyan thought as she immediately stopped speaking.

'This is going to be difficult,' thought Tang Xingxi. He had assumed that basic knowledge about life and matter was already commonly known, but it seems that he couldn't expect so much from a world that hasn't even figured out how to make gunpowder.

"Alright, let's first talk about what a star is…" (TX)

'Hah! Is this real! Stars are only cold and bright and not warm in myths, and even then it's just a misconception! The sun is a star! Stars have life cycles! Stars can become black holes which eat everything up! Stars are known as celestial masses because of how much gravity they have. They create orbit and that's why we have seasons and a moon! Our continent is part of a planet! Our earth spins! How does he know all of this!' Xu Xiaoyan thought, 'Looking at his expression, however, he doesn't seem to be lying—'

"Oh shoot! I am so stupid!" Tang Xingxi suddenly said, interrupting Xu Xiaoyan's train of thought, "Hold on!" Grabbing Xu Xiaoyan's lender waist, Tang Xingxi ran outside the hall and right into the courtyard faster than one could blink their eyes.

Softly landing in the middle of the courtyard, the wind around him seemed to topple the idea as a huge gust of it shook even the tree a few meters away from him. Putting a dazed Xu Xiaoyan down, Tang Xingxi started to concentrate.

'Dammit! I forgot the reason why I created a star-soul in the first place! I studied the science and mythological topic of stars! Let's try the sun first before life cycles. It should also help Xu Xioayan because she's limited by the day. If she can see stars as daylight…' Tang Xingxi thought as he summoned his spirit and held it above his head.

Xu Xiaoyan, on the other hand, was flabbergasted at the sight in front of her. in front of her, a classmate she had talked with, and even though he wasn't older than her in the slightest, was so much more powerful than her. Fine, that's acceptable! He has twin spirits and five bloodlines! That's acceptable…he's already a spirit elder and has a grey ring! Fine, fine…as if! What the hell does grey mean! Everyone knows orange means a hundred-thousand-year spirit soul, but what does grey mean!

Completely oblivious to Xu Xiaoyan's shock, nor the fact that he had indeed released his spirit rings, Tang Xingxi concentrated on what he was doing.

Focusing on creating a star, Tang Xingxi transformed his orb. Starting with the innermost part of a star, it's core (Sorry, science info dump. Also, I don't know why the outermost layer of a star is so freaking ironic at this time period). 'At a density 10 times that of lead and a temperature of at least 27 million degrees Fahrenheit, the core is the most important part of the star. It gives off the neutrinos, gamma rays and heat. The core should also be gaseous due to the heat…'

During this process, Tang Xingxi's spirit deviated from its normally solid form and turned gaseous. 'Next is the radiative zone where energy is transported by radiation. It becomes less efficient for energy to move by radiation, and heat energy starts to build up at the outside of the radiative zone. That energy begins to move by convection, in huge cells of circulating gas several hundred kilometres in diameter.' Another layer forming over the orb, the emanating heat seemed to be more controlled.

'The next layer would be the Photosphere. Visible light is emitted through this layer. In the case of the sun, this light can easily be detected by the n.a.k.e.d eye. In the case of a distant star, a telescope might be required for viewing. Information about the temperature, composition and pressure of a star's photosphere is revealed by the spectrum of light.' A bead of sweat dripping from his forehead, Tang Xingxi created another layer which made a bright white light.

Creating the next part of the star, Tang Xingxi focused on making a chromosphere. 'In the sun, the chromosphere is red-coloured from an abundance of hydrogen gas, though this colour can only be seen with special filters or during an eclipse as a red circle. Solar flares that emerge from sunspots in the photosphere shoot out through the chromosphere.' A filter seemed to cover the star, making it turn red and yellow.

Xu Xiaoyan looked on in wonder as she realized what Tang Xingxi was doing. 'He's making a star from scratch, and now he's making the sun!?' Xu Xiaoyan's spirit slightly resonated with the knowledge.

'Shoot! I don't have enough energy to sustain this!' Tang Xingxi immediately activated his celestial bloodline and amplified his spirit, soul and mental power.

Focusing once more, Tang Xingxi finally made the last part of the star. The corona (I did not make this up). The outermost part of a star is the corona. It extends for millions of miles into space. The sun's corona can only be seen by the n.a.k.e.d eye during a solar eclipse. Immense clouds of glowing gas called prominences erupt from the upper chromosphere and shoot into the corona. The star's final from taking shape, Tang Xingxi stood on the ground, sweating buckets with a big smile on his face.

"H-how is this possible?" Xu Xiaoyan looked at the sun in Tang Xingxi's hands. The sun is a star too and stars are hot! That would also mean that what Tang Xingxi had told her wasn't false and everything he knew about stars were true too!

Tang Xingxi's amber eyes looking at the ground in front of him, he said out loud, "Cruel Sun!"

Swinging his hand downwards, the sun he created fell to the ground. It's heat scorching everything in its path, an explosion boomed throughout the entire campus as half of the courtyard was evaporated into nothingness.

Xu Xiaoyan looked on in equal parts shock and horror. Her spirit unknowingly evolved with the influx of new comprehension on the topic of stars. Seeing Tang Xingxi's gaze turn away from the explosion and to her face, Xu Xiaoyan felt flushed for a reason she couldn't explain.

His eyes perking up, Tang Xingxi said, "Oh? It seems your spirit evolved!"

"Huh!?" Xu Xiaoyan didn't realize. Summoning out her spirit, she noticed some major things. First, her staff wasn't blue, yellow and silver. It was now a mix of colours. Black, silver, blue, red, yellow; Every colour was there. Another change was at the top of the staff. Instead of a star made of ice, there was a crescent moon design with an orb made of star energy in the middle ( - Just mix up the colours).

Intrigued by this development, Tang Xingxi said in his mind, 'Flaws!' and read the Library of Heaven's Path's description.

[Celestial Starstaff, An evolution of the Starwheel Icestaff, this martial spirit has understood the modern concept of stars. Adding in the fact that a being with the celestial bloodline was the one that gifted the host of the spirit this knowledge, the spirit has stolen a few traces of the celestial bloodline. Paired with scientific understanding, it gave birth to the Celestial Starstaff.]

"…" was the reaction Tang Xingxi got from reading this. 'Damn! Xu Xiaoyan is getting stronger! Much stronger than I thought, even with just this showcase! Well, this is good. At least she won't be a maiden always in need of saving.' Unknown to him, Gu Yue had been hiding by a nearby corner and discovered this interaction.

'Maybe he can help me too…' Gu Yue thought before quickly and quietly disappearing.

"Alright, well, goodnight!" Tang Xingxi said to Xu Xiaoyan after telling her to meet him after school tomorrow for the practical training.

"Bye!" Xu Xiaoyan replied cutely before scampering off to her dorm room.

Moving quickly, Tang Xingxi reached his room in no time. Even before the wind could catch up to him, Tang Xingxi contained the gust and sent it out where it would disturb no one. Getting on his bed and entering a meditative position, Tang Xingxi entered his spirit sea and called out for Aura.

"Yes, master?" Aura said, bowing slightly.

"Quickly create for me a testing space where I can make new moves," TangXingxi ordered, thinking how to minimize the cost of creating the sun.

"Alright," Aura replied. Putting her hands in front of her, the spirit sea twisted and turned until a blank space appeared in front of Tang Xingxi's eyes.

"Done," Aura said as she bowed and opened a portal, "Good luck!" Exiting the space through the portal, Aura returned to the main space.

Summoning the sun, Tang Xingxi began to hasten the process. Creating each layer at the same time, and many other attempts.

"Hah, hah, hah! Yes! I did it!" Lifting his hands in the air, Tang Xingxi clenched his fists with a smile on his face. He had managed to create a bunch of moves, and now, all he had to do was organize them as a series and he'd be done.

A bit of organizing later, Tang Xingxi succeded. (Author will show)

Solar Series:

1. Cruel Sun - A sun is created which the host can control freely. The host can also explode the sun at any given moment and deal immense damage to whoever and whatever is near it.

2. Solar Flare - The created sun will send out a flare which scorches and pierces its target. The flare, if used during explosion can also make the explosion stronger.

Star Cycle:

1. Stellar Nebula - The key to the formation of a star, the target of this attack is slammed over and over again by plasma, dust and gasses which burn and scorch the body and soul of who or whatever the target is.

2. Massive Star - A larger and hotter version of Cruel Sun. Cannot explode.

3. Red Supergiant - A larger, hotter and more unstable version of Massive Star. Can explode on user's will. Solar Flares will be released constantly.

4. Supernova - An explosion which destroys all in its wake, it burns brighter than the billions of stars found in any galaxy. The force behind the explosion will atomize its targets. Based on the host's control, the explosion can be as small or large as he wishes it to be (size of supernova).

5. Neutron Star - Collapsing on itself continuously, the neutron star has an immense gravitational and magnetic force. The host can tamper with the amount of each force and manipulate it like Cruel Sun.

6. Black Hole - This will suck anything within a range set by the host into its centre faster than the speed of light. If the force doesn't immediately disintegrate the target, the target will fall into a singularity and die becoming part of it.

Odd Star Series:

1. Black Dwarf - A white dwarf which lost so much heat that its luminescence disappeared. Small, hot, dark and stealthy. Can be manipulated like Cruel Sun without the explosion ability.

2. Quark Star - Can be manipulated like Cruel Sun. Is basically a very large nucleon

3. Dark Nebulae - Plunges an area into to absence of light.

4. Reflection Nebulae - Reflects all light. Can be used as mirrors.

5. Preon Star - A star which emits dark matter. Can be manipulated like Cruel Sun.

6. Boson Star - Invisible and doughnut-shaped, it is a mobile black hole.

7. Planck Star - Quantization of gravity and spacetime. This star can possibly affect the spacetime continuum.

Satisfied with his work, Tang Xingxi exited the space and his spirit sea. Opening his eyes, Tang Xingxi found Gu Yue seated right in front of him. Her big violet eyes reflecting off the moonlight, Tang Xingxi seemed to forget any words which could come out of his mouth.

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